• Azərbaycan Xalq Cümhuriyyəti hökumətinin 1918-ci il 28 may tarixli qərarı ilə maarif və təhsil üzrə ilk nazirlik-Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyi yaradılıb. Nazirlər Şurasının 30 iyun 1918-ci il tarixli qərarı ilə Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyinin üç şöbədən (ümumi orta təhsil, ali və orta ixtisas təhsili, peşə məktəbləri) ibarət strukturu təsdiq olunub.

    Azərbaycan SSR Xalq Komissarları Sovetinin 28 aprel 1920-ci il tarixli qərarı ilə Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyinin adı dəyişdirilərək Xalq Maarifi Komissarlığı adı ilə yenidən təşkil edilib və ölkədəki bütün təhsil müəssisələri bu qurumun tabeliyinə verilib.

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Deputy Minister of Science and Education attends 6th meeting of the Scientific Council of the International Turkic Academy

The Deputy Minister of Science and Education, Idris Isayev, took part in the 6th meeting of the Scientific Council of the International Turkic Academy in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic.   Addressing the meeting, the Deputy Minister highly appreciated the contribution of activities supported by the International Turkic Academy in enhancing cooperation in the field of education among member countries. Idris Isayev noted the importance of exchange of students and teachers between Turkish states as well as the development of joint textbooks.   As part of the 6th meeting of the Scientific Council of the International Turkic Academy, Idris Isayev also met with the Minister of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, Kanybek Imanaliyev. During the meeting, they discussed the prospects for developing the existing cooperation between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of education and also emphasized the importance of exchanging experiences in areas of mutual interest.   The Deputy Minister also met with the President of the International Turkic Academy Shahin Mustafayev. Issues of joint cooperation between the Ministry of Science and Education of Azerbaijan and the International Turkiс Academy were discussed at the meeting.

The delegation led by the Minister of Science and Education Emin Amrullayev is on visit to France

The delegation led by the Minister of Science and Education Emin Amrullayev is on visit to France.   On the 27th of March, the Azerbaijani Minister of Science and Education Emin Amrullayev met with the Rector of the University of Strasbourg Prof. Michel Deneken. The sides discussed strengthening cooperation in science and education, development of cooperation in the field of scientific research and exchange of students.   The meeting also included a presentation on the development prospects of the Azerbaijani-French University (UFAZ) for 2024-2030.   During the two-day visit, the delegation visited various scientific laboratories and research centers at the University of Strasbourg and met UFAZ students who are currently undertaking an internship at the university.   It should be noted that UFAZ was established in 2014 at the initiative of the presidents of Azerbaijan and France. UFAZ, as part of a consortium run by the Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry and the French University of Strasbourg, awards dual diplomas to graduates.

Minister of Education and Science of Georgia at the opening of STEAM centre in Gakh district

On March 15, the Georgian Minister of Education and Science Mikheil Chkhenkeli, who is on a working visit to our country, together with Minister of Science and Education Emin Amrullayev attended the opening ceremony of STEAM Centre at a school-lyceum No.2 named after N. Allahverdiyev in Gakh city.   Musa Shakiliyev, Head of the Executive Power of Gakh district, Faig Guliyev, Azerbaijani Ambassador to Georgia, Zurab Pataradze, Georgian Ambassador to Azerbaijan, also participated in the event. The guests first visited the monument to the great leader Heydar Aliyev and laid flowers in front of the monument.   The guests were then acquainted with the conditions created at the school-lyceum. Emin Amrullayev and Mikhail Chhenkeli familiarized themselves with the teaching process in the Azerbaijani and Georgian sections of the school and talked to the teachers and students. The school-lyceum reportedly has 32 Azeri, 11 Russian and 10 Georgian classes, with a total of 53 classes. Together with the preschool preparatory groups, 946 students study at the educational institution, 157 teachers are engaged in their training.   During the acquaintance with the newly opened STEAM Center at the school- lyceum, the guests were told that STEAM has been taught at this educational institution for 3 years already. Fully equipped with innovative technologies, the center is designed for use by all age groups, it has zones for science, zones of "Logo System" for younger pupils, CNC mechatronics and 3D printing, and drone directions.   The Minister of Science and Education Emin Amrullaev, and his Georgian counterpart then visited the village of Alibeyli, where Georgians live, and visited the Shota Rustaveli secondary school, where education is conducted in the Georgian language. It was reported that the educational institution had been reconstructed and commissioned in 2019 in accordance with a relevant order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr Ilham Aliyev. The 216-seat school building, built to modern standards, has along with classrooms 11 subject cabinets, 2 laboratories, 2 technology rooms, computer and pre military preparatory rooms, as well as a canteen, assembly and sports halls and auxiliary premises. There are 30 teachers for 158 pupils in the school.   The schoolchildren then performed national dances of Azerbaijan and Georgia and performed musical numbers.   At the end of the visit, the guests took a commemorative photo with pupils and teachers.

Graduation day of the "CODE FOR FUTURE" project at the Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry

On 13 March, a graduation day was organized for students at the Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry as part of the “Code for Future” project.   The event was attended by Emin Amrullayev, Minister of Science and Education, Andrei Lobanov, CEO of the international education company “Algorithmics”, rectors of higher education institutions and other guests.   Speaking at the event, Minister of Science and Education Emin Amrullayev noted the particular importance of the “CODE FOR FUTURE” project in the development of the IT market. According to him, the project has aroused great interest among young people and it is planned to expand the project in the coming years.   For his part, a rector of the Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry Mustafa Babanly said that today 593 graduates of the project have received a certificate of successful completion.   Speaking at the event, Andrei Lobanov, CEO of the international education company «Algorithmics”, noted that IT skills are a great opportunity for students to choose their future, and by developing digital skills, they can work in any profession.   The “CODE FOR FUTURE” project manager Nazrin Alieva then made a presentation at the event.   The students of the Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry who graduated from the "Code for the Future" project then presented their graduation theses.   At the end of the event, the 12 most successful students of the project were awarded certificates from the hands of the Minister of Science and Education.   It should be noted that the aim of the “Code for Future” project is to train students in web development, system administration and QA-engineering programs as "junior" level specialists.

"Novruz lecture" in the village of Aghali

On March 10, the Ministry of Science and Education organized a "Novruz lecture" in the village of Aghali in Zangilan district.   “The Novruz Lecture” was attended by Deputy Minister of Science and Education Firudin Gurbanov, MPs, academics and members of the public, as well as media representatives.   The moderator of the “Novruz lecture”, writer Elchin Huseinbeyli, stressed the importance of holding such an event in the village of Aghali and, after introducing the participants, declared the event open.   Deputy Minister of Science and Education Firudin Gurbanov spoke in his speech about the victory won in the 44-day Patriotic War thanks to the determination of our army, united under the "Iron Fist" of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev.   The deputy minister also noted the historical significance of holding the "Novruz Lecture" in Zangilan, which was liberated from the occupation. Firudin Gurbanov said that "Novruz lectures" have already become a tradition and that the first lecture held in Aghali was useful in terms of educating the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism and national-spiritual values.   Professor Karim Shukurov, Director of the Institute of History, then delivered a lecture entitled "From Victory to the Great Return". In his lecture, Kerim Shukurov noted that the 44-day Patriotic War opened a new era in the history of Azerbaijan.   An exchange of views on the subject followed. Other guests who spoke drew the lecture's attention to the modern infrastructure of the village of Agali.   At the end of the event, the books were donated to the library of the Aghali village secondary school.   After the lecture, trees were planted in Aghali village as part of the "Heydar Aliyev 100" tree-planting campaign.   At the end of the event, participants gathered around a Novruz bonfire and listened to music.

Meeting with the Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for International Cultural Cooperation

On 9 March, the Minister of Science and Education of Azerbaijan Emin Amrullayev has held a meeting with Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for International Cultural Cooperation Mikhail Shvydkoy.   The current state of ties between Azerbaijan and Russia in the field of education and the prospects for further cooperation were discussed at the meeting.

Minister of Science and Education meets Algerian ambassador

On 9 March, Minister of Science and Education Emin Amrullayev has met with the newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria to Azerbaijan Abdelouahab Osmane.   During the meeting, the ambassador thanked for the opportunity given to 3 Algerian nationals to study in the Republic of Azerbaijan within the educational grant established by the government of the Republic of Azerbaijan for citizens of member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.   The parties then discussed the prospects for cooperation between Azerbaijan and Algeria in the field of education.

Infotour to STEAM Innovation Centre

An infotour to the STEAM Innovation Centre was organized on 23 February.   The infotour was attended by media executives, prominent members of the public and media representatives.   Participants were first informed about the centre. It was noted that the aim of the STEAM Innovation Centre, which is an extension of the “STEAM Azerbaijan” project, is to channel students' potential and interests into the work of serving society, encouraging students to learn. Pupils and students of different ages who apply to the Сentre will improve their 21st-century skills - creativity, development of cooperation as well as the use of modern ICT equipment using different programming languages.   At the centre, guests were introduced to the Idea Workshop, the flight simulator called "In the Air with Numbers", as well as "Science on a Sphere", "Illusions and Physical Exhibits", "Virtual Reality" and "Simple Programming" and other rooms.   During the infotour, questions of interest to participants were answered.

Seminar on "Implementation of the Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) in the education sector and the transition to results-based budgeting mechanism"

On February 22, the Ministry of Finance hosted a seminar on "Implementation of the Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) in the education sector and the transition to results-based budgeting mechanism".   The seminar was attended by heads and representatives of the Presidential Administration of Azerbaijan, the Cabinet of Ministers, the Chamber of Accounts, the central executive authorities, and other state institutions. In addition, the members of the committees of Azerbaijan’s Milli Mejlis (Parliament) on science and education and economic policy, and representatives of international organizations, as well as experts and researchers also took part in the seminar.   The main objective of the seminar was to inform about the work done on the implementation of the MTEF and the process of transition to the results-based budgeting mechanism, including the results of the activities carried out in the MTEF in the education sector, and to discuss the emerging challenges and the next steps in the reform process. In his speech, Finance Minister Samir Sharifov noted that in recent years, under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, large-scale reforms have been implemented in improving public finance management in Azerbaijan as well. Samir Sharifov also noted that one of the priority directions of these reforms is the implementation of the MTEF and the transition to results-based budgeting mechanism.   Speaking at the seminar, Minister of Science and Education Emin Amrullayev outlined the work carried out and objectives being undertaken towards the development of education in our country. The Minister stressed that the state programmes approved by the President in the field of education, decrees and orders signed by him in recent years, especially the document "Strategy of socio-economic development of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2022-2026" are of great importance for the transition to results-based management.   Sarah Michael, the World Bank’s Country Manager for Azerbaijan, and other speakers shared their views on the implementation of the MTEF and the budget reforms underway in Azerbaijan.   Then Rashad Hasanov, Deputy Director of the Centre for Designing Medium-Term Expenditure Framework of the Office of the Ministry of Finance, made a presentation on “Implementation of MTEF in the education sector and the transition to results-based budgeting mechanism”. The presentation briefly reviewed the work done so far in the areas mentioned, the history of reform and its main elements. In addition, the main challenges and next steps in the budget reform were touched upon.   Then, Kanan Kerimzadeh, Acting Chief of Staff of the Ministry of Science and Education and Head of the Economics and Education Statistics Department, made a presentation on "Education reforms and results achieved in the implementation of the MTEF". The presentation reflects the Ministry's experience of transition to the results-based management mechanisms, achievements in this field and measurement indicators applied, the need to harmonize the strategy and documents of the MTEF, issues related to the work to be done in the coming years in the direction of improving knowledge and skills in the MTEF.   Andj Ubelis, Senior Public Administration Expert at the World Bank and Task Team Leader of the MTEF Capacity Building Project made a presentation on "MTEF Reforms in Azerbaijan from the World Bank's perspective".   It was noted at the seminar that from this year it is planned to complete the transition process to results-based budgeting in the pilot sectors and to fully implement programme-based budgeting while involving other sectors. in the reform process.   The seminar continued with questions and answers and debates on the subject following the speeches and presentations.

Azerbaijan-Israel Innovation Forum

An Azerbaijani-Israeli innovation forum was held on 13 February.   The forum was arranged with the support of Azerbaijan's Small and Medium Business Development Agency (SMBDA), the Israeli-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IACCI), Azerbaijan's Center for Analysis and Coordination of the 4th Industrial Revolution (4SIM), the Azerbaijan Entrepreneurs Confederation, and the Next Step Innovation Center.   The forum created an opportunity for the exchange of experience between the Azerbaijani and Israeli businessmen in the the field of technologies and innovations applied in education and agriculture.   The chair of the Israeli-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Alex Kaplun, Executive Vice-Rector of ADA University, Fariz Ismayilzade, and Chairman of the Board of Small and Medium Business Development Agency, Orkhan Mammadov, shared their views on the goals of the forum, Azerbaijani-Israeli relations, and opportunities for cooperation between businessmen in the field of innovation.   The event continued with panel sessions on general issues, education, and agriculture. At the general panel, Azerbaijani Minister of Science and Education Emin Amrullayev, Minister of Agriculture Inam Kerimov, Deputy Minister of Economy Sahib Mammadov, Azerbaijani Ambassador to Israel Mukhtar Mammadov, and Head of the “Ramat-Negev” Regional Council Eran Doron expressed their opinions on the relations between Azerbaijan and Israel, technologies used in recent years in the agricultural, educational and scientific spheres of our country, prospects for expanding cooperation in relevant areas, the digital economy, modern approaches used in restoration and reconstruction work carried out in Azerbaijani territories liberated from occupation. The speakers answered questions from the participants.   At the panel on education, heads of various educational institutions operating in Azerbaijan and Israel and experts shared their opinions on the challenges that the education field faces, the role of innovations in education, investment in this area, artificial intelligence, digital platforms, and prospects for cooperation.   Furthermore, the panel on agriculture was held with the participation of representatives of public and private organizations from Azerbaijan and Israel. During the panel, the role of agricultural technologies and innovations in increasing productivity and more efficient use of land and water resources, the implementation of innovative agricultural startup ideas, and so on were discussed.   Bilateral meetings between startups and businessmen were also held as part of the forum.


Martın 7-də elm və təhsil nazirinin müavini Həsən Həsənli Astara rayonuna səfəri çərçivəsində bir sıra görüş, təhsil müəssisələrinə baxış və vətəndaş qəbulu keçirib. #ElmVəTəhsilNazirliyi #EduAz Ətraflı: https://edu.gov.az/az/news-and-updates/21937-1


Nazir müavini Firudin Qurbanov Ağalı və Cəbrayılda tədris prosesi ilə tanış olub. #ElmVəTəhsilNazirliyi #EduAz #ÜmumiTəhsil Ətraflı: https://edu.gov.az/az/news-and-updates/21936-1


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