Higher education opportunities of Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan discussed
On March 4, ADA University hosted a round table dedicated to expanding cooperation in the field of higher education between Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. The Minister of Science and Education of Azerbaijan, Emin Amrullayev, the Minister of Science and Higher Education of Kazakhstan, Sayasat Nurbek, who is on a visit to our country, and the rectors of leading universities of both countries took part in the round table. The Rector of the ADA University, Hafiz Pashayev, gave a welcoming speech and greeted the participants of the event. The rector emphasized the professionalism of the Kazakh teachers working at the university he heads and noted that efforts will continue to expand cooperation between Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan in the field of science and education. The Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Sayasat Nurbek, said that Kazakhstan intends to expand cooperation with Azerbaijan in the field of higher education. Speaking about the importance of strengthening mutual academic and scientific cooperation, Sayasat Nurbek added that the two countries are currently working on educational strategies, cooperation plans with partner universities and innovative approaches. The Minister said that joint activities are being expanded to create new opportunities in the academic and research fields. In his turn, the Minister of Science and Education Emin Amrullayev said it was important to develop cooperation between Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan in the field of education. Emin Amrullayev noted that both countries have their national interests, and based on these interests it was decided to use a similar model of action in the field of education. The Minister stressed that the main goal is to strengthen higher education and ensure sustainable development of our universities. Speaking about the educational exhibition of Kazakh universities, which will be held in Baku for the first time, Emin Amrullayev said that this event is an important step for academic co-operation. The Minister urged the universities of both countries to cooperate closely. Speaking at the roundtable, Kazakh Ambassador to Azerbaijan Alim Bayel emphasized that large-scale reforms are being carried out in the education sector in both Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan and added that Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan intend to further strengthen cooperation in the education sector. At the roundtable, heads of higher education institutions from Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan spoke about existing links between higher education institutions in the two countries and opportunities for cooperation. During the roundtable panel discussion on "Expanding academic cooperation between Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan", views were exchanged on "Dual Diploma Programs between Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan: effective implementation and impact strategies", "Scientific cooperation between Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan: promoting innovation and global partnership" and "Expanding academic mobility and cultural cooperation". The discussions culminated in the signing of 40 Memoranda of Understanding, involving a total of 17 universities from both countries.
04/03/2025 16:25
The Azerbaijani Minister of Science and Education Emin Amrullayev meets with his Kazakh counterpart
On 4 March, Minister of Science and Education Emin Amrullayev met with Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sayasat Nurbek. During the meeting they discussed issues of bilateral cooperation with the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as prospects for its development in the field of science and higher education.
04/03/2025 13:22
Minister of Science and Education visits several higher education institutions in Turkey
The delegation, led by Minister of Science and Education Emin Amrullayev, visited several leading higher education institutions in Turkey as part of a visit to the country. On 27 and 28 February, the delegation met with the Rector of Istanbul Technical University, Hasan Mandal, and the Rector of Koç University Metin Sitti. During the meeting, the parties discussed the prospects of inter-university cooperation. They also got acquainted with the material and technical base and laboratories of the respective universities. On 1 March, Minister of Science and Education Emin Amrullayev met with Rector of Gebze Technical University in Turkey Haji Ali Mantar and Rector of Yildiz Technical University Eyup Debik. The sides discussed possibilities of cooperation between higher education institutions of Turkey and Azerbaijan. Minister Emin Amrullayev then got acquainted with the teaching conditions, material and technical bases, and laboratories of these universities.
03/03/2025 18:38
Delegation led by Emin Amrullayev is on a visit to Turkey
The delegation, led by Minister of Science and Education Emin Amrullayev, is visiting Istanbul to participate in the IV meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Turkish-Azerbaijani University and to meet with the rectors of higher education institutions of the Republic of Turkey, including the Chairman of the Higher Education Council of the Republic of Turkey Erol Ozvar, as well as the rectors of Hacettepe University, Istanbul Technical University and Middle East Technical University, who participate in the activities of the Turkish-Azerbaijani University from the Turkish side. As part of the visit, the delegation, led by Minister of Science and Education Emin Amrullayev, attended the 4th meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Turkish-Azerbaijani University on 27 February. During the visit, the delegation also met with Erol Ozvar, Chairman of the Higher Education Council of the Republic of Turkey, Mustafa Kurt, Rector of Marmara University of the Republic of Turkey, and Hasan Mandal, Rector of Istanbul Technical University. During the meeting the guests got acquainted with the material and technical base and laboratories of the leading faculties of the above-mentioned universities and discussed the possibilities of cooperation with a number of Azerbaijani universities, including Karabakh University. In addition, a meeting was held with Azerbaijani students enrolled in doctoral programs in Turkey and the possibilities of future academic and scientific activities of the students were discussed. It should be noted that the visit, which will last until 2 March, will also include meetings with the rectors of other universities.
28/02/2025 18:18
Deputy Minister meets with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan
On 27 February, Deputy Minister of Science and Education Hasan Hasanli met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Republic of Azerbaijan Bayel Alim. During the meeting, the issues of bilateral cooperation with the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of education and prospects for its development were discussed.
27/02/2025 18:20
Minister of Science and Education meets with the Asian Development Bank's Country Director for Azerbaijan
The Minister of Science and Education Emin Amrullayev met on 14 February with the newly appointed Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) Country Director for Azerbaijan, Sunniya Durrani-Jamal. During the meeting, the issues of the bilateral co-operation with the ADB and the prospects for its further development were discussed.
14/02/2025 17:58
Minister of Science and Education meets with founder of Istanbul Okan University
On 7 February, Minister of Science and Education Emin Amrullayev met with the founder of Istanbul Okan University, Mr. Bekir Okan, and member of the Board, former Turkish Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Azerbaijan, Mr. Hulusi Kılıç. During the meeting, the prospects for the development of bilateral cooperation in the field of science and higher education were discussed.
07/02/2025 15:09
President reviewed conditions at “Vatan” Sports Lyceum after reconstruction
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev inspected the conditions at the newly renovated “Vatan” Sports Lyceum, named after Tarlan Heybatov, in Baku. Emin Amrullayev, Minister of Science and Education, briefed the head of state on the improvements made at the lyceum. The “Vatan” Sports Lyceum was established in 2022, based on Secondary School No. 126. Named after First Karabakh War martyr Tarlan Heybatov, the lyceum has a capacity for 600 students. The reconstruction, funded by state capital investments, was completed in December 2024. The fully renovated academic building includes 22 classrooms, all equipped with essential teaching materials to ensure a high standard of education. The building also houses chemistry, physics, and biology laboratories, an informatics room, a pre-conscription military training classroom, a library, a 240-seat assembly hall, as well as administrative and auxiliary rooms. The institution’s sports complex features a fully renovated multi-purpose hall (for basketball, volleyball, gymnastics, fencing, etc.) and wrestling hall. Additionally, the gym, judo hall, physiotherapy room, rehabilitation sports hall, steam room, and auxiliary rooms have also been refurbished. As part of the project, a 100-bed dormitory building has been fully renovated. The dining hall accommodates 220 people, and the kitchen, laundry, and other auxiliary rooms are supplied with the latest modern equipment. The renewed institution offers classes for grades 5 through 11, with around 60 teachers responsible for the education and upbringing of the students. Plans are in place to provide accommodation for students from the regions engaged in professional sports. The lyceum will ensure that these athletes receive meals that meet their daily nutritional requirements. Extensive landscaping work has been carried out in the lyceum's yard. https://president.az
04/02/2025 15:31
Azerbaijani Minister of Science and Education meets with Ambassador of the Republic of Guinea to the Republic of Azerbaijan
On 30 January, Minister of Science and Education Emin Amrullayev met with the newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Guinea to the Republic of Azerbaijan Oumar Kande. During the meeting, the current state of relations between the two countries in the field of science and education and prospects for further cooperation were discussed.
30/01/2025 16:35
Deputy Minister attended the VIIIth session of the Azerbaijan-Pakistan Joint Intergovernmental Commission
Deputy Minister of Science and Education Hasan Hasanli, who visited Pakistan on 23-24 January as a member of the Azerbaijani delegation, participated in the VIII session of the Joint Commission between the Governments of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Speaking at the event, Hasan Hasanli touched on a number of important issues, including the current state of cooperation between the two countries in the field of science and education, educational opportunities for more than 1300 Pakistani students studying in Azerbaijan, and the development of cooperation between scientific and higher education institutions of the two countries. It should be noted that during this meeting there was a detailed exchange of views on cooperation in political, social, economic and other spheres, as well as in the protocol of the meeting's results were reflected the prospects for the development of cooperation between the two countries in the field of science and education. In addition, within the framework of the visit, the Azerbaijani delegation was received by the president of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Asif Ali Zardari, and Prime Minister Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif.
24/01/2025 21:51
Submission of documents for doctoral education abroad for the spring semester of 2021 is launched
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“Sabahın alimləri” XIV Respublika layihə müsabiqəsinin final mərhələsinin iştirakçıları “Security bot" layihəsi #ElmVəTəhsilNazirliyi #SabahınAlimləri
More? Ölkəmizdə ilk dəfə! “Məktəblilərarası Milli Hakaton” yüz minlərlə gənc istedadı bir araya gətirir! ? İnnovasiya və texnologiyaya maraq göstərən məktəblilər proqramlaşdırma və rəqəmsal bacarıqlarını sınayaraq gələcəyin texnoloji liderlərinə çevriləcəklər. ?️ Qeydiyyat və tapşırıqların işlənməsi 28 mart tarixinədək davam edir! İştirak et, ideyalarını kodla, gələcəyini qur! #ElmVəTəhsilNazirliyi #MilliHakaton2025 #KodlaGələcəyiniQur #RəqəmsalGələcək
More“Sabahın alimləri” XIV Respublika layihə müsabiqəsinin final mərhələsinin iştirakçıları “Smart hydro boat" layihəsi #ElmVəTəhsilNazirliyi #SabahınAlimləri