• Azərbaycan Xalq Cümhuriyyəti hökumətinin 1918-ci il 28 may tarixli qərarı ilə maarif və təhsil üzrə ilk nazirlik-Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyi yaradılıb. Nazirlər Şurasının 30 iyun 1918-ci il tarixli qərarı ilə Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyinin üç şöbədən (ümumi orta təhsil, ali və orta ixtisas təhsili, peşə məktəbləri) ibarət strukturu təsdiq olunub.

    Azərbaycan SSR Xalq Komissarları Sovetinin 28 aprel 1920-ci il tarixli qərarı ilə Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyinin adı dəyişdirilərək Xalq Maarifi Komissarlığı adı ilə yenidən təşkil edilib və ölkədəki bütün təhsil müəssisələri bu qurumun tabeliyinə verilib.

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Minister of Education Jeyhun Bayramov attends high-level annual Eastern Partnership conference

Minister of Education Jeyhun Bayramov attended the first high-level annual Eastern Partnership conference around the subject of “A stronger economy for stronger societies - Investing in people for sustainable growth” in the Austrian capital of Vienna. Prior to the conference the minister of education met with European Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn and Austrian Minister for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs Karin Kneissl. They discussed opportunities for using the instruments existing under the Eastern Partnership initiative for developing education in Eastern Partnership countries. Jeyhun Bayramov highlighted the projects implemented in Azerbaijan`s education system with support of the European Union. The minister drew the audience`s attention to the “State Program for increasing international competitiveness of the higher education system of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2019-2023”. Jeyhun Bayramov then met with the European Commission`s Deputy Director-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture Viviane Hoffmann. They discussed the current state and prospects of Azerbaijan-European Union cooperation in the field of education. Following the meetings, the minister of education attended the high-level annual Eastern Partnership conference. Addressing a panel discussion, Jeyhun Bayramov highlighted Azerbaijan`s achievements in the field of education. The minister noted the importance of matching knowledge and skills and labor market needs. He said that rapid development of information technologies nowadays demands mastering appropriate knowledge and skills. “To achieve this, all the interested parties should maintain mutual cooperation,” the minister added.

Deputy Minister of Education Firudin Gurbanov attends UNESCO`s Global Education Meeting

Deputy Minister of Education Firudin Gurbanov visited Brussels to attend the Global Education Meeting (GEM 2018), co-organized by UNESCO and the government of Belgium. Held on December 3-5, GEM 2018 gathered more than 300 participants, including UN, UNESCO and EU officials, ministers and deputy ministers of education of UNESCO member states, representatives of UN agencies, international and regional organizations, and the private sector. Speakers at the Ministerial Opening Session included Queen Mathilde of Belgium, UN Special Advocate for the Sustainable Development Goals, Stefania Giannini, UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Education, Amina Mohammed, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations, Inga Rhonda King, President of UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), and Tibor Navracsics, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sports. Deputy Minister of Education Firudin Gurbanov addressed the Ministerial Roundtable 2 to highlight Azerbaijan`s experience in meeting Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 4 – education). Firudin Gurbanov said that “Achieving inclusive and quality education for all and promoting lifelong learning” (SDG 4) matches with the “State Strategy for the Development of Education in the Republic of Azerbaijan”, which was approved by the October 24, 2013 Order of the Azerbaijani President, in many areas. He said that by implementing reforms featured in the Strategy, the country made great strides in a number of areas. Firudin Gurbanov drew the audience`s attention to what has been done in the country to prepare new general education standards, ensure gender equality in education and improve inclusive education. The deputy minister said the “State Program for the Development of Inclusive Education for the Disabled in the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2018-2024” was approved. Firudin Gurbanov said that despite difficulties caused by the Armenian armed forces` occupation of Azerbaijani lands, the country`s government is investing heavily in the education sector. He added that hundreds of schools have been built in recent years in order to ensure the right to education of children from IDP families. The deputy minister said more than 70 percent of schools in Azerbaijan have been reconstructed or repaired. The event ended with the adoption of the Outcome Statement on Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 4).

New stage of cooperation between Ministry of Education and Clarivate Analytics

On December 5, an event was held to mark a new stage of cooperation between the Ministry of Education and Clarivate Analytics. Participants in the event included Minister of Education Jeyhun Bayramov, Executive Director at Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Elchin Babayev, Head of Consortia Development at Clarivate Analytics Isabelle Reiss, Vice-President of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Dilgam Taghiyev, and rectors of higher education institutions. The event was co-organized by the Ministry of Education, Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Clarivate Analytics. Addressing the event, Minister of Education Jeyhun Bayramov highlighted what has been done in recent years to ensure continuous development of higher education, facilitate universities` access to international scientific databases and encourage publication of Azerbaijani scientists` articles in leading international journals. The minister said that approved by President Ilham Aliyev, “State Program for increasing international competitiveness of the higher education system of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2019-2023” will boost the development of science and play an exceptional role in modernizing the activities of universities. Jeyhun Bayramov said that under an agreement on cooperation signed between the Ministry of Education and Clarivate Analytics (previously known as Thomson Reuters”) in 2015, 40 higher education institutions in Azerbaijan received access to Web of Science®, the most comprehensive and versatile research platform available. Saying cooperation with Clarivate Analytics is already yielding fruits, the minister noted that the number of Azerbaijani scientists` papers published in indexed journals has increased 74 percent in the past five years, while the indicator of higher education institutions has grown 88 percent. “A total of 1,160 research papers were registered with Web of Science® in 2017, a record number of Azerbaijani publications in the past 25 years. Higher education institutions account for 43 percent of these articles. Azerbaijan has ranked first in the South Caucasus for the paper number growth rate in Web of Science® in the past three years. If in 2015, only two Azerbaijani journals were indexed in Web of Science®, this figure reached 7 in 2017.” The minister said a decision was made to continue cooperation with Clarivate Analytics in the next three years. He proposed preparing a 2018-2021 plan of action between the Ministry of Education and Clarivate Analytics. Jeyhun Bayramov also proposed that the company should prepare a comprehensive report on Azerbaijan twice a year. Executive Director at Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Elchin Babayev highlighted favourable environment for the development of science and education in the country. He said cooperation with Clarivate Analytics will be beneficial. Elchin Babayev hailed the provision of research institutions with advanced technologies and also noted attention to specialist training, adding that this contributes to the improvement of scientific results on a yearly basis. Head of Consortia Development at Clarivate Analytics Isabelle Reiss said the agreement will contribute to the development of cooperation. She expressed confidence that Azerbaijani scientists will benefit from favorable environment created for them. Vice-President of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Dilgam Taghiyev drew the audience`s attention to what the Azerbaijani government is doing to develop science, and stressed the importance of ensuring recognition of Azerbaijan`s scientific achievements. The event then featured Clarivate Analytics` presentation called “Azerbaijan`s higher education institutions in Web of Science® in 2015-2018: results and prospects”. The Ministry of Education and Clarivate Analytics then signed a cooperation agreement for 2019-2021. The agreement provides for the expansion of the existing cooperation and gives Azerbaijan access to Web of Science®`s Russian science database and InCites platform, which uses the most thorough, accurate, and objective data available. The event then featured a ceremony to present “Web of Science Azerbaijan - 2018” awards.

Minister of education meets with Chinese ambassador

On November 21, Minister of Education Jeyhun Bayramov met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People`s Republic of China to Azerbaijan Wei Jinghua. They discussed Azerbaijan-China relations in the field of education, and cooperation prospects.

Minister of education attends AmCham Azerbaijan Monthly Member Luncheon

On November 20, Minister of Education Jeyhun Bayramov attended Monthly Member Luncheon of the American Chamber of Commerce in Azerbaijan (AmCham Azerbaijan). AmCham Azerbaijan president Nuran Karimov and executive director Natavan Mammadova opened the event. In his address, Minister of Education Jeyhun Bayramov highlighted what has been done over the five years since the adoption of the “State Strategy for the Development of Education in the Republic of Azerbaijan” as well as achievements in the education system. The minister drew the audience`s attention to the existing models of public-private sector cooperation in the field of education and possible projects in this regard. The luncheon featured presentations from AmCham members. Representatives of United Aid For Azerbaijan (UAFA) presented a social business project aimed at supporting vulnerable children in 22 districts of Azerbaijan. A total of 150 guests attended the event, including representatives of the diplomatic corps. Monthly Member Luncheons of AmCham Azerbaijan bring together government officials, parliamentarians and representatives of the diplomatic corps. The American Chamber of Commerce in Azerbaijan is a leading private, non-profit business association supporting and promoting the interests of foreign and local businesses in Azerbaijan. Established in 1996, AmCham is composed of over 280 Regular and Associate Member Companies active in every sector of the Azerbaijani economy. AmCham Azerbaijan represents nearly 80% of all foreign investment, as well as a significant portion of local investment, in Azerbaijan.

Minister of education meets with Russian ambassador

On November 14, Minister of Education Jeyhun Bayramov met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation in Azerbaijan Mikhail Bocharnikov. They discussed Azerbaijan-Russia relations in the field of education, and cooperation prospects.

“Expanding Inclusive Education for Children with Disabilities in Azerbaijan” project launched

On November 12, “Expanding Inclusive Education for Children with Disabilities in Azerbaijan” joint project of the European Union, UNICEF and Ministry of Education was launched.   Participants in the ceremony included Minister of Education Jeyhun Bayramov, UNICEF Representative in Azerbaijan Edward Carwardine, Head of the Delegation of the European Union (EU) to Azerbaijan Kestutis Jankauskas. Addressing the event, Minister of Education Jeyhun Bayramov highlighted positive changes achieved in the education system over the five years since the adoption of the “State Strategy for the Development of Education in the Republic of Azerbaijan”. The minister said the reforms allowed to improve quality of education. Jeyhun Bayramov highlighted the measures taken by the Ministry of Education to involve children with disabilities in education together with other children in general education institutions. Hailing the exceptional role of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation in this regard, the minister said the foundation is carrying out purposeful work to give children with disabilities and children deprived of parental care access to education and to improve financial resources and infrastructure as well as the teaching process at educational institutions where such children study. Saying 10,130 children with disabilities were involved in special education in the 2017-2018 academic year, Jeyhun Bayramov noted that the Ministry of Education already started work on the “State Program for the Development of Inclusive Education for Children with Disabilities in the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2018-2024”. The minister said that UNICEF and Heydar Aliyev Foundation’s “Regional Development” Public Union are now co-implementing two projects funded by the European Union. He said that implemented by UNICEF Azerbaijan, “Expanding Inclusive Education for Children with Disabilities in Azerbaijan” project will see the organization of trainings in order to improve inclusive education skills of teaching staff at pedagogical universities and general education institutions, creation of nine resource centers in Baku and other districts of the country, implementation of public conduct and social change campaigns in order to increase awareness of the rights of children with disabilities. The minister said the project will contribute to the successful implementation of the relevant State Program. UNICEF Representative in Azerbaijan Edward Carwardine said involving children with disabilities in quality education has a positive impact on their development. He said UNICEF is pleased to partner with the Ministry of Education and the European Union in implementing this initiative that offers children with disabilities opportunity to fully realize their potential. Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Azerbaijan Kestutis Jankauskas highlighted the importance of inclusive education. He said everyone has the right to be involved in public life with knowledge and skills he or she gained, to receive inclusive education and to be involved in trainings. The event heard several speeches and presentations on the project. The inclusive education programs will benefit more than 10,000 school teachers and principals. The project will give nearly 5,000 children with disabilities access to education at general education institutions by 2020.

Minister of Education meets with Czech deputy minister of education, youth and sport

On November 6, Minister of Education Jeyhun Bayramov met with Deputy Minister of Education, Youth and Sport of the Czech Republic Dana Prudíková. They discussed the current state and prospects of Azerbaijan-Czech Republic relations in the field of education, as well as “Ensuring energy efficiency” project. Dana Prudíková is in Azerbaijan to attend the inauguration of Garavali village secondary school named after A. Rajabov in Shamakhi district as part of “Ensuring energy efficiency” project implemented by the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Azerbaijan.

Minister of education meets with Swiss State Secretary for Education, Research and Innovation of Confederation Mauro Dell'Ambrogio

On October 29, a delegation led by State Secretary for Education, Research and Innovation of the Swiss Confederation Mauro Dell'Ambrogio embarked on a visit to Azerbaijan. Mauro Dell'Ambrogio started the visit by laying a wreath at the at the tomb of national leader Heydar Aliyev at the Alley of Honors. He then put flowers at the grave of prominent ophthalmologist, academician Zarifa Aliyeva. The Swiss state secretary also visited the Alley of Martyrs to commemorate Azerbaijani heroes who gave their lives for the country`s independence and territorial integrity. He put a wreath at the Eternal Flame monument here. State Secretary for Education, Research and Innovation of the Swiss Confederation Mauro Dell'Ambrogio then had a meeting with Minister of Education Jeyhun Bayramov. They discussed the current state and prospects of relations between Azerbaijan and the Swiss Confederation in the fields of higher and vocational education, as well as reforms. The Swiss delegation also visited ADA University where they met with rector Hafiz Pashayev. Mauro Dell'Ambrogio then visited French-Azerbaijani University (UFAZ) where he gave a lecture on “Switzerland: from education to innovation”.

Minister of Education Jeyhun Bayramov meets with Montenegrin Minister of Education Damir Sehovic

On October 25, Minister of Education Jeyhun Bayramov met with Montenegrin Minister of Education Damir Sehovic who is in Azerbaijan to attend the 6th Baku International Humanitarian Forum. They discussed the current state of relations between Azerbaijan and Montenegro in the field of education and cooperation prospects. The ministers exchanged information on education reforms carried out in their countries.


Müstəqillik Günü Azərbaycan xalqının tarixində ən şanlı və parlaq səhifələrdən biridir. ?????? #ElmVəTəhsilNazirliyi #28may #MüstəqillikGünü #MüstəqilAzərbaycan


Azyaşlı uşaqlara iqlim dəyişmələri və dayanıqlılıqla bağlı biliklərin aşılanmasını nəzərdə tutan “Yaşıl bağça” layihəsinə start verilib.


Mayın 27-də elm və təhsil naziri Emin Əmrullayev İordaniya Haşimilər Krallığının Azərbaycan Respublikasındakı fövqəladə və səlahiyyətli səfiri Ömər Bərəkət əl-Naharla görüşüb. #ElmVəTəhsilNazirliyi #EduAz Ətraflı: https://bit.ly/4dUiEDH
