Kazakhstan delegation visits Azerbaijan
A delegation from one of Kazakhstan's leading educational institutions, “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools”, is visiting the Republic of Azerbaijan. As part of the visit, the Minister of Science and Education, Emin Amrullayev, has met with the delegation. During the meeting, views were exchanged on establishing direct links between “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools” and general educational institutions in Azerbaijan, and proposals were made in this regard. The delegation also visited the Baku school-lyceum No. 20, physics, mathematics, and informatics biased lyceum, the Byulbyul Specialized Secondary School of Music, and the Baku European Lyceum. During the meetings, prospects of cooperation between "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" and local general educational institutions were discussed, and the importance of sharing experiences was emphasized. The guests received detailed information about “STEAM” and “Digital skills” projects implemented in general education. A meeting with the guests also took place at the Institute of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan (ARTI). At the meeting, the Kazakh delegation expressed interest in mutual cooperation with ARTI. It should be noted that the visit of the Kazakh delegation, which began on October 31, will end today.
03/11/2022 12:09
The annual meeting of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) takes place in Baku for the first time
The 54th PISA Board meeting kicked off in Baku on November 2. More than 70 experts from 46 countries are currently visiting Baku in connection with the PISA Board meeting. For the first time since the pandemic, a total of more than 150 delegates are attending the event in hybrid form. Speaking at the opening plenary session of the meeting, Minister of Science and Education Emin Amrullayev stressed that he was pleased that this high-level event was held in Azerbaijan for the first time in the South Caucasus and Central Asia region. Speaking about the results achieved by Azerbaijani students in international assessment studies, Emin Amrullayev noted that the State Strategy for Education Development also identified PISA results as the main quality standard. Noting that the event was a fairly new experience for the educational community in our country, the Minister of Science and Education informed the participants that the conference, which will be held on Saturday in association with the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) on evaluation with the participation of experts from different countries, was of great importance. Emin Amrullayev ended his speech by wishing the participants success. The meeting then continued with the sessions. The event will run until November 4.
02/11/2022 15:25
United Nations/Azerbaijan Workshop on "The International Space Weather Initiative: The Sun, Space Weather and the Geosphere"
Baku has hosted the opening of the international event 'United Nations/Azerbaijan Workshop on the International Space Weather Initiative: The Sun, Space Weather and Geosphere' on October 31. The event is organized by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) and Baku State University (BSU), in partnership and with the support of the International Committee (ICG) on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) and the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Speaking at the opening ceremony of the conference, BSU Rector Elchin Babayev noted that in recent years, Azerbaijan has paid special attention to space research and the development of the space industry as well as information and communication technologies. This sphere has become one of the leading areas of the country's economy. In 2018, President Ilham Aliyev approved the "State Program for the development of remote sensing of the Earth for 2019-2022". Currently, “Azercosmos”-managed satellites “Azerspace-1”, “Azerspace-2”, and “Azersky” provide high-quality and reliable telecommunication services as well as services and solutions for Earth observation. Today, “Azercosmos”, the first and only satellite operator in the Caucasus, provides telecommunications and exploration satellite services. The rector noted that relevant research and training projects are underway at the Aerospace and Atmospheric Research Laboratory of the BSU Centre of Excellence for Research, Development and Innovation, as well as at the Department of Astrophysics of the Faculty of Physics. The Minister of Science and Education Emin Amrullayev, who was present at the event, noted the importance of the conference and that it would serve to enhance scientific ties between the countries in the future. The Minister noted that Azerbaijan has been developing rapidly in recent years, working to link institutions working as traditional research institutes, national academies with young universities. Noting that the slogan "Turning black gold into human capital" creates great opportunities for youth, the Minister said that more than 3,000 Azerbaijanis have already been educated at the world's leading universities through an educational program abroad. Currently, they are contributing to our country. In their speeches at the event, Roald Sagdeev, Professor at the University of Maryland in the USA, distinguished scientist and academician in the field of space research, Indira Hajiyeva, Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports, Sameddin Asadov, Chairman of the Board of the Space Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan (“Azercosmos”), Luc Saint-Pierre from the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs, Sharafat Gadimova from the International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Nat Gopalswami from NASA, Namig Jalilov, Director General of the Shamakhi Astrophysical Observatory said that the international event would contribute to research related to space exploration and would further expand scientific ties between the countries. It was also noted in the speeches that a wide range of documents related to Azerbaijan's activities in the space sector until 2030 were being prepared. Azerbaijan is now considered a reliable partner in the space industry. And next year, Baku will host the International Astronautical Congress. The expected outcomes of the workshop include the collection, sharing, and delivery of space weather data with high accuracy and the development of recommendations to improve the accuracy and reliability of modeling, forecasting methods by promoting best practices. The international event brings together researchers from 36 countries and 4 continents from around the world, with a significant number of scientists joining online. The event runs until November 5.
31/10/2022 21:35
Meeting of the Minister of Science and Education with the delegation from the "Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI)"
On October 31, the Minister of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan Emin Amrullayev has met with a delegation from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI). During the meeting, the prospects for cooperation between the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and higher education institutions in the Republic of Azerbaijan were discussed.
31/10/2022 17:33
The 3rd International Forum on “New Challenges in Education” at the centre of the world's attention
The official Twitter account of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has published information on the 3rd International Forum on “New Challenges in Education”, to be held in Baku. The international forum, which will be held under the theme 'A More Education Future', will cover the topics of learning and global competencies in a digital world. Stefania Giannini, UNESCO Deputy Director General for Education, Andreas Schleicher, special adviser to the Secretary General for Education Policy, Director for Education and Skills, Luis Pereira dos Santos, Chair of the Board of the Portuguese Institute of Educational Assessment, PISA Board Representative in Portugal, Maye Kitting, Adviser to the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research, Country Coordinator for PISE, Mario Piacentini, Senior PISE Analyst, Tracy Burns, Dirk, and the Director of the PISA Board will make presentations at the forum. Stefania Giannini, UNESCO Deputy Director General for Education, Andreas Schleicher, Special Adviser to the OECD Secretary General for Education Policy and Director for Education and Skills, Luis Pereira dos Santos, Chair of the Board of the Portuguese Institute of Educational Assessment, PISA Board Representative in Portugal, Maye Kitting, Adviser to the General Education Department at the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research, Country Coordinator for PISE, Mario Piacentini, Senior PISE Analyst, Tracy Burns, Director of Research at the US National Center for Education and the Economy, Stéphane Vincent Lankren, OECD Senior Analyst and Deputy Director of the Centre for Educational Research and Innovation, and Mark Fuster, Analyst at the OECD Centre for Educational Research and Innovation will make presentations at the forum Speeches by international speakers on "How to prepare students for the future?", "What should the school of the future be like?", "Global trends shaping education", "Is digitization in education the final solution?" and other topics are planned. Please note that to participate in the international forum online until 1 November at 23:00, you can follow the relevant link: https://bit.ly/3KJjaGh
28/10/2022 12:12
The visit of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia ends successfully
Mikheil Chkhenkeli, the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, visited the Baku State Center for Vocational Education in Industry and Innovation as part of his visit to Azerbaijan. The Acting Director of the State Agency for Vocational Education, Jeyhun Keremov, provided information on the reforms and achievements in the field of vocational education in the Republic of Azerbaijan in recent years. During the meeting, the Minister was informed about the programs taught at the centre and familiarized with the conditions created there. Mikheil Chkhenkeli noted that the development of vocational education is one of the priority areas in his country and underlined that there are great opportunities for cooperation in this field between the two countries. There was also a meeting with Mikheil Chkhenkeli at the State Committee for Work with the Diaspora. The chairman of the committee, Fuad Muradov, said that the welfare of our compatriots living in Georgia is always at the centre of attention and noted that ensuring the educational rights of our compatriots is important in terms of their contribution to the future development of Georgia. During his visit, the guest visited the ADA University and met with the Rector of the ADA university, Professor Hafiz Pashayev. The guest was briefed on the activities of the university, the teaching and educational process based on international standards. The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia also visited the Azerbaijani-French University (UFAZ). The Minister got acquainted with UFAZ's scientific-educational laboratory, equipped with modern equipment, and was informed of the university's educational programs.
26/10/2022 18:35
President Ilham Aliyev received Minister of Education and Science of Georgia
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has received Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Mikheil Chkhenkeli. The head of state underlined his successful visit to Georgia a few days ago, saying that fruitful discussions were held and describing the visit as important for the future development of brotherly relations between the two countries. The President stated that the discussed issues covered a broad range of agenda in political, economic, transport, energy and other fields. President Ilham Aliyev noted that education is one of the important parts of bilateral cooperation. The head of state described the functioning of Azerbaijani schools in Georgia and Georgian schools in Azerbaijan as a good indication of this. President Ilham Aliyev expressed confidence that Mikheil Chkhenkeli’s visit would contribute to strengthening cooperation between the relative ministries of the two countries. Expressing his gratitude for the reception, Mikheil Chkhenkeli described the Azerbaijani President’s visit to Georgia as a historic one, adding that the visit was of particular importance in expanding bilateral relations. The minister pointed to a fruitful and successful cooperation between the two countries’ Ministries of Education and Science. At the meeting, the sides exchanged views on prospects for bilateral cooperation. https://president.az
26/10/2022 14:05
Georgian Minister of Education and Science Mikheil Chkhenkeli is on a working visit to the Republic of Azerbaijan
The Georgian Minister of Education and Science Mikheil Chkhenkeli has been visiting Azerbaijan since October 24. As part of his visit, Mikheil Chkhenkeli visited the Alley of Honor, where he paid tribute to the national leader of the Azerbaijani people, Heydar Aliyev, and laid flowers on his tomb. The minister also visited the grave of academician Zarifa Aliyeva, an outstanding ophthalmologist. Then, in the Alley of Shehids (Martyrs), the memory of those who died in the struggle for the independence and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan was honored, and carnations were laid on their graves. The minister then visited the Baku European Lyceum, familiarized himself with the conditions created there, met with the lyceum management and discussed prospects of cooperation between the two countries' general education institutions. Mikheil Chkhenkeli also visited the Baku State University (BSU) and met with Rector Elchin Babayev. During the meeting, close cooperation relations between the BSU and Georgian higher education institutions were highlighted, and proposals for further expansion of these relations were made. As part of the visit, the minister met with students studying Georgian language at BSU, answered their questions, and expressed satisfaction with the students' level of knowledge of the Georgian language. On the same day, Georgian Minister of Education and Science Mikheil Chkhenkeli met with Azerbaijani Minister of Science and Education Emin Amrullayev. During the meeting, the current state and prospects of cooperation in various areas in the field of education were discussed. The parties highly appreciated the annual exchange of textbooks between Azerbaijani language schools in Georgia and Georgian language schools in Azeraijan. The parties also exchanged views on improving teaching in the Georgian and Azerbaijani languages, organizing the professional development of teaching staff, as well as expanding direct ties between the higher education institutions of the two countries.
24/10/2022 21:40
Our schoolgirls successfully competed at the European Girls’ Olympiad in Informatics
Azerbaijani schoolgirls participated for the first time in “EGOI 2022” - the European Girls' Olympiad in Informatics. Our country was represented by a team of four schoolgirls at the international competition, which took place on October 16-23, 2022, in Antalya, Turkey. Our students competed well in this competition and won 1 silver and 1 bronze medal. Fidan Huseynova, an 11th grade student at the physics-mathematics and informatics biased lyceum of Ganja under the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, won a silver medal, and Fidan Garayeva, an 11th grade student at the physics-mathematics and informatics biased lyceum of Baku, won a bronze medal. Congratulations to our schoolchildren!
22/10/2022 19:18
President Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva have attended a groundbreaking ceremony of a school building in the city of Zangilan
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva have attended a groundbreaking ceremony of a school building in the city of Zangilan. Minister of Science and Education Emin Amrullayev informed the head of state and the First Lady of the 960-seat school building. The three-storey school building will occupy an area of 1.6 hectares. The head of state laid the foundation stone for the school. https://president.az
19/10/2022 20:20
Submission of documents for doctoral education abroad for the spring semester of 2021 is launched
24.11.2020 - 14:11 -
New recruitment procedure for UFAZ teachers UFAZ foundation courses in 2016/2017
16.06.2019 - 21:16 -
Education in Serbia Intergovernmental Scholarship Program 2019 spring semester
16.06.2019 - 21:14 -
Education in Serbia Intergovernmental Scholarship Program - 2019 spring semester
11.12.2018 - 11:06 -
Masters degree in Sweden 2019-2020 scholarship program
11.12.2018 - 10:57
? “Məktəblilərarası Milli Hakaton - 2025” üçün qeydiyyat başlayıb. ? Qeydiyyat martın 19-dək davam edəcək. Hakatonda iştirak etməyə tələsin!
MorePrezident İlham Əliyev 8 Mart – Beynəlxalq Qadınlar Günü münasibətilə Azərbaycan qadınlarını təbrik edib.
MoreUİF – 2025 üçün hazırlıqlar başladı! ✨ Abşeron-Xızı Regional Mədəniyyət İdarəsinin əhatə etdiyi rayon və şəhərlərdə Mədəniyyət Nazirliyi, Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi, Heydər Əliyev Mərkəzinin birgə təşkilatçılığı ilə keçiriləcək “Uşaq İncəsənət Festivalı – 2025” üçün hazırlıqlar sürətlə davam edir. ? ? Artıq 23 fərqli nominasiya üzrə 765 istedadlı uşaq festivalda iştirak üçün qeydiyyatdan keçib! Səhnədə parlaq çıxış etmək, istedadını nümayiş etdirmək və unudulmaz bir sənət macərası yaşamaq istəyirsən? 6-17 yaş aralığındasan? O zaman festivalda iştirak etmək üçün sən də bizə qoşul. ? İndi qeydiyyatdan keç: www.uif.az ?️ Son qeydiyyat tarixi: 31.03.3025 Ətraflı məlumat üçün: ? 050 288 01 47 | 147 (qısa nömrə) #ElmvəTəhsilNazirliyi #MədəniyyətNazirliyi #HeydərƏliyevMərkəzi #UİF2025 #UşaqİncəsənətFestivalı #Festival