• Azərbaycan Xalq Cümhuriyyəti hökumətinin 1918-ci il 28 may tarixli qərarı ilə maarif və təhsil üzrə ilk nazirlik-Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyi yaradılıb. Nazirlər Şurasının 30 iyun 1918-ci il tarixli qərarı ilə Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyinin üç şöbədən (ümumi orta təhsil, ali və orta ixtisas təhsili, peşə məktəbləri) ibarət strukturu təsdiq olunub.

    Azərbaycan SSR Xalq Komissarları Sovetinin 28 aprel 1920-ci il tarixli qərarı ilə Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyinin adı dəyişdirilərək Xalq Maarifi Komissarlığı adı ilə yenidən təşkil edilib və ölkədəki bütün təhsil müəssisələri bu qurumun tabeliyinə verilib.

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The next exemplary lesson of the scientists working at ANAS

On December 22, the students of technical disciplines-oriented class 10th of full secondary school no. 47 of Baku city were taught an exemplary lesson on the theme "Comparative characteristics of halogens" in chemistry. The exemplary lesson was conducted by Vagif Abbasov, academician, Director of Institute of Petrochemical Processes of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. It should be noted that the exemplary lessons are taught by prominent scientists working at ANAS in accordance with the initiative associated with the target-oriented program entitled "From Science to Education" and put forward by Mikayil Jabbarov, Minister of Education, at the ceremony dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) and according to the agreement reached between the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan Republic and the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS). During the lesson, V.Abbasov noted that the integration of science and education played an important role in the training of national personnel with advanced scientific knowledge. Speaking about the role of the chemical industry in the national economy, academician talked about important innovations in this field, provided pupils with detailed information about the importance of halogens in human life and answered their questions. The exemplary lesson was attended by employees of the Ministry of Education and Baku City Education Department, secondary school chemistry teachers and mass media represemtatives.

The Open Door Day at Fine Art Gallery

The Open Door Day was held at Fine Art Gallery of Child-Youth Creativity Palace named after Tofig Ismayilov. The main objective of the Open Door Day is to arouse children`s and young people`s interest in fine art and to reveal their creative abilities. Visitors familiarized themselves with the art exhibition reflecting all genres of fine art and organizing among circle members of secondary schools and creativity centers operating in Baku. The exhibition was attended by children and young people between the ages of 6-18. The exhibition covered the topics "My city - the Pearls of Azerbaijan", "Our national heritage - the samples of decorative-applied art", "Azerbaijani fairy tales through the eyes of children”. On the Open Door Day, the heads of the circles drew pictures together with the participants of the exhibition and conducted master classes on various topics by using paper, clay and plasticine. The guests got acquainted with the secrets of the art of ebru. They also developed simple animations at the Circle of digital image. It should be noted that Fine Art Gallery plans to expand cooperation with relevant galleries of other countries and to organize various innovative projects and Master classes with well-known artists of Azerbaijan and foreign countries.

The essay contest on the theme "My thoughts about the national-spiritual values"

The Republican stage of the essay contest on the theme "My thoughts about the national-spiritual values" was held at lyceum named after academician Zarifa Aliyeva under the Ministry of Education on December 20. The contest was attended by 101 pupils from all regions of the country. It should be noted that the essay contest on the theme "My thoughts about the national-spiritual values" is held according to the 2015 Joint Action Plan of the State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations and the Ministry of Education on "Strengthening the measures for upbringing children and youth in the spirit of respect for national-spiritual and universal values in educational institutions" and according to the appropriate order of the Ministry of Education in order to implement paragraph 8 of this plan. 9th-11th grade students of secondary schools participated in the contest. Its school-based and regional (city) stages, attended by more than 30 000 pupils, were organized in October-November this year. The names of winners of regional (city) stage were submitted to the Ministry of Education by local education governing bodies. The essays will be checked by the Special Commission established by the Ministry of Education. The winners of the contest will be awarded Diplomas and prizes.

The next diagnostic evaluation has been completed

On December 16-20, 2015, the diagnostic evaluation of knowledge and skills of teachers working at general educational institutions of Sumgait city, Absheron and Gubadly regions was held. The diagnostic evaluation, attended by nearly 9,000 teachers, was held at Sumgait Olympic Sports Complex. 99.04% of teachers, who were invited from the above-mentioned regions, participated in the examinations. Immediately after the examinations were over, the results of the diagnostic evaluation were announced. The teachers may enter their Personal Pages on the official website (www.dq.edu.az) of the Ministry of Education created in connection with the diagnostic evaluation of knowledge and skills of teachers and may get acquainted with results. During the evaluation process, 40 test questions in the specialty according to general education program, 20 test questions in methods and learning strategies were submitted to participants. According to the relevant rules, each correct answer is estimated by 1 point. The knowledge and skills of the teachers, who correctly answered at least 10 percent of test questions in each section, are considered diagnostically evaluated. The diagnostic evaluation was attended by teachers, who work under labor agreement in secondary schools, included in the system of the Ministry of Education, as their principal place of work, as well as resource teachers and heads of pre-conscription military training of youth. The next diagnostic evaluation will be held at full secondary school No. 12 of Ganja city on December 24-26. The knowledge and skills of more than 3,500 teachers working at general education institutions of Ganja city will be diagnostically evaluated in the examinations.

The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Thomson Reuters Declare the Commencement of Cooperation

The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan signed the partnership agreement with the IP and Science division of Thomson Reuters, the leading global supplier of analytical information for businesses and professionals. According to the agreement, Azerbaijani high education institutions will get full access to data from Thomson Reuters Web of Science®, the world’s most trusted citation index for leading scholarly literature, namely to the Science Citation Index Expanded®, Social Sciences Citation Index®, Arts & Humanities Citation Index®, Conference Proceedings Citation Index® (CPCI), and to Thomson Reuters InCites™, the company’s flagship, web-based research evaluation tool that allows users to analyze the productivity of scientific and educational institutions all over the world. Web of Science and InCites are currently used by over 7,000 premier universities, research institutions, government agencies, and business organizations from around the world.  Web of Science® data analysis will help scientific and educational institutions determine the most promising areas of research, and build effective development strategies. According to Mikayil Jabbarov, the Minister of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, "This partnership is designed to support the concept of development of our country, which is based on the idea of “converting black gold to human capital”. We are confident that this cooperation will bring the scientific activities in our country to entirely new level of development."  President of Azerbaijan National Academy of Science Akif Alizadeh emphasized significance of access opportunities for high education institutions to the Web of Science® global scientific platform and İnCites™ tool and stressed the importance of this document for the Azerbaijani science. The project will be implemented in cooperation with Science Development Foundation under the President of Azerbaijan, which supports the research activities of Azerbaijani scientists as one of the priorities for the Foundation. We are happy to cooperate with the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, hereby promoting the development of research and education institutions in Azerbaijan. We are confident that wide access to the leading global scientometric platform of Thomson Reuters will help increase the number of publications of local researchers, provide a powerful impetus for development of science in Azerbaijan, and will also promote international cooperation," said Sameeh S. El-Din, President of Thomson Reuters for Government Projects in Developing Markets. The Science Citation Index Expanded provides researchers, administrators, faculty, and students with quick, powerful access to the bibliographic and citation information they need to find research data, analyze trends, journals and researchers, and share their findings. Moreover, the Social Sciences Citation Index and the Arts & Humanities Citation Index give access to a full list of research papers and bibliographic and citation information from the latest issues of scientific publications in social sciences and arts & humanities, essential for data mining and analyzing the trends. Furthermore, the Conference Proceedings Citation Index helps researchers access the published literature from the most significant conferences and conventions since 1990, selecting from the vast volume of journal literature only the publications that will present most interest to the widest circle of researchers and scholars worldwide. Azerbaijani higher education institutions will also get access to the Journal Citation Report (JCR) on the InCites information platform. Journal Citation Reports allow scholars to compare influence of various scientific journals, and choose the most appropriate journals for their own publications

Republican scientific conference

On December 16, the Republican scientific conference on the theme "Strategic targets of education and tasks facing pedagogical sciences in Azerbaijan" was jointly organized by the Ministry of Education and the Institute of Educational Problems (IEP).   First of all, the event participants familiarized themselves with the book exhibition. Opening the conference Gulu Novruzov, Director of IEP, spoke about the importance of the event and underlined that the main purpose was to prepare concrete proposals for implementing the issues of the identification of responsibilities of pedagogical sciences and the creation of new competency-based and results-oriented educational content in the country in accordance with the State Strategy. Firudin Gurbanov, Deputy Minister of Education, spoke about the existing problems in the field of education and the work to be done to eliminate them. The Deputy Minister made recommendations related to the organization of the teaching process. During the conference, Bakhtiyar Aliyev, Member of the Milli Majlis, Yusif Mammadov, Rector of Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, Oktay Samadov, Executive Director of Knowledge Foundation under the President of Azerbaijan Republic, spoke about education reforms carried out in the country and emphasized the importance of solving existing problems in this field.

The student selection process within the framework of the State Program on education abroad has ended

Within the framework of the "State Program on Education of Azerbaijani Youth Abroad in the years 2007-2015”, the final statistics on admission for the year 2015 has been announced. Within the framework of the State Program, the student selection process on admission for the academic year 2015-2016 - the last year of admission and on the State Program has been completed. The names of 373 students have been included in the list of scholarship holders in the last year of admission which was completed successfully according to the State Program. So, post-baccalaureate education levels have dominated in this year's competition. 176 persons have gained the right to study at a master's degree level, 25 persons at a doctor's degree level, 70 persons at a residency degree level, 102 persons at a basic higher medical education level and a bachelor's degree level. The main objectives of the "State Program on Education of Azerbaijani Youth Abroad in the years 2007-2015”, prepared on the personal initiative of the President of Azerbaijan Republic Mr. Ilham Aliyev and approved by a decree of the President dated April 16, 2007, are to build a competitive economic system in the country and to meet the country's need for personnel, who meet modern requirements, in terms of ensuring sustainable development, to create the necessary conditions for Azerbaijani youth to get a decent higher education, to provide increasing the efficiency and good organization of the process of expanding opportunities for talented young people to study in the advanced countries of the world. In order to implement the above-mentioned goals, during 9 years of implementation of the State Program, the relevant legal framework was created and it was further improved on the basis of issues that emerged during the period of implementation, the opportunities were created for candidates to submit documents electronically, individual interviews were conducted for them and the reforms were carried out to improve the quality of learning environment for students. The selection process was conducted with the participation of specialists from the Ministry of Education, relevant government agencies and higher education institutions in order to create the conditions for young people to get education in specialties, that are considered a priority for our country, in the world's leading higher education institutions within the framework of the State Program and a total of 3558 people gained the right to study. Great Britain, Turkey, Germany, Canada, the Netherlands became the top 5 countries where most students choose to study. As a result of the selection process, more students won the right to study at a master`s degree level. Within the framework of the State Program, Azerbaijani students are studying at prestigious higher education institutions such as Harvard University, Cambridge University, Oxford University, Imperial College London, Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Middle East Technical University, University of Toronto, Nanyang Technological University and Kyoto University. So far, 1147 people have registered as a graduate within the framework of the State Program. 60 percent of graduates, who completed their education with higher academic performance, operate in the private sector and 40% of them operate in the public sector. Admission of students, who studied within the framework of the State Program, to the interview stage of civil service entrance exams created great conditions for the use of the acquired knowledge and competency in public administration. It should be noted that the last person, who is studying (the residency level of medical education) within the framework of the State Program, is expected to be graduated in 2021. The measures taken and the results achieved during the implementation of the State Program give an impetus to the work done in the direction of "The transformation of black gold into human capital", which is considered one of the main priorities.

"International Erasmus + Information Day" was held

"International Erasmus + Information Day" was held at Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry. The event was attended by Sulhaddin Gozalov, head of the Department of Science and Higher Education at the Ministry of Education, Rafig Jamalov, Vice-rector of international relations at Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry, Toras Plis, representative of the European Union, Carolina Karboliskayt, representative of the European Commission's Education, Audiovisual and Cultural Executive Agency, Parviz Bagirov, head of the office of "International Erasmus +" in Azerbaijan, Reza Talabi Daryani, professor of Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Tofig Babayev, Regional Innovative Technologies Academy, as well as representatives of higher education institutions. During the event, the participants were informed about internship programs implemented in higher education institutions. It was noted that the relationship between higher education institutions of Azerbaijan and European universities expanded on the basis of the projects implemented within the framework of the relevant programs. It should be noted that European projects play a major role in giving a great impetus to the integration of Azerbaijan's higher education system into international and European educational arena. We will have the opportunity to participate more actively within the framework of the new program "Erasmus+", replacing the Tempus program on the basis of the experience gained by higher education institutions. Under the program, three projects are potentially funded in the first competition with the participation of universities.  

Mikayil Jabbarov, Minister of Education, signed an order on "The organization and conduction of examinations".

According to the order, 2015-2016 academic year fall semester examinations will be organized in higher educational institutions in accordance with the existing rules and the appropriate measures will be taken in order to ensure transparency and objectivity in the assessment of students' knowledge.   The Order of the Minister of Education of Azerbaijan Republic on "The organization and conduction of examinations"  

Diagnostic evaluation of teachers continues

On December 16, the diagnostic evaluation of knowledge and skills of teachers working at general educational institutions of Sumgait city, Absheron and Gubadly regions has begun in Sumgait city. The examinations are held at Sumgait Olympic Sports Complex. Nearly 9,000 teachers are expected to participate in the examinations. During the evaluation process, 40 test questions in the specialty according to general education program, 20 test questions in methods and learning strategies are submitted to participants. The diagnostic evaluation, held in Sumgait city on December 16-20, will be attended by teachers, who work under labor agreement in secondary schools, included in the system of the Ministry of Education, as their principal place of work, as well as resource teachers and heads of pre-conscription military training of youth. Immediately after the examinations have been taken, the results of the diagnostic evaluation are announced. The teachers may enter their Personal Pages on the official website (www.dq.edu.az) of the Ministry of Education created in connection with the diagnostic evaluation of knowledge and skills of teachers and may get acquainted with results. It should be noted that the purpose of the diagnostic evaluation is to determine the level of knowledge and skills of teachers, to improve the material well-being by increasing the norm for their teaching loads and salaries, to involve them in growth-oriented trainings on the basis of the result of the evaluation.


Müstəqillik Günü Azərbaycan xalqının tarixində ən şanlı və parlaq səhifələrdən biridir. ?????? #ElmVəTəhsilNazirliyi #28may #MüstəqillikGünü #MüstəqilAzərbaycan


Azyaşlı uşaqlara iqlim dəyişmələri və dayanıqlılıqla bağlı biliklərin aşılanmasını nəzərdə tutan “Yaşıl bağça” layihəsinə start verilib.


Mayın 27-də elm və təhsil naziri Emin Əmrullayev İordaniya Haşimilər Krallığının Azərbaycan Respublikasındakı fövqəladə və səlahiyyətli səfiri Ömər Bərəkət əl-Naharla görüşüb. #ElmVəTəhsilNazirliyi #EduAz Ətraflı: https://bit.ly/4dUiEDH
