On April 6 at the Ministry of Education took place a meeting with the participants of 5th International Environmental Project Olympiad INEPO-EUROASIA.
Education Minister Misir Mardanov welcomed the guests and wished them success in the Olympiad. Talking on the goal of the INEPO-EUROASIA 5th International Environmental Project Olympiad Minister Mardanov said that it will play an important role in solving environmental problems existing in the world and Azerbaijan, informing the younger generation on steps to protect the environment, and improving environmental knowledge. Having noted the ecology is one of the priority areas of President Ilham Aliyev, Mr. Mardanov gave information on works done in this direction. According to him, the Olympiad is conducted by Azerbaijan State Oil Company, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, Cag Ogretim Ishletmeleri Company, INEPO-EUROASIA Ecology Association, and Public Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. According to the Minister pupils from Azerbaijan will take part in the Olympiad with very interesting projects. He also noted that the number of participants taking part in the traditional Olympiad is increasing each year, and this year more than 300 participants from 35 countries will test their knowledge. Mr. Mardanov thanked everyone, who has contributed to the conduction of Olympiad, and expressed confidence that the knowledge contest will be held in a high level. Further, he recommended to participants to get familiar with the history and culture of Azerbaijan, and also give all the necessary information on their homeland. The opening ceremony of the event will be held on April 8. According to information, 58 out of 193 projects submitted by pupils of Azerbaijan, as well as 57 out of 235 projects submitted from the world countries will take part in the Olympiad. All of them will be assessed by Jury. The meeting was attended by Chairman of Management Board of Cag Ogretim Ishletmeleri Company Enver Ozeren and General Coordinator of INEPO-EUROASIA Arif Gomreksiz. At the end, representatives of some countries expressed their satisfaction with the meeting and attitude shown to them.
08/07/2015 16:52
On April 6 Education Minister Misir Mardanov met with Head of Azerbaijan History Department of Humboldt University, Germany, professor Eva-Maria Auch.
Having expressed his pleasure at seeing the guest at the Ministry of Education, Minister Mardanov noted that relations existing between Germany and Azerbaijan in the education area have been developed over recent years. Noting 45 students have participated in lectures conducted by the Department for Azerbaijan History of Humboldt University, Eva-Maria Auch underlined that 12 of them have successfully passed the exam. She also gave information on teaching of Azerbaijani history and culture at the university, and added that 15 students will visit Azerbaijan in September of the current year. She touched upon the organization of the visit, and noted the importance of close acquaintance of students with Azerbaijan. Having spoken on exchange of doctoral candidates the guest expressed her views on developing of cooperation in the vocational education field. Education Minister Misir Mardanov noted that the relevant assistance for the activity of Azerbaijan History Department of Humboldt University will be continued and recommended to organize the trip of 15 students who will visit Azerbaijan in September to regions of the country. Minister informed that lecturers from Azerbaijan will visit Humboldt University, and the department will be provided with textbooks and extra learning materials. He also noted the importance of developing partnership with Germany in the vocational education field, and underlined the willingness of the Ministry to provide any support to implement the relevant proposals. Further, the parties exchanged views on other issues of common interest.
08/07/2015 16:52
On April 8, Head of Public Relations Department of the Ministry of Education Bayram Huseynzadeh gave a presentation on the educational visit made by employees of the Ministry and education correspondents to the Republic of France.
Noting that their visit to France lasted from March 27 to April 3 head of Public Relations Department of the Ministry of Education Bayram Huseynzadeh gave a brief summary on the education system of France. According to him, pre-school establishments of France are functioned under different bodies. The general education consists of three levels: primary, main and full general education. The vocational training period lasts two years. Moreover, France has three-level higher education system: Licence (3 years), Master (2 years) and Doctor (3 years). Mr. Huseynzadeh noted that education sector of France is managed by two authorities: Ministry of National Education, Youth and Community Life, and Ministry of Higher Education and Research. In order to save budgeted expenses some departments of both ministries are acting as a body. According to him, heads of departments are appointed by Prime Minister based on ministers’ presentation; heads of different department sections are appointed by relevant ministers with consent of the government. Moreover, university rectors (presidents) are being chosen through elections. B. Huseynzadeh noted that rectors of 30 Academies (local education authorities) are appointed by the president of the country. According to him, in 2010, spending on education from the state budget in France amounted to 60 billion euros. About 12 million pupils are studying, and 852.902 teachers are working at 66.172 secondary schools of the country. Salaries for teachers working at private schools are being paid by the state and vary between 1500-2300 euros depending on the length of their teaching experience, diploma degree and age of children taught by them. B. Huseynzadeh informed that Baccalaureate Diploma (attestation) issued to the graduates completing the secondary education level is given them a chance to enter a university without taking an exam. He informed that France has three universities, 215 engineering colleges, 220 higher commercial, management and financial institutions. The education at the state universities is free, but at private universities varies between 9000-30000 euros. The most popular specializations in France are economy, computer engineering and engineering. Mr. Huseynzadeh gave information on meetings held within the visit to learn about the experience of cooperation of educational authorities of France with the Media. He also spoke about discussions held at Department for Reception of Foreign Delegations of International Pedagogical Research Centre, Ministry of National Education, Youth and Community Life, Ministry of Higher Education and Research, at the office of “Le Monde” newspaper and channel TV5 Monde, as well as at Paris Education Department of Regional Centre for Pedagogical Documentation. Moreover, he spoke about the positive aspects of the visit in terms of an exchange of experience. At the end B. Huseynzadeh responded to questions from meeting attendees. Director of Youth, Science and Education Programs of Public Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Jasarat Valehov has expressed his thanks on behalf of journalists, who have participated in the visit to France, and shared his impressions of the visit with the attendees of the meeting.
08/07/2015 16:52
On April 11 “E-education” Republican competition organized by the Ministry of Education has started.
The competition is conducted within the State Program for Informatization of Education System in 2008-2012, and supported by Microsoft Azerbaijan, Education for the Future program of Intel Corporation, Azerfon-Vodafone, AZEDUNET, Ultra, HP and Madad. Applicants wishing to participate in the competition should register themselves on the contest’s website www.musabiqe.edu.az, and receive detailed information. The deadline for submitting documents to the competition, which is conducted in 2 directions: “Internet technologies in the education” and “Electronic educational resources at the modern school” is May 25. The main goal of the contest is to make the use of electronic educational resources and internet technologies popular, inform the educational community about this, reveal new forms of Internet use in the education, and encourage teachers actively using IT. It should be noted that in the “Internet technologies in the education” category applicants could present educational Internet resources, blogs and other Internet projects. The winners will be selected in Education Internet Resources and Teachers Blog categories. Methodical materials on practical use of electronic educational resources in the education can be presented to the competition in the “Electronic educational resources at the modern school” direction. The winners will be selected from each of the following categories: “Best method for the use of ICT in subject teaching”, “Best method for the use of ICT in the primary education system” and “Best teaching model on the use of e-educational resources”. The two-stage voting procedure will be conducted by the jury consists of professionals and experts. Winners of each five nomination will be awarded with laptops, netbooks and other special prizes. It should be noted that the competition is being held for a second time. In 2010, 810 projects were submitted to the contest and winners were chosen in 89 categories.
08/07/2015 16:52
On April 11 at school No. 4 of Digah complete secondary school of Masalli district took place a Scientific Practical Conference entitled ‘From the experience of innovative educational ideas used in the present day’
The conference was attended by Education Minister Misir Mardanov, Head of Masalli District Executive Power Gazanfar Agayev, officials of Education Ministry, Institute for Educational Problems, employees of Education Departments of Masalli, Lankaran, Astara, Lerik, Salyan, Yardimli, Jalilabad and Bilasuvar districts. At first, guests got familiar with the handwork exhibition of pupils organized in the foyer of school. Education Minister Misir Mardanov became acquainted with sport hall, library and classrooms of newly built school. He also took part in open lessons and expressed his satisfaction with the knowledge level of children and teachers. Speaking at the opening of the conference Education Minister talked about reforms implemented in the education system of the country, increase in the number of newly built schools, and provision of all secondary schools with the most important equipments, including computer technologies. It was noted that educational reforms have almost given results. According to the minister, 525 schools in the emergency condition will repair and bring into line with modern requirements by 2013 based on executive orders signed by President Ilham Aliyev. Noting the use of new curriculum in recent years Mr. Mardanov underlined its efficiency and stated that works in this direction will be continued. Speaking at the conference Head of Masalli District Executive Power Gazanfar Agayev noted the care and attention provided by the State to the education and noted successes reached by Masalli district in the education field. At the end there have been given answers to questions from participants.
08/07/2015 16:52
XVI Republican Subject Olympiad of Students that aims to reveal the potential talent existing at higher educational establishments has started.
The first round of Olympiad will be held during 5-30 April, 2011, at higher educational establishments, and the second round will take place in Azerbaijan State Economic University in May of the current year. It shall be noted that the winners of Olympiad in math, physics, chemistry, biology, information science, Azerbaijani language, Azerbaijani history, Azerbaijani geography, English, German, French and Russian languages will be awarded by Education Ministry of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Committee of Independent Trade Union of Education Workers of Azerbaijan diplomas, prizes and cash bonuses.
08/07/2015 16:52
On April 15 at Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University took place an international scientific conference entitled “Managing quality in higher education as part of the Bologna Process” devoted to the 88th birth anniversary of national leader Heydar Aliyev.
The conference organized jointly by the Ministry of Education, Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University and Qafqaz University was attended by heads of relevant departments of the ministry, representatives of universities, famous scientists and students. Education Minister Misir Mardanov welcomed participants and introduced to them the guests from Turkey. Noting the conference was initiated by Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University and Qafqaz University he underlined that both universities have taken real steps to improve the quality of education, and gained a positive experience of using information technologies in the education and ensuring the transparency. Mr. Mardanov talked about the main goals of reforms implemented in the higher education system, integration of higher education into European education area, creation of personal potential in accordance with the requirements of the information society and economy focuses on the knowledge, as well as forming a qualitative and efficient education system. He underlined the importance of the conference in terms of initiative and creative approach of universities along with the Ministry of Education to forming the higher education system of the country within the Bologna process. Further, executive committee member of Higher Education Council of the Republic of Turkey Saban Calis, Rector of Marmara University Zafer Gul, Rector of Sakarya University Muzaffer Elmas, Rector of Azerbaijan Medical University Ahliman Amiraslanov, and representative of the Turkish Embassy to Azerbaijan Kaya Bakkalbasi have delivered a speech at the plenary session of the conference.
08/07/2015 16:52
The third round of the Best Secondary School competition 2010/2011 has finished; the Best Teacher competition is continued.
The third round of the Best Secondary School competition 2010/2011, held according to the Order of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan of September 4, 2007, on the launch of Best Secondary School and Best Teacher awards, has finished; the Best Teacher competition is continued. This year, 425 teachers have submitted documents to take part in the Best Teacher competition. Documents of 10 teachers were rejected for the inadequacy in the requirements. Documents of 415 were analysed. 156 (37.5 per cent) teachers submitted documents for the competition are from Baku, 42 (10 per cent) teachers from school subordinated to the Ministry of Education, 39 (9.3 %) teachers from Sumgayit and 178 from other cities and districts. This year, teachers of Naftalan city, Agdam, Gobustan, Dashkesen, Yardimli, Kelbejer, Neftchala, Gedebey, Lachin, Tartar, Saatli, Sabirabad, Khocavend, and Khojali districts have not submitted the documents for the competition. According to the results' analysis for teachers, whose documents were accepted to the Best Teacher competition, 217 out of 415 (52.2 per cent) teachers have collected 1.3-3.8 scores, and deserved the right to participate in the second round of the competition. From 217 teachers 57 are primary teachers, 35 English teachers, 25 Azerbaijani language and literature teachers, 23 History, 20 Mathematics, 12 Geography, 11 Biology, 9 Physics, 6 French, 5 Chemistry, 4 Information Science, 2 German, 2 Russian (Russian sector), 1 physical training, 1 military training, 1 Russian (Azerbaijani sector) and 1 Fine Art teachers. Presentations given by 55 teachers were estimated by the relevant commission. The presentations of others will be estimated until the end of the next month. The best 95 presentations will be announced the winner of the competition. As usual, 5 winners of the Best Teacher competition will be chosen among teachers of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. This year, 145 schools representing different regions of the country have addressed to the Organizing Committee to take part in the Best Secondary School competition. According to the report, it is 22 schools more compared to the last year. 63 (43 per cent) of them are representing Baku, 82 (57 per cent) other cities and districts. The indicators of schools that submitted documents to participate in the competition will be estimated by the ten-point system. According to the results' analysis, 108 out of 145 (74 per cent) schools have collected 2.3-7.8 scores and gained a right to participate in the contest. Directors of four schools did not take part in the third level of the contest for the reasonable excuse. According to the rules, 104 schools will be defined based on the quality percent of pupils of IX and Xi classes that they will demonstrate on subject exams. The results of all three rounds of the contest will be estimated, and 47 winner schools will be defined by Jury. Three winners of the Best Secondary School will be selected among schools of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic as in past years.
08/07/2015 16:52
Hotline Service (phones: 496-34-82; 496-37-61; fax: 496-37-61; e-mail: qaynar-xett@edu.gov.az) of the Ministry of Education received 1707 queries on March.
1575 queries were made by telephone, 132 by e-mail. A majority of them (1490) were requests and report on problems existing at secondary schools, pre-school establishments, universities and secondary special institutions. Moreover, there were received requests from out of school and vocational establishments, as well as on the study abroad issues. The largest number of queries was related to educational programs, international projects, national and international subject Olympiads, study abroad, additional education, admission to the different level of education, surveys on the new assessment system in the last classes of secondary schools, in the higher and secondary special education system and, etc. Moreover, there was an increase in the number of requests for reception and recognition of educational documents, conduction of final exams and subject Olympiads, learning their results, rules for admission teachers to vacant positions at educational establishments via contest and admission of children to the first classes. What is more, the queries related to the distribution of the teaching load, use of the school uniform and organization of the alphabet holiday at the first classes and, etc. were recorded and responded. The majority of queries that have been analysed were from the secondary schools. Accordingly, there were received 78 requests from schools of Baku, 15 from schools of other cities (Ganja - 7, Sumgayit - 6, Mingachevir and Shirvan – 1) 10 from Absheron, 4 from Sheki and Gusar, 3 from Lankaran, Lerik, Tartar, 2 from Agdash, Neftchala, Saatli, Shamakhi, Imishli, Goygol, Gobustan, Beylegan, Sabirabad, Agjabedi, Goranboy, Masalli, Gabala districts, and 1 from schools of Shabran, Shamkir, Jalilabad, Samukh, Khojavend, Gedebey, Agsu, Dashkesen, Tovuz, Siyazan, Guba, Barda, Lachin, Kurdamir, Agdam, Bilasuvar, and Yardimli districts. Queries related to secondary schools were mainly about the organization of the educational process, distribution of teaching loads, faults made by teachers against pupils, and discontent with the purchase of gifts for the holidays. The investigation revealed that 35 per cent of queries were anonymous despite indicating full name and telephone number, facts noted in 40 % of requests was not being confirmed. Pursuant to the investigation conducted according to requests raised issues found their solution and teachers of two secondary schools received an administrative penalty. Thus, based on the relevant query has been determined that teacher of Elitar Gymnasium named after I. Efendiyev Aliyar Bakhishov admitted bias in the estimation of students' knowledge and received a reprimanded from the management of school. As a result of investigation of another request the teacher of V class school #183 of Khazar district I. Hajiyeva received a warning for asking pupils to bring 1 AZN for the school’s fund. The Hotline received 9 queries from pre-school establishments, 5 from lyceums, 2 from boarding school, 2 from out of school educational establishments. Moreover, there were accepted 12 requests from state higher and secondary special institutions, and 24 requests from private ones. The vast majority of queries received from pre-school institutions was about the admission to these establishments and their mode of operation. The requests received from the state higher and secondary special educational institutions have reflected issues related to dissatisfaction with the results of exams, delay in scholarship payments, sales of various publications, and, etc. The query of student of the V course of the Accounting Faculty of Azerbaijan State Economic University Sanan Yusifov about the demand from him a large amount of money by the dean's office of the university was investigated, and the fact was not confirmed. The materials have been sent to law enforcement agencies to be investigate. From private universities were received 24 queries last month. One of them were from Azerbaijan Cooperation University, 2 from the university of Odlar Yurdu, and 21 from Azerbaijan International University. The queries have been investigated and taken appropriate actions. Thus, 91.5 per cent of queries received by the Hotline in March have had a positive response, and issues have found their solution in the appropriate manner.
08/07/2015 16:52
On April 21 at school #27 of Ganja city took place a zonal scientific – practical conference entitled “Sustainable development of the modern education: reality, prospects.”
The conference was attended by Education Minister Misir Mardanov, Head of Ganja city Executive Power Elmar Valiyev, representatives of the Ministry of Education, Institute for Educational Problems, Ganja City Education Department, heads of Naftalan, Gazakh, Agstafa, Tovuz, Shamkir, Gadabay, Dashkesen, Samukh, Goygol, Goranboy education departments and directors of schools. At first, Education Minister Misir Mardanov and conference attendees got familiar with the handwork exhibition of pupils organized in the foyer of school. Further, the minister took part in the open lessons of Yegana Safarova, teacher of III class, and Nabat Gasimova, teacher of IX class. Speaking at the opening Mr. Mardanov gave information on educational reforms implemented in the republic. He noted the importance for increasing the education level in terms of sustainable development of the country. Talking about the dynamic development of Ganja he underlined that President Ilham Aliyev, who successfully continues a political course of the national leader Heydar Aliyev, pays a great deal of attention to the socio-economic development of regions. The minister stressed the importance of conducting such events and gave information on the current situation of education of the 11 regions.
08/07/2015 16:52
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