The success of our students in the International Chemistry Olympiad
Our students successfully performed at the 55th International Chemistry Olympiad held in Zurich, Switzerland, on July 16-25. Our students won 4 medals in the competition in which 321 students from 107 countries are participated. Students participating in the Olympiad - Nihad Hajizada and Daniz Sattarli, X and XI grade students of Dayanat Foundation Baku Turkish Lyceum, Seljan Shafizada, XI grade student of Baku Physics, Mathematics and Informatics oriented Lyceum, and Hamid Khalilov, XI grade student of Ganja Physics, Mathematics and Informatics oriented Lyceum, were awarded bronze medals. We congratulate our students and wish them success.
25/07/2023 13:56
President attended opening of Jalilabad State Vocational Education Center
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has visited the Jalilabad district. The head of state attended the inauguration of the Jalilabad State Vocational Education Center.
20/07/2023 14:00
International judo tournament "Education" will be held
The International judo tournament "Education" dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of national leader Heydar Aliyev will be held on June 9-10. The tournament will be organized by the Ministry of Science and Education, the Ministry of Youth and Sports with the support of the Azerbaijan Judo Federation. Children and youth sports schools, sports clubs and teams from foreign countries will take part in the competition. Besides Azerbaijan more than 500 athletes from Slovakia, Hungary, Sweden, Latvia, Kazakhstan, Netherlands, Uzbekistan, Czech Republic and Poland are expected to participate in the tournament. The opening ceremony of the tournament will be held on June 9 at 15:00 in Sport and Recreation Center of Ministry of Emergency Situations and will be broadcast live on TV channel "Sport". On June 11-13, a training camp with the participation of international and local athletes will be held at the Zugulba training base of the Republican Sports Center "Education". It should be noted that the aim of the tournament is to popularize the heritage of national leader Heydar Aliyev, increase competitive experience of young athletes, strengthen friendship between them, and select candidates for national judo teams.
07/07/2023 15:12
Minister of Science and Education Emin Amrullayev meets with Pakistani Federal Minister
On July 4, the Minister of Science and Education Emin Amrullayev has met with a delegation led by Sajid Hussain Turi, Federal Minister for overseas Pakistanis and Human Resources Development of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. During the meeting they discussed the current state and prospects of cooperation in the field of science and education.
05/07/2023 12:22
The Minister of Science and Education attends second graduation ceremony of a dual degree master program between Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University and George Washington University
"The dual-degree program between George Washington University (GWU) of the USA and Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University (ASPU) gives dozens of our young people the opportunity to benefit from better educational opportunities. It is expected that under this program, up to 130 of our young people will be trained as international-level experts in educational policy and administration”. This was stated by the Minister of Science and Education, Emin Amrullayev, during his speech at the second graduation event of the ASPU-GWU dual-degree master’s program, which took place on June 23. Emin Amrullayev praised the implementation of the program. He stressed that bringing international experience in education administration to our country and training young professionals of high level is one of the priority directions of state policy. The Minister noted that over the past few years, as a result of dual degree programs between Azerbaijani universities and foreign universities, hundreds of potential young people have been given the opportunity to study at prestigious universities at the expense of the state without leaving the country. The event was attended by Bakhtiyar Aslanbeyli, Vice President of “BP Azerbaijan,” Colin Green, professor at the CWU’s Graduate School of Education and Human Development, as well as representatives of the diplomatic corps, the private sector, heads of higher and secondary special education institutions, representatives of ASPU and George Washington University, and graduates of the program. ASPU Rector Jafar Jafarov noted in his speech that the first 22 people who graduated from the program last year are now successfully working in various fields of education and economy, in the private and public sectors. Today marks the graduation of another 19 people who successfully completed the program. Colin Green, professor at the CWU's Graduate School of Education and Human Development congratulated the graduates of the program. Dean Michael Feuer's video greeting was shown. At the end of the event, graduates were presented with honorary diplomas.
24/06/2023 14:29
Our students succeeded in the European Physics Olympiad
The European Physics Olympiad was held in Hannover, Germany. Our team of 5 students successfully performed in the above-mentioned competition and won one silver, one bronze medal and one incentive award. Among them the silver medal was awarded to Murad Abdulkarim, a 11th grade student of the physics, mathematics and informatics biased Lyceum of Baku city, the bronze medal was awarded to Ugur Azim, a 10th grade student of the Baku Turkish Lyceum of Turkey Dayanat Vakf and the bronze medal - to Murad Ismayilov, a 10th grade student of the physics, mathematics and informatics biased Lyceum in Guba district. It should be noted that our students have been participating in this Olympiad since 2018 and to date have won 2 silver medals, 9 bronze medals, and 6 incentive awards.
21/06/2023 16:43
Under the European Union-Azerbaijan Cooperation Committee, the ninth meeting of the subcommittee was held
The ninth meeting of the subcommittee on employment and social affairs, health, training, education and youth, culture, information society and audiovisual policy, science and technology took place within the Azerbaijan-European Union Cooperation Committee in Brussels, Belgium. The meeting, co-chaired by the Ministry of Science and Education, was attended by a delegation composed of representatives from the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Digital Development and Transport, Labor and Social Protection of Population, Youth and Sports, Culture and Health During the meeting, the current situation and future prospects of cooperation between Azerbaijan and the European Union in the areas covered by the subcommittee were discussed.
20/06/2023 11:37
Success achieved at the International Olympiad in Chemistry named after Al-Biruni
The International Olympiad in Chemistry named after Al-Biruni was held on June 11-18, 2023 in Khiva, Uzbekistan. Students from 16 countries took part in the Olympiad. Our country was represented in this competition by four students.Thus, Nihad Hajizadeh and Deniz Sattarli, the students of the X and XI grades of the Baku Turkish Lyceum of Turkey Dayanat Vakf, Hamid Khalilov, the student of the XI grade of Ganja City Lyseum with bias in physics, mathematics and informatics , and Seljan Shafizadeh the student of the Baku City Lyseum with bias in physics, mathematics and informatics performed well and won bronze medals.
19/06/2023 12:53
Azerbaijan represented at the 7th meeting of the Ministers of Education of the Organization of Turkic States
Deputy Minister of Science and Education Firudin Gurbanov is on a visit to Samarkand (Uzbekistan) to participate in the 7th meeting of Ministers of Education of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS). As part of his visit, Firudin Gurbanov met with Hilola Umarova, Minister of Preschool and General Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and Aida Rysbayeva, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic. During the meeting, the parties discussed the current state and prospects for cooperation in education. The parties noted opportunities for expanding relations in the field of student exchanges, joint participation of students in festivals and contests, implementation of joint projects under the OTS. Firudin Gurbanov thanked Hilola Umarova for building a school for 960 students in the liberated city of Fizuli on the initiative of Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev. As part of his visit, the Deputy Minister visited the Presidential School, Preschool Educational Institution #48 and Samarkand State University operating in Samarkand, and familiarized himself with the conditions created at the educational institutions. Firudin Gurbanov also took part in a high-level meeting with the participation of the Secretary General of the Organization of Turkic States Kubanichbek Omuraliyev, Minister of Preschool and General Education of Uzbekistan Hilola Umarova, Deputy Minister of National Education of the Republic of Turkey Nazif Yilmaz, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic Aida Rysbaeva, Deputy Minister of Science and Education of Kazakhstan Kuanysh Yergaliyev. Speaking at the event, the deputy minister informed about the work done in the field of education under the OTS . Firudin Gurbanov noted that the textbook "General Turkic History up to the 15th century" is taught as a faculty subject in the educational institutions. In addition, the Deputy Minister stressed that the higher educational institutions of Azerbaijan are actively involved in the activities of the Union of Turkish Universities, and the Azerbaijan State Economic University will chair the Union for 2023-2024. Stressing the importance of participation of teenagers and youth from Turkic-speaking states in various Olympiads and contests, the Deputy Minister mentioned as an example the international children dance festival entitled "Heydar Aliyev - the great messenger of the Turkic world" held on 1 June in Shusha with participation of children's dance groups from Turkic-speaking states and "Joint Olympiad of Turkic World on History" held in our country. Then the participants of the event exchanged views on the issues on the agenda. The Deputy Minister expressed his views on the issues discussed and proposed.
14/06/2023 19:08
The first signed agreement in the field of science
For the first time, private and public institutions of higher education in Azerbaijan, as well as all scientific research institutes will be provided with access to the world's largest scientometric database Scopus. For this purpose, an agreement between the Agency for Quality Assurance in Education and “Elsevier” company was signed on June 14. The signing ceremony was attended by Idris Isayev, deputy minister of science and education, Tayfun Basal, regional director of “Elsevier” company, Nijat Mammadli, adviser to the minister of science and education, Ulkar Sattarova, chairman of the Agency for Quality Assurance in Education, Elchin Babayev, rector of Baku State University, Rasim Aliguliyev, general director of Institute of Information Technologies and other guests. Appreciating the initiative of signing an agreement providing access to various resources and tools of the Scopus scientometric database, Deputy Minister Idris Isayev said that that scientists and researchers working in more than 100 public and private institutions in the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as students, will benefit from these resorces. The deputy minister noted that the signed agreement will give impetus to improve the quantitative and qualitative indicators of scientific results in the future by providing access to scientometric databases. Other guests who spoke noted that improving the profiles of research institutions and researchers on Scopus would serve to increase access to their scientific-research activities, and collaboration with other academic institutions and scientists around the world. After the agreement signing ceremony, trainings on the use of Scopus and ScienceDirect databases were held for the relevant employees of higher education institutions and research institutes. It should be noted that "Scopus" is not only the largest scientometric database, but also a platform used to calculate scientific-research indicators of universities according to international rankings.
14/06/2023 17:10
Submission of documents for doctoral education abroad for the spring semester of 2021 is launched
24.11.2020 - 14:11 -
New recruitment procedure for UFAZ teachers UFAZ foundation courses in 2016/2017
16.06.2019 - 21:16 -
Education in Serbia Intergovernmental Scholarship Program 2019 spring semester
16.06.2019 - 21:14 -
Education in Serbia Intergovernmental Scholarship Program - 2019 spring semester
11.12.2018 - 11:06 -
Masters degree in Sweden 2019-2020 scholarship program
11.12.2018 - 10:57
“Yüksəliş” müsabiqəsinin beşinci mövsümünə start verildi! Liderlik potensialını göstərməyin əsl vaxtıdır. “Yüksəliş” müsabiqəsi sizin üçün gözlənilməz fürsətə çevrilə bilər. #BuBirİşarədir, elə indi qeydiyyatdan keç, əsl idarəçi olduğunu hər kəsə göstər. Qeydiyyat linki: Yüksəliş müsabiqəsi #ElmVəTəhsilNazirliyi #YüksəlişMüsabiqəsi
MoreMartın 7-də elm və təhsil nazirinin müavini Həsən Həsənli Astara rayonuna səfəri çərçivəsində bir sıra görüş, təhsil müəssisələrinə baxış və vətəndaş qəbulu keçirib. #ElmVəTəhsilNazirliyi #EduAz Ətraflı: