The next meeting of the subgroup "On improving international rating indicators (H-index) related to scientific publications" will be held
On September 22, 2023, at 11:00, the Ministry of Science and Education will host the next meeting of the human capital working group of the Commission on Business Environment and International Ratings "on improving international rating indicators (H-index) related to scientific publications". Idris Isayev, head of the "Human Capital" working group, deputy minister of science and education, sector manager of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, head of the Secretariat of the Commission Vusal Shikhaliyev, members of the subgroup (representatives and experts from higher education institutions, public and private sectors) will take part in the meeting.. At the meeting, the work done on the measures provided for in the approved "Road Map" of the subgroup for 2023 will be discussed. It should be noted that the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan acts as the head of the "Human Capital" Working Group of the Commission on Business Environment and International Ratings of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
20/09/2023 15:32
Science and Education Minister meets with the head of the Asian Development Bank's representative office in Azerbaijan
On September 13, Science and Education Minister Emin Amrullayev met with Candice McDeigan, the head of the Asian Development Bank's representative office in Azerbaijan. During the meeting, the sides exchanged views on the prospects of cooperation between the Ministry of Science and Education and the Asian Development Bank under the "Country Partnership Strategy for Azerbaijan covering 2024-2028" prepared by the Asian Development Bank.
13/09/2023 17:36
President Ilham Aliyev attended inauguration of new building of Khirdalan city secondary school No 11
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has attended the opening of a new building of the 2000-seat Khirdalan city secondary school No 11.
12/09/2023 10:05
A new professional qualification has been created with the support of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
"The steps taken through public-private co-operation are important for the development of vocational education. We have made important advances towards the application of workplace learning models, and our employer partners have also made great contributions to this process." These words were said by the Minister of Science and Education Emin Amrullayev on 7 September at an event organised within the framework of the project "Ensuring Access to Personnel and Employment in Azerbaijan" implemented with the support of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Emin Amrullayev also emphasised that the state's attention and care to the sphere of vocational education has increased in recent years. The event was attended by First Vice-President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Jurgen Rigterink, who is on a visit to the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as other officials, representatives of the private sector and mass media. Speaking at the event, First Vice President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Jurgen Rigterink noted that along with common economic benefits, such projects will create new economic opportunities for all. It was noted that this project will be one of the successful public-private partnership initiatives implemented in Azerbaijan. In conclusion, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the State Agency for Vocational Education under the Ministry of Science and Education and “Aurora Ltd.” to support training of personnel in accordance with the requirements of the industry. The Memorandum envisages training of qualified personnel in the field of food production, improving the knowledge and skills of students, improving the quality of training in this area, and creating dual programmes. It should be noted that in the field of food production, the State Agency for Vocational Education and Training and “Aurora Ltd.” have prepared a curriculum for the speciality "Grinding Production Operator" in order to support the training of personnel in accordance with the requirements and orders of the industry. Starting from the current academic year, teaching in this speciality will begin at the vocational education level.
08/09/2023 17:20
Our students achieved success at the International Olympiad in Informatics
Our students successfully performed at the 35th International Olympiad in Informatics, held from 28 August to 4 September in the Hungarian city of Szeged. The students representing our country finished the competition with 1 bronze medal and 2 incentive awards. Fuad Garayev, 10th grade student of Baku Physics, Mathematics and Informatics biased Lyceum, won a bronze medal at the Olympiad, Sahib Aliyev, 11th grade student of secondary school No. 245 of Baku city, as well as Fidan Huseynova, 11th grade pupil of Ganja Physics, Mathematics and Informatics biased Lyceum received incentive awards. It should be noted that our students have been participating in the International Olympiad in Informatics since 1994. Together with the current achievement, a total of 1 silver and 11 bronze medals have been won at the mentioned Olympiad. We congratulate our students and wish them further success.
04/09/2023 16:00
Lachin district secondary school No.2 was commissioned after major overhaul
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva have attended the inauguration of the Lachin district secondary school No.2 after major overhaul. The head of state and the First Lady first met with the residents of Lachin and had a brief conversation with them. Male resident: My mother worked here as a teacher for 46 years. We are descendants from my mother's side. Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva: This is a paradise. What a pretty girl. Little girl: Let's go have a cup of tea at our house. President Ilham Aliyev: Thank you, thank you very much. We will come here many more times. Thank you. We wish you good health and every success. Female resident: Thank you. Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva: Thank you. Minister of Science and Education Emin Amrullayev informed the head of state and the First Lady of the conditions created in the school. The reconstruction of the school started in December, 2022. The three-storey school occupies an area of 4,550 square meters. The 510-seat school has 18 classrooms, a computer lab, technology room, three labs, and a military training room. Under the order of the President of Azerbaijan, the design and reconstruction of the 176-seat Zabukh village secondary school of the Lachin district started. The school covers a total area of 1,245 square meters. The school will have 11 classrooms, a chemistry room, computer lab, canteen, medical point, assembly hall, military training room and a library.
25/08/2023 22:20
Secondary school No. 1 named after Mirzo Ulugbek opened in Fuzuli
President Ilham Aliyev: Thank you. The school has been named after Mirzo Ulugbek. Hajar Mahmudova: Yes, the grandson of Amir Timur. President Ilham Aliyev: Yes, the grandson of Amir Timur, a prominent son of the Uzbek people. This school will be the center of Uzbekistan-Azerbaijan friendship and brotherhood. Hajar Mahmudova: We will do our best for that. We are grateful to the President of Uzbekistan and to the Uzbek people. Thank you very much. President Shavkat Mirziyoyev: Thank you. x x x The heads of state cut the ribbon symbolizing the opening of the school. x x x President Ilham Aliyev: Good luck! President Shavkat Mirziyoyev: I hope it will be successful. They posed for photographs. Then the heads of state and first ladies were informed about the conditions created in the school. It was noted that the school built in Fuzuli as a gift from President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev on behalf of the Uzbek people had the capacity to accommodate 960 students. Construction started last year and was completed with high quality. The school building constructed on an area of 3 hectares has two floors and a basement. The school has 40 classrooms, six laboratories, two computer classes, five functional study rooms, a 500-seat assembly hall, a gym, a 320-seat cafeteria, and a library. A football pitch, places for recreation and events, running tracks, chat rooms, a checkpoint, a boiler room, water tanks, and a transformer substation have been built in the courtyard of the school. Construction has been carried out with high quality. Then a video was shown in the assembly hall of the school. The construction of this school, which confirms the words of President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev that “Azerbaijan is a close friend and a reliable strategic partner that has stood the test of time” indicates the high level of relations between the two brotherly countries. President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev also evaluated the initiative to build a big school in the Fuzuli district by Uzbekistan as another step of solidarity, friendship and brotherhood between the two countries.
23/08/2023 12:05
The report session of the “Human Capital” working group for the first half of 2023 was held
The next meeting of the Human Capital working group led by the Ministry of Science and Education in the "Commission for Business Environment and International Ratings" was held in the format of a video conference reflecting the preliminary results obtained in the first half of the approved Action Plan for 2023. The head of the Human Capital working group greeted the meeting participants and informed the working group about the general activities of the working group during the first half of 2023, the implementation status of the action plan, including the implementation of the measures provided for in the Action Plan by the Chairman of the Commission, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Yagub Eyyubov. He gave detailed information about the task of organizing the discussion of the situation and taking the necessary measures on its results, and spoke about the upcoming issues. Later, in accordance with the agenda of the meeting, the Secretary of the working group Jabbar Huseynli gave a speech and provided detailed information about the Action Plan, which includes 61 measures to be taken in total for 27 indicators embraced in the global indices, and emphasized that it is "Socio-economic development strategy of Azerbaijan Republic for 2022-2026" and stated that special attention should be paid to the organization of its unity. Also, he informed about the current status of the works carried out under the planned measures, as well as a number of new legal acts adopted in the field of science and education in the first six months of the current year in our country, which serve the development of human capital, and their scope. Then, according to the agenda of the meeting, Nurlan Ismayilbayli, director of the Human Resources Center of the Education Institute of the Republic of Azerbaijan, made a presentation on the importance of the process of certification of educators and the analysis of the obtained preliminary results. At the end of the meeting, which was held in the format of mutual discussion, the questions of the meeting participants were answered.
12/08/2023 12:40
New building of secondary lyceum school with humanities and natural orientation named after Muhammad Fuzuli was inaugurated in city of Shamkir
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has attended an inauguration of a new building of the secondary lyceum school with humanities and natural orientation named after Muhammad Fuzuli in the city of Shamkir.
07/08/2023 12:41
Online meeting of the "Human Capital" working group of the Commission on Business Environment and International Rankings will be held
On August 11 at 15:00 at the Ministry of Science and Education, the next meeting of the “Human Capital” working group of the Business Environment and International Rankings Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan will be held in online format. Interested people, public and private sector representatives can get acquainted with the agenda of the meeting by visiting the relevant link and write their proposals on the relevant topic through the “Send proposal” section of the link. Citizens, as well as representatives of the private sector, can use services of "apply online (” and “Send a proposal" sections of the internet portal of the Commission on Business Environment and International Rankings, and, thus, participate in the activity of the working group and submit proposals about the relevant field and issues.
03/08/2023 17:35
Submission of documents for doctoral education abroad for the spring semester of 2021 is launched
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New recruitment procedure for UFAZ teachers UFAZ foundation courses in 2016/2017
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Education in Serbia Intergovernmental Scholarship Program 2019 spring semester
16.06.2019 - 21:14 -
Education in Serbia Intergovernmental Scholarship Program - 2019 spring semester
11.12.2018 - 11:06 -
Masters degree in Sweden 2019-2020 scholarship program
11.12.2018 - 10:57
“Yüksəliş” müsabiqəsinin beşinci mövsümünə start verildi! Liderlik potensialını göstərməyin əsl vaxtıdır. “Yüksəliş” müsabiqəsi sizin üçün gözlənilməz fürsətə çevrilə bilər. #BuBirİşarədir, elə indi qeydiyyatdan keç, əsl idarəçi olduğunu hər kəsə göstər. Qeydiyyat linki: Yüksəliş müsabiqəsi #ElmVəTəhsilNazirliyi #YüksəlişMüsabiqəsi
MoreMartın 7-də elm və təhsil nazirinin müavini Həsən Həsənli Astara rayonuna səfəri çərçivəsində bir sıra görüş, təhsil müəssisələrinə baxış və vətəndaş qəbulu keçirib. #ElmVəTəhsilNazirliyi #EduAz Ətraflı: