• Azərbaycan Xalq Cümhuriyyəti hökumətinin 1918-ci il 28 may tarixli qərarı ilə maarif və təhsil üzrə ilk nazirlik-Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyi yaradılıb. Nazirlər Şurasının 30 iyun 1918-ci il tarixli qərarı ilə Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyinin üç şöbədən (ümumi orta təhsil, ali və orta ixtisas təhsili, peşə məktəbləri) ibarət strukturu təsdiq olunub.

    Azərbaycan SSR Xalq Komissarları Sovetinin 28 aprel 1920-ci il tarixli qərarı ilə Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyinin adı dəyişdirilərək Xalq Maarifi Komissarlığı adı ilə yenidən təşkil edilib və ölkədəki bütün təhsil müəssisələri bu qurumun tabeliyinə verilib.

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Minister of Education receives outgoing Turkish ambassador

On October 3, Minister of Education Mikayil Jabbarov received Turkish ambassador to Azerbaijan Alper Coskun, who is completing his diplomatic mission in the country.  They hailed the development of friendly and fraternal relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey, particularly in the field of education. The minister praised the Turkish ambassador`s role in expanding the bilateral education cooperation. Ambassador Alper Coskun said he is leaving Azerbaijan with pleasant impressions. He thanked minister Mikayil Jabbarov for assistance during his diplomatic mission in Azerbaijan. The minister wished the outgoing Turkish ambassador success in his future diplomatic activity.

“Maarifçi” Student Loan Fund announces new loan session

  “Maarifçi” Student Loan Fund has announced a new session for students who want to take loans. The loan aims to help students pay their tuition fees for the 2016/2017 academic year. The students applying for a loan should meet a number of criteria. They should be citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan, study at one of the founding universities and also need financial assistance to continue their education. Detailed information on loan types and terms, application requirements is available on www.maarifci.az website. Students can submit an online loan application, which was introduced with the aim of ensuring transparency and efficiency in the application process. The website also provides information on how and who can apply, as well as the list of the required documents. The fund aims to create equal higher education opportunities for students from low-income families, who experience problems with paying their tuition fees, through granting long-term low-interest loans to them. The first session saw the fund consider 55 online requests based on its criteria, with loan agreements signed with 22 students. Applications close on October 31.

Minister of Education to receive citizens in Quzanli, Aghdam For the information of residents of Aghdam, Fuzuli, Beylaqan and Tartar districts!

In accordance with October 2016 timetable of reception hours of government executives, Minister of Education Mikayil Jabbarov will receive residents of Aghdam, Fuzuli, Beylaqan and Tartar districts at the Heydar Aliyev Center in Quzanli, Aghdam at 11.00 on October 10. IDPs with temporary residence Aghdam, Fuzuli, Beylaqan and Tartar districts can also attend the reception. The citizens who want to attend may contact the Call Center of the Ministry of Education (hotline – 146) or register at http://edu.gov.az/az/contacts/request on October 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Those registered are requested to present, upon their arrival, a written description of the issues they plan to raise during the reception.

Department for Work with Citizens of Ministry of Education received 19,854 requests in September

  Statistics on the calls received by the Call Center (“Hot line” service, phone: 146) of the Ministry of Education and services provided by Citizens Reception Center in September, 2016, have been announced. According to statistics, a total of 19,854 requests were received from citizens last month. Figures show that 13,429 calls were registered by the Call Center in September (8.7 times more than in September of 2013, 1.7 times more than in 2014, and 1.2 times more than in 2015). Citizens Reception Center served 6,425 citizens last month. The vast majority of requests (mostly for information) to the Call Center and Citizens Reception Center were immediately dealt with. Citizens Reception Center received and registered 1,876 documents (1079 applications, 674 letters, and 123 other documents). According to statistics, the requests were about recruitment and transfer of teachers, recognition (nostrification) of university degree documents (diplomas), enrollment in vocational schools, transfer and reinstatement in local higher education institutions, and exemption from tuition fees. The majority of requests to the Call Center last month were made on Thursdays (3,624 calls) and Fridays (3,414 calls) mostly between 10.00 and 13.00, and 14.00 and 16.00. The majority of requests to Citizens Reception Center were registered on Thursdays (1,592 requests) and Fridays (1,568 requests) mostly between 10.00 and 13.00, and 14.00 and 16.00.

Pre-school education institutions open doors to children

Pre-school classes were launched for 5-year-old children at general schools on October 3. Under the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated July 11 2016, pre-school groups set up at general secondary schools across the country enroll children who turn five in the academic year. Funded by the government, pre-school education groups function in all cities and districts of the country. Classes in pre-school education groups are conducted by experienced and qualified secondary school teachers. According to 2016-2017 academic year plan of pre-school groups, classes will be conducted four times a week (12 hours). This includes three 30-minute classes a day, with a 10-minute break between classes. Pre-school education program features classes on natural world, preparation for literacy training and development of speaking skills, development of literary thinking, development of logical and mathematical thinking, expressive activity, musical and physical culture. The academic year in pre-school groups is comprised of two parts, ending on May 31.

Applicants sit test under “A pupil`s friend” pilot project

“A pupil`s friend” pilot project featured the test for applicants on October 2. An hour-and-a-half exam saw applicants respond to 50 questions, including on history, geography and culture of Azerbaijan, and logical thinking abilities. Selected applicants will qualify for the interview, where preference will be given to those involved in public and volunteering activity, and those having foreign language skills. Those who successfully pass the interview stage will be involved in trainings. Winners will be defined based on overall results, and the successful applicants will be appointed “A pupil`s friend”. “A pupil`s friend” shall build a safe environment for teachers and pupils, provide first medical and psychological aid for them, educate and carry out diagnostic work for pupils, parents, teachers, staff and management of education and training institutions. “A pupil`s friend” shall also contribute to improving children`s personal qualities and ensuring their intellectual development, and encouraging their self-education and self-development skills. “A pupil`s friend” is a joint project of the Ministry of Education and the State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The project will initially be implemented in 30 general schools, with the scale of the project to be expanded in the future.

International conference on Nizami project held in Sweden

  Uppsala University, Sweden, hosts an international conference, which aims to improve doctoral studies in Azerbaijan in line with European standards. The conference is part of the European Commission`s Erasmus+ Capacity Building project Nizami, launched in December, 2015. The project is coordinated by the University of Montpellier. Nine Azerbaijani universities and four European universities take part in the conference together with the partners – the Ministry of Education and National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan – to discuss what has been done since the launch of the project and to define a future action plan. The Ministry of Education is represented by employees of the Department of Science, Higher and Secondary Education Sulhaddin Gozalov and Vusale Qurbanova. On the first day of the conference the ministry`s employees made a presentation on the establishment, rules of organizing and the current status of doctoral studies in Azerbaijan. The conference also featured discussion on the organization of doctoral studies in Europe compared with that in Azerbaijan. The conference also heard reports from European and Azerbaijani partners on internationalization of doctoral studies and their improvement in line with European standards.

Baku to host 10th Azerbaijan International Education Exhibition

The 10th Anniversary Azerbaijan International Education Exhibition, the only event in the field of education in Azerbaijan, will be held from October 7-9 at the Baku Expo Center. The exhibition is organized with the support and participation of the Ministry of Education. This year, representatives of universities, colleges and other educational institutions from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, and other countries will introduce their educational programs to visitors of the exhibition. The exhibition will present bachelor`s, master`s and postgraduate programs, including second higher education and MBA courses, foreign language for business courses, internships and training sessions. Visitors will have the opportunity to speak to representatives of leading higher education institutions to learn about the application process, best ways of preparing for it, the timescales for supplying documents, the price of education, the ranking of institutions and subjects, and many other issues. Entry to the exhibition will be open for 9th and 10th grade students, as well as their parents, applicants, students, principals, university rectors, economic affairs vice-principals and other industry professionals. Online registration for the education is available at http://eduexpo.az/2016/?p=visitors_fast_register. Special shuttle buses from Koroglu metro station will take visitors to and from the exhibition venue on a regular basis. More detailed information on the education exhibition is available at http://eduexpo.az/2016/.

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has attended the inauguration of a Chess School in Sumgayit.

The head of state first cut the ribbon symbolizing the opening of the school. President Ilham Aliyev was informed that the two-storey school building, whose construction started last December, occupies a total area of 1,000 square metres. The school was supplied with a state-of the-art equipment. The school has a total enrollment of 550-600 pupils in 25 groups. They are served by 25 teachers. President Ilham Aliyev viewed the conditions created at the Chess School.   www.president.az

Mikayil Jabbarov meets with Azerbaijani Olympians who succeeded at Rio 2016

On September 24, Minister of Education Mikayil Jabbarov met with Azerbaijani athletes – graduates of sport schools of the Ministry of Education – who succeeded at Rio 2016 Summer Olympic Games. Mikayil Jabbarov congratulated the Olympians, and said Rio 2016 Summer Olympic Games were a success for the Azerbaijani team. At Rio 2016, Azerbaijan claimed a total of 18 medals, including one gold, 7 silvers and 10 bronzes. At the Rio Paralympic Games in Rio, Azerbaijan grabbed 1 gold, 8 silver and 2 bronze medals. The minister said three of Azerbaijani Olympians who won medals in Rio are graduates of children`s and youth sports schools of the Ministry of Education. Mikayil Jabbarov said more than 3,000 schools have been built in Azerbaijan in the past 13 years, with an emphasis on the effective use of sports infrastructure in these schools.   Silver and bronze medal winners of Rio 2016 Summer Olympic Games, graduate of Ganja branch of Tahsil Sport Complex Togrul Asgarov, graduate of Absheron District Children`s and Youth Sport School of the Ministry of Education Haji Aliyev, winner of Rio 2016 Paralympic Games, graduate of Ganja city Children`s and Youth Sport School No 1 Ramil Gasimov thanked the minister for the invitation. They said they will continue doing their utmost to make greater accomplishments. Mikayil Jabbarov presented the athletes with certificates of appreciation and gifts.


Müstəqillik Günü Azərbaycan xalqının tarixində ən şanlı və parlaq səhifələrdən biridir. ?????? #ElmVəTəhsilNazirliyi #28may #MüstəqillikGünü #MüstəqilAzərbaycan


Azyaşlı uşaqlara iqlim dəyişmələri və dayanıqlılıqla bağlı biliklərin aşılanmasını nəzərdə tutan “Yaşıl bağça” layihəsinə start verilib.


Mayın 27-də elm və təhsil naziri Emin Əmrullayev İordaniya Haşimilər Krallığının Azərbaycan Respublikasındakı fövqəladə və səlahiyyətli səfiri Ömər Bərəkət əl-Naharla görüşüb. #ElmVəTəhsilNazirliyi #EduAz Ətraflı: https://bit.ly/4dUiEDH
