Countrywide futsal tournament ends
The final stage of the countrywide futsal tournament involving the teams of higher and vocational education institutions was held at Baku Sports Palace on June 6. Participants in the opening ceremony included deputy Minister of Education Firudin Gurbanov, Vice-President of the National Olympic Committee Chingiz Huseynzade, deputy Minister of Youth and Sport Ismayil Ismayilov, representatives of Futsal Federation, and heads of higher education institutions. The final game pitted the teams of Baku State University and Azerbaijan State Academy of Physical Culture and Sport against each other. The academy`s team sealed the title of the champion with a comfortable 9-2 win. Baku State University ranked second, while Azerbaijan State Economic University finished third. Speaking at the award ceremony, deputy Minister of Education Firudin Gurbanov said that held for the first time, the tournament aimed to promote football among students of higher and vocational education institutions and effectively organize youth`s leisure time. He highlighted the measures taken by the ministry to develop sport. “The ministry is regularly holding competitions, tournaments and championships among pupils and students of general, vocational, secondary and higher education institutions.” He said that by hosting the first European Games Azerbaijan made great strides in the field of sport. Firudin Gurbanov said the Formula 1 Grand Prix of Europe to be held in a couple of days would again attract the world community`s attention to Azerbaijan. Then the award giving ceremony was held. The winning team, the second and third place holders was awarded a prize money of 3000 manats, 2000 manats and 1500 manats respectively. They also received the cup and medals. The performance of main referees and participants of the tournament was evaluated in seven nominations. A total of 800 students in nearly 40 teams competed in the countrywide tournament. The tournament was organized by Association of Football Federations of Azerbaijan and Azerbaijan Student Football Federation in partnership with the ministries of education and youth and sport, and Azerbaijan Futsal Federation.
08/06/2016 18:01
“Maarifçi” Student Loan Fund presented to media
On June 6, a media briefing was held to present “Maarifçi” Student Loan Fund and its website. Executive Director of the fund Rufat Mahmud said its founding was initiated by the Ministry of Education. He said the fund was established by several state higher education institutions, including Azerbaijan University of Languages, Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry, Azerbaijan Technical University, Azerbaijan State Economic University, Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction, Baku State University, Baku Slavic University, Ganja State University and Sumgayit State University. “The fund is designed to create equal higher education opportunities for students from low-income families, who experience problems with paying their tuition fees, through granting long-term low-interest loans to them.” “The students applying for a loan should meet a number of criteria. They should be citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan, they should study at one of the founding universities and should also need financial assistance to continue their education,” said Rufat Mahmud. The event also provided an insight into the fund`s newly-launched website ( The website highlights the organization`s mission, activity, loan types and terms. Through the website students can also submit an online loan application, which was introduced with the aim of ensuring transparency and efficiency in the application process. It also provides information about how and who can apply, as well as the list of the required documents. The event also featured a question-and-answer session with journalists.
07/06/2016 10:20
Countrywide chess tournament ends
The countrywide chess tournament has wrapped up. Organized by “Tahsil” Republican Sport Center in partnership with the Ministry of Education, the tournament aimed to promote World Chess Olympiad among schoolchildren. The team of Guba city secondary school No. 2 won the tournament. Lankaran city school and lyceum complex No. 4 ranked second, while Ujar district secondary school No. 1 finished third. The winners were awarded the cup, certificates and valuable prizes by the Ministry of Education. The tournament aimed to promote chess and World Chess Olympiad to be held in Baku from September 1-16, 2016 among schoolchildren and ensure parents` active participation in the school life. Launched in April, the tournament saw participation of around 55000 schoolchildren from more than 4000 secondary schools. Each team included an 8th or lower grade schoolboy and schoolgirl, a parent and a teacher.
07/06/2016 10:19
“Japan Day” held as part of Year of Multiculturalism
“Japan Day” was held at the Extracurricular Training Center No. 46 as part of the Year of Multiculturalism. Participants in the event included First Secretary at the Japanese Embassy in Azerbaijan Ko Obata, head of the Division on Child and Youth Creativity at the Ministry of Education Ayla Hasanova, teachers and members of creative groups. First Secretary at Japan`s Embassy Ko Obata highlighted nature, culture, arts, education system, traditions, language and cuisine of Japan. He taught children how to pronounce common phrases like “hello” and “thank you” in Japanese, and deciphered some hieroglyphs for them. Ko Obata said that Azerbaijan earned fame as a country where different ethnicities had lived in peace and mutual understanding for centuries. “The principles of tolerance lie at the heart of the country’s policy. 2016 was declared the Year of Multiculturalism with the aim of preserving, developing and promoting Azerbaijan’s traditions of multiculturalism.” Winners of the Japan-hosted 23rd International Drawing Competition – member of “Gunash” Arts Studio of Extracurricular Training Centre No. 46 Aytaj Guliyeva and member of the creative group at Nizami District Child and Youth Creativity Center Aisha Maarifova – were awarded certificates. The event also featured performance by a dance troupe of Nizami District Child and Youth Creativity Center.
03/06/2016 17:10
Сompetition to admit children into general education institutions ends
A competition to admit children into lyceums, gymnasiums and other general education institutions in the city of Baku has ended. The competition was held in 15 general education institutions with the aim of discovering talented children and providing them with an innovative training process. Online registration for the competition to admit children into general education institutions in Baku for the 2016-2017 academic year was open from March 1 to April 10 at A total of 4449 applications were received by the general education institutions. The competitions were held from April 15 to May 15, 2016 under internal regulations of each general education institution. A total of 2350 children were admitted into general education institutions on the basis of some selection criteria, including world view, mathematical knowledge, logic, psychology, creative and communication skills. Of them, 1144 got accepted to Azerbaijani section, and 1206 to Russian section. Competition was most fierce in the secondary school No. 23, where more than three children were chasing each place. Other educational institutions inundated with applications were Baku European Lyceum, Zakalar Lyceum No. 287, Elite Gymnasium named after Ilyas Afandiyev, School and Lyceum Complex under Baku Slavic University, and Ankara School.
03/06/2016 17:06
Department for Work with Citizens received 12499 requests in May
Statistics on the calls received by the Call Center (“Hot line” service, phone: 146) of the Ministry of Education and services provided by Citizens Reception Center in May of 2016 have been announced. According to statistics, a total of 12499 requests were received from citizens last month. Figures show that 8331 calls were registered by the Call Center in April (8.5 times more than in May of 2013, two times more than in 2014, and almost the same in comparison with 2015). Citizens Reception Center served 4168 citizens last month. The vast majority of requests (mostly for information) to the Call Center and Citizens Reception Center were immediately dealt with. Citizens Reception Center received and registered 1428 documents (794 letters, 474 written requests, and 160 other documents). The vast majority of requests (mostly for information) to the Call Center and Citizens Reception Center were immediately dealt with. Citizens Reception Center received and registered 1399 documents (752 letters, 447 written requests, and 200 other documents). According to statistics, the requests from citizens were about recognition (nostrification) of university degree documents (diplomas), recruitment and transfer of teachers, enrollment in secondary schools, transfer and reinstatement in local higher education institutions, and exemption from tuition fees. The majority of requests to the Call Center last month were made on Mondays (1859 calls) and Wednesdays (1836 calls) mostly between 10.00 and 12.30, and 14.00 and 16.00. The majority of requests to Citizens Reception Center were registered on Tuesdays (1130 requests) and Wednesdays (814 requests) mostly between 11.00 and 13.00, and 14.00 and 16.00.
03/06/2016 14:17
Applications open for teacher transfer competition
The Ministry of Education has announced a competition for the transfer of teachers, who are employed on termless contracts (on the permanent basis) in secondary education institutions and vocational schools, from one district (city) to another. The teachers who want to participate in the competition must submit an online application form through Applications close on June 12. Several changes were made to rules of the competition this year. One of them is that applicants will have the opportunity to choose a vacancy only after passing a test. Each applicant can choose four vacancies.
03/06/2016 14:13
Azerbaijani delegation attends 15th General Assembly Meeting of COMSTECH
An Azerbaijani delegation led by Minster of Education Mikayil Jabbarov is attending the 15th General Assembly Meeting of the Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) (COMSTECH) in Islamabad, Pakistan. COMSTECH was established by the Third Islamic Summit of OIC held in Makkah, Saudi Arabia, in 1981. The President of Pakistan is chairman of COMSTECH. The core mandate of COMSTECH is to strengthen cooperation among OIC Member States in science and technology, and enhance their capabilities through training in emerging areas, undertake follow-up-actions and implementation of the resolutions of the OIC, and to draw up programs and submit proposals designed to increase the capability of the Muslim countries in science and technology. The opening session, which took place on May 31, was addressed by President of Pakistan Mamnoon Hussain, Minister of Science and Technology Rana Tanvir Hussain, Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Iyad Ameen Madani, President of the Islamic Development Bank Ahmad Mohamed Ali Al Madani, and COMSTECH Coordinator General Shaukat Hameed Khan. Delegates from more than 50 countries attended the event, with over 30 countries represented by ministers of science, technologies and education. In his address, Minister of Education Mikayil Jabbarov highlighted the role of science and education in Azerbaijan`s development in accordance with “Azerbaijan 2020: A look into the Future” Development Concept initiated by the Azerbaijani President. The Minister drew the audience`s attention to the government`s measures to ensure coordination of science, technology and education, and to encourage schoolchildren who have interest in science. Mikayil Jabbarov underlined the importance of the agreement on cooperation with Thomson Reuters, under which, 40 higher education institutions in Azerbaijan received access to products and services of the company. The Minister also provided an insight into the activities of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, and the country’s accomplishments in the fields of information and communication technologies and space industry. He emphasized the launch of Azerbaijan`s first national satellite into orbit in 2013. “All this is indicative of the emphasis placed by the Azerbaijani government on innovative development and modernization” Azerbaijan was elected one of the deputy co-chairs of the COMSTECH General Assembly Meeting, which testifies to the country`s increasing prestige in the world and, in particular, within OIC. In this capacity, Minister Mikayil Jabbarov chaired a plenary meeting, which considered reports and proposals submitted by specialized agencies of OIC and COMSTECH. On the sidelines of the event, the Azerbaijani delegation attended a reception hosted by the President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The delegation also held meetings and consultations with representatives of other countries` ministries and specialized agencies. The 15th General Assembly Meeting of COMSTECH will wrap up on June 1.
02/06/2016 19:13
Final stage of countrywide chess tournament
The final stage of the countrywide chess tournament was held on May 31. Organized by “Tahsil” Republican Sport Center in partnership with the Ministry of Education, the tournament aims to promote World Chess Olympiad among schoolchildren. The final stage of the tournament involved the teams that ranked first and second in the zonal stage. The tournament aims to promote chess among schoolchildren and ensure parents` active participation in the school life. Launched in April, the tournament saw participation of around 55000 schoolchildren from more than 4000 secondary schools. Each team included an 8th or lower grade schoolboy and schoolgirl, a parent and a teacher.
02/06/2016 12:48
Schoolchildren`s sporting competition wraps up
Mass sporting events aimed at promoting Formula 1 Grand Prix of Europe among schoolchildren ended. Held among Baku schoolchildren, the events were organized by “Tahsil” Republican Sport Center in partnership with the Ministry of Education and relevant sport federations. The final stage of athletics, cycling and basketball competitions took place at Baku White City boulevard from May 23-26. In athletics, school No. 92 ranked first, while Ankara lyceum and school No. 323 finished second and third respectively. In 3x3 basketball, school No. 169 became first, followed by school No. 17 and school No. 18. School No. 251 won cycling event, with school No. 29 finishing as runner-up and Education Complex No. 132-134 ranking third. The winners were awarded cups, certificates and valuable prizes by the Ministry of Education. A total of 4030 schoolchildren from 310 secondary schools in Baku participated in the sporting events. Apart from promoting Formula 1 Grand Prix of Europe among schoolchildren, the events also aimed to encourage their interest in different sports, effectively organize their leisure time and maintain their physical health.
01/06/2016 14:18
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