• Azərbaycan Xalq Cümhuriyyəti hökumətinin 1918-ci il 28 may tarixli qərarı ilə maarif və təhsil üzrə ilk nazirlik-Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyi yaradılıb. Nazirlər Şurasının 30 iyun 1918-ci il tarixli qərarı ilə Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyinin üç şöbədən (ümumi orta təhsil, ali və orta ixtisas təhsili, peşə məktəbləri) ibarət strukturu təsdiq olunub.

    Azərbaycan SSR Xalq Komissarları Sovetinin 28 aprel 1920-ci il tarixli qərarı ilə Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyinin adı dəyişdirilərək Xalq Maarifi Komissarlığı adı ilə yenidən təşkil edilib və ölkədəki bütün təhsil müəssisələri bu qurumun tabeliyinə verilib.

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Within the framework of the "Year of Shusha" a forum with the participation of foreign students was held

As part of the "Year of Shusha," a forum was organized with the participation of foreign students studying in our country. The aim of the forum was to discuss the damage caused to cultural monuments and the environment by Armenian vandalism in the territories liberated from the occupation, to hold discussions on topics of diplomacy, and to bring the Karabakh realities to foreign students.


The event included panel discussions by local and foreign experts on the topics of culture, ecology, and diplomacy with international students and teaching staff.


Representatives of the Shusha State Reserve Department, the Reserves Management Center under the State Tourism Agency, and the Permanent Delegation of Azerbaijan to UNESCO participated as speakers at the cultural panel. Representatives of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Caspian and Azerbaijan State Universities of Economics, as well as independent experts, made presentations at the environmental panel. Representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Center for Analysis of International Relations, the Youth Organization of the Non-Aligned Movement, and the Topchubashov Center spoke at the diplomatic panel. The speech of Michael Dora, Director of the Center for Peace and Security in the Middle East at the Hudson Institute of the USA, who participated in this panel, was met with interest.


It should be noted that some of the speakers of the forum were graduates educated abroad under the "State Program for the Education of Azerbaijani Youth Abroad in 2007-2015." During the panel discussions, panelists answered questions of interest to forum participants.


The forum was attended by about 70 foreign students studying in our country at the expense of programs of educational grants established by decrees of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, intergovernmental agreements supported by the Republic of Azerbaijan, and their own funds.


At the end of the event, the participants' impressions were heard and dozens of memorable photos were taken.

28.12.2022 - 17:01