Education is the future of the nation!
In 2010, the Hotline of the Ministry of Education received 13232 calls (phones: 496-34-82, 496-37-61, fax: 496-37-61, e-mail address:
11861 queries were received by telephone, 1371 through e-mail and 75% of them are requests and information. In general, over 60% of queries were connected with general schools, about 5% of them with pre-school educational institutions, 1% with extra-school establishments, 5% with vocational education institutions, 20% with universities, and 7% with secondary special educational institutions. The Hotline received 143 calls in January and February, 356 in March, 1003 in April, 958 in May, 4200 in June, 1871 in July and August, 2083 in September, 1854 in October and November, and 764 calls in December. 60-70% of queries received each month were connected with schools of Baku, and they had been investigated by the Baku city Education Department. During the complaints' investigation, it was found out that 108 (34.5%) of them are anonymous. Moreover, there was revealed that 99 complaints (31.6%) are not accurate, and in 8 cases they are fully or partially true. According to studies, directors of schools #26, 37, 61, 79, 110, 141, 192, 208, 228 and 321 of Baku were fired for not fulfilling their responsibilities, and directors of schools #38, 94, 139, 151, 176, and 270 received reprimands, as well as director of school # 146 a warning. Based on information received from schools #18, 76, 119 and 258 a number of teachers, and supervising teachers have received administrative penalty by the school management. Complaints related to the prevention of acquisition of schools’ territory and lacks of heating were investigated, and were made an appeal to relevant organizations. Most of the complaints were received from cities of Ganja, Sumgait, Mingechevir, Shirvan, and Absheron, Yardimli, Dashkesan, Zagatala, Khachmaz, Tovuz, Tartar, Lenkaran, Shabran, and Lerik regions. The vast majority of queries received from Absheron were complaints. Thus, most of the complaints were connected with the organization of sale of uniforms and unwanted books mandatory, and collecting money for the fund. There were conducted the investigation in connection with this issue and results were discussed at the Ministry of Education. Director of Education Department of Absheron district had received appropriate instructions to solve the problem in the short period of time. In addition, one secondary school teacher was fired for selling school uniform. Workers of the service and relevant departments of the Ministry replied to queries related to the hiring of teachers to schools on a competitive basis, distribution of lessons, delivering textbooks to pupils, as well as transfer and restoration of students to the universities, tuition fee, and, etc. Queries related to the organization of centrally conducted final exams in secondary schools accounted for 45 per cent of all queries. Number of requests has been connected with the organization, conduction and results of international and national Science Olympiads. The Hotline had continuously received queries in working days in order to provide an objective assessment of students' knowledge in higher and secondary specialized schools during winter and summer sessions of 2009-2010 school years, and eliminate the negative consequences. Moreover, queries received by the Hotline and Anti-Corruption Working Group of the Ministry during January - June had been investigated by the staff of Ministry and volunteers working in NGOs. Number of queries received during the winter and spring exam sessions of 2009-2010 school years from the private universities were more than complaints received from state higher and secondary special schools. There were received a lot of calls at the beginning of 2010-2011 school year in connection with the transfer of students of two private universities which activities were suspended. According to the results of investigations conducted based on queries received by the Hotline, individuals had received a reprimand, and also there were implemented other administrative penalties. Moreover, there were conducted investigations at Marine Fisheries College and Vocational school #6 of Baku in November. It was connected with complaints for delay payment of stipends to students, social benefits and wages of employees. In accordance with the Labor code (paragraph “a” of the second part of Section 186) Directors of Marine Fisheries College and Vocational school #6 of Baku received the warning, as well as there were given a reprimand to accountants of these educational institutions. Information about queries received by the Hotline and results of investigations had been periodically published on the website of the Ministry of Education, newspaper “Azerbaijan muallimi”, and “Tehsil kheberleri” magazine, and on other press bodies.
08/07/2015 16:52
On January 19 Institute of Educational Problems and Baku Advanced Training and Retraining Institute of Pedagogical Cadres presented their reports at the Ministry of Education.
Abdulla Mehrabov, Director of the Institute gave information on the history of the institute and its structure. He noted that centers for Theoretical Research in Education, Curriculum, and Applied Research in Education, Monitoring and Assessment, Initial Vocational Education Development are operating at the Institute. A. Mehrabov, gave information about the activities and research directions of the Centre for Theoretical Research in Education. He also stressed preparation of preschool curriculum at Curriculum Centre and successes achieved in this area, the study of the situation in the application of new curriculum and researches in general education curriculum. Moreover, he talked about works implemented by the Centre for Applied Research in Education and Centre for Monitoring and Assessment within the State Program for the development of creative potential of children (youth) with special talent, and problems connected with the assessment of pupils’ achievement. Noting the establishment of Centre for Initial Vocational Education Development, A. Mehrabov added that the main research fields of the centre are forecasting the staff training process in the initial vocational education, preparation of new standards, application of different specialty curriculums, structure of vocational institutions, improvement of its management mechanism, optimization of network, and, etc. Moreover, he talked about international relations of the Centre, publication of scientific works of institute’s staff, activity of Education Research Coordination Council, training of pedagogical staff, and staff potential of the institute. According to the information given by him, last year the institute held researches on 73 topics encompassed 13 problems of education. Works on 8 topics encompassed 4 problems were completed and the results of works were generalized and sent to institutions to be applied. In conclusion, he gave information on queries received by the institution headed by him. Further, Asef Zamanov, rector of Baku Advanced Training and Retraining Institute of Pedagogical Cadres, gave a presentation on works done in 2010. Noting the high role of advanced training and improvement of pedagogical cadres in the development of quality in education, A. Zamanov said that the system is very useful in terms of studying new technologies, spread of best practices, and improvement of knowledge of teachers. He underlined that, the main purpose of advanced training institutions is to improve professionalism and skill of teachers. He also gave information on the structure of institute, its staff, and activity of Scientific Council. A. Zamanov underlined the importance of Department for Educational Innovation creation. According to him, Department for organization and management of education was established at the Institute in order to implement changes in the management system of education, and increase the quality of the training process. It also was noted that famous professors and teachers of Ministry of Education, Baku city Education Department and universities are invited to the deliver the lectures. A. Zamanov informed that there was held a contest for the best department, best teacher, and best researcher categories last year and winners were defined. He noted taken into account the number of participants at the courses, there was paid a special attention to the composition of lecturers. Thus, famous experts were invited to the courses as a lecturer. It was noted that last year 30 lecturers out of 200 invited to the institute were PhD, and 70 were the doctor of philosophy. According to him, last year there were implemented works to alleviate lacks existing in the advanced training and retraining area. He informed that about 10 thousand teachers were involved in retraining courses and 7728 of them have finished them. Moreover, he underlined works done in the retraining area, scientific-research fields, international relations of the institute, as well as future responsibilities. At the end questions on reports were answered, as well as were made some suggestions. Education Minister, Misir Mardanov, gave his recommendations for future work to rectors of both institutes, and announced completion of reports.
08/07/2015 16:52
On January 21, a seminar entitled “Innovative approaches to training” took place at Baku European Lyceum.
Education Minister, Misir Mardanov attended lessons of Khumar Ahmadbeyli, teacher of Lyceum, in 5“A1” class devoted to the theme of “Traces allow to restore the past” and Ilhama Abdullayeva, in the 4 “A1” class, in the theme of “Dividing by 1-digit number” held by interdisciplinary curriculum. The lessons of six teachers were attended at the seminar. After lessons the Minister visited some classes of the Lyceum and met with teachers and pupils. During the meeting, Zulfiyya Veysova, director of Lyceum, gave full information about teachers, classrooms, as well as their design. She underlined the parents took an active part in the creation of high level environmental training. The Minister expressed satisfaction with what he had seen at Lyceum, and highly appreciated the favorable conditions created in different classes, as well as positive aspects that he had noticed in classes. Moreover, the Minister has underlined the importance of close relations between teachers and parents. Further, there were held discussions on lessons. The Minister and other participants underlined the organization of lessons in the high level, demonstration by teachers a methodical mastery, active participation of pupils in lessons, and widespread use of the modern training methods in lessons. Zulfiyya Veysova, Director of Baku European Lyceum, gave a presentation on the interdisciplinary learning program (ILP) and noted it has been successfully applied at the school for several years. She had answered to the number of questions of participants on the presentation. The manuals on ILP prepared by the Lyceum were handed over to participants. Deputy Minister of Education, Isgandar Isgandarov, the heads of relevant departments of the Ministry, staff of some universities and director of a number of schools attended the seminar.
08/07/2015 16:52
On January 21, the meeting devoted to the results of accreditation held on May 2010 at the Azerbaijan State Oil Academy took place in the Ministry of Education.
Speaking at the meeting, Khalid Yahudov, Chairman of the Accreditation Committee for the Azerbaijan State Oil Academy, noted the organization of learning program of the Academy and its analysis in conformity with the demand for standards of state education. Moreover, there was studied the level of knowledge of last course students to learn the quality of expert training. He noted that in accordance with the decision of Scientific Council of the university 62 specialties were presented for attestation from the Bachelor and 60 from the Master levels. Kh. Yahubov also gave information on achievement indicators of students, and number of staff of the Academy. In addition, he underlined the highest and lowest quality indicators on specialties, and recommendations gave by the Committee. Education Minister, Misir Mardanov informed that recently there has been marked the 90th anniversary of the Academy, and emphasized the importance of discussion of the Committee’s decision at Scientific Council of Academy. He expressed belief in positive impact of Commission’s decision on the quality of training at the Academy. The Minister also underlined the possibility of involvement the international experts in the accreditation of universities. At the end, there were exchanged views on discussed issue, and questions of participants were answered.
08/07/2015 16:52
On January 24, a meeting devoted to the discussion of the project on creation Vocational Education Centre for Advanced Technologies was held at the Ministry of Education.
The Minister of Education, Misir Mardanov welcomed the meeting participants and underlined the support of ministries of Finance, Economic Development, Labor and Social Protection of Population, and other government bodies to works implemented in the vocational education development field. He noted that in accordance with the offer made by South Korea in 2007 there was achieved an agreement to implement the project for creation of Vocational Education Centre. Moreover, there were organized mutual visits of experts and solved some organizational issues. According to the Minister, the government of South Korea will allocate 22 million US dollars to create the Centre for Vocational Education. Furthermore, about 800 people will study at the centre on 8 specialties during the year. The Minister noted that at the center, which will be established on the base of Baku Vocational Lyceum #4, will be organized 2-year full-time, and part-time courses. The Minister stressed that the president considers the development of vocational and technical education a priority issue, and expressed confidence in successful implementation of the tasks ahead. Jung-Jae Moon, representative of the Korean Human Resources Development Service, has thanked everyone for their assistance in establishing the vocational education center on advanced technologies, and gave information about the main priorities of the project. The guest noted that individuals graduated from the general, secondary and higher educational institutions will be able to get a vocational education. According to him, the center will be set up training conditions that meet the highest requirements, and students will be provided by the hostel. Lee Ji-Ha, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Korea to Azerbaijan, noted the importance of the project. Having stressed his country's interest in bilateral cooperation with Azerbaijan, the Ambassador expressed his confidence in successful implementation of this project. At the end, there were exchanged views on the issue and works that will be implemented.
08/07/2015 16:52
On January 25, E-education project presentation took place in the Ministry of Education.
Speaking at the presentation, Education Minister, Misir Mardanov, welcomed participants and underlined special attention paid by the government to the ICT provision in the education. He informed that 20 schools are joined to the E-school pilot project within the State program for informatization of the education system of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2008-2012. Moreover, this innovation will soon apply in 30 schools. Tahir Mirkishili, president of the Ultra Company, underlined Azerbaijan ranking in the first place among CIS countries on the application of ICT in the education. He gave information on E-education project. Noting 1000 schools of the country are able to afford the use of e-lesson, T. Mirkishili underlined information on 4500 schoolchildren, and teachers based on data gave by Department for Education Management Information Systems (EMIS) were added to the Data Centre. Sarkhan Mammadov, director of the department of Ultra Company, talked about works done within the implementation of E-education project, and listed it priorities. He noted that the e-education project includes the Education portal (, “E-school” Management program (ASM), E-lesson management program (AeL), E-learning (SCORM standards), and National Education Database (NED). Moreover, he underlined the importance of the project in terms of gathering different statistical indicators on school management, assessment, improvement of training quality, and parent-teacher relations into the single database. At the end, there were given answers to questions of participants, as well as discussed measures to be taken to obtain the expected results of the E-education project.
08/07/2015 16:52
Board meeting on the theme of “Results of 2010 and future challenges for 2011” took place on January 27 in the Ministry of Education.
Misir Mardanov, Minister of Education, gave a presentation on works done in 2010, and noted the importance of the last year in terms of country development. Talking about great deal of care and attention paid by the President to the education, the Minister, underlined last year, President Ilham Aliyev and his spouse, Mehriban Aliyeva, president of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, took part in the opening of 16 new schools, completely reconstructed educational establishments, as well as met with teachers and students. He noted that the President signed 37 executive orders, and 2 degrees on education in 2010. Moreover, 411 education workers were awarded by the state prize. According to the Minister, in 2010, the education development was one of the priorities of the Cabinet of Ministries of the Azerbaijan Republic. Thus, there were signed 32 executive orders in this direction. Further, Mr. M. Mardanov, gave information on education spending in 2010, as well as implemented State programs and projects, steps taken in the pre-school education area, problems and future plans. He noted last year, there was built and gave to use 3 new kindergartens by the initiative of Heydar Aliyev Foundation, 7 pre-school establishments were completely renewed, repair works were held at 31 institutions, and 151 establishments were supplied with equipments. Education Minister has talked about reforms implemented in the general education area, development of school infrastructure, new school and extra buildings that was built in the last year. Moreover, he informed on works done in the field of provision schools with equipments and laboratories, improvement of school libraries, steps taken within the implementation of curriculum reforms, as well as in areas of monitoring and assessment. The Minister stressed that the test and final exams will be held in 7 regions of the country this year. He also noted the number of exam questions on subjects has been optimized and prepared examination entry forms for pupils. Furthermore, the Minister gave information on results of university admissions, and works carried out among talented school children in 2010. He listed achievements reached in the deinstitutionalization field, measures done within the implementation of textbook policy, and works done in the areas of staff provision and admission of teachers. Moreover, the Minister gave information on informatization of the education system, works done in the extra school, initial vocational, secondary special and higher education areas. He also talked about main activity directions, future challenges, study of Azeri youth abroad, and foreign students in Azerbaijan, as well as organization of works in the additional study field, and other issues. Speaking about reception of citizens, consideration of queries M. Mardanov underlined that last year, the Ministry received 51552 documents. According to him, 23600 out of them were queries, and 27952 letters. It also was that, the Hotline service received 13232 calls in 2010. Representatives of the Cabinet of Ministries, some government bodies, NGO’s, MP’s, university rectors, famous intellectuals, directors of district and city education departments, as well as schools participated in the meeting have noted the importance of the presentation. Ali Ahmedov, executive secretary of New Azerbaijan Party, Bahar Muradova, deputy chairwoman of Milli Mejlis (Parliament), Sattar Mehbaliyev, chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation, Maleyke Abbaszadeh, chairwoman of State Students Admission Commission have noted the attention paid to the education field by the president, and positively assessed works done by the Education Ministry within the implementation of education policy. They also expressed hope for successful execution of reforms carried out in the relevant direction and solution of existing problems. Report presentation on the theme of “Results of 2010 and the future challenges for 2011” presented by the Minister of Education, Misir Mardanov at the Board meeting.
08/07/2015 16:52
On January 28, at the Ministry of Education was held a press conference to open the II Republican Mugham Contest.
Speaking at the press conference, Elmar Gasimov, Deputy Minister of Education, informed that the first contest was held in 2009. According to him, this year the contest is organized by the initiative of Heydar Aliyev Foundation, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Azerbaijan National Conservatory and Mugham Centre. He also talked about the work implemented in recent years towards the protection and development of this area. Having stressed the importance of the contest, Deputy Minister informed that the contest will be held from January 29 to 20 February. According to him, the singers should be aged between 18 to 35 years old. Qualifying round will be conducted in two phases. The jury consists of masters of art. E. Gasimov noted that, overseas participants and winners of II Republican Mugham Contest will take part in the II International Mugham Festival in March, 2011. Further, Siyavush Karimi, rector of Azerbaijan National Conservatory, gave information on the main goal of the contest, as well as International Mugham Festival. At the press conference were responded to the questions from the media.
08/07/2015 16:52
The "Use of ICT in education - knowledge, experience, technology” exhibit opened at the Palace of Hand-Played Games on January 28.
The event organized by the Baku city Education Development and Independent Trade Union of Education Workers of Azerbaijan is commenced with the national anthem of Azerbaijan. Speaking at the opening Naile Rzaguliyeva, director of the Baku city Education Department, welcomed participants and talked about works done at educational establishments of Baku within the state programs for provision of schools with ICT and informatization of education system. It was noted that the relevant steps are taken to use the new technologies in the education, and improve teachers’ skill in the ICT area. Vera Goryunova, director of Kiev city Science and Education Department, Elmira Suleymanova, Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and Sattar Mehbaliyev, chairman of Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation in their speech noted significant role of this event in the effective use and widespread application of new technologies in education. Further, Misir Mardanov, Minister of Education, started his speech. Having welcomed participants the Minister informed that the exhibition organized by the Baku city Education Department is held for a second year. He stressed that unlike last year, the exhibition is devoted to the urgent and important theme. Talking on the use of ICT in educational establishments, successes achieved in the entrance exams, the Minister wished every success to teachers and pupils and congratulated organizers on the opening of exhibition. A video on the use of ICT in education was demonstrated at the event. Later, Minister and guests were acquainted with 15 sections – distance learning, e-school, ICT in primary schools and, etc.
08/07/2015 16:52
On February 1, Education Minister Misir Mardanov met with the delegation led by the Georgia President's mother, Rector of International Black Sea University, Professor Giuli Alasania.
Having warmly welcomed the guests, Education Minister Misir Mardanov underlined the existence of historic friendship and strategic partnership between Azerbaijan and Georgia. He emphasized the personal relationship between the presidents of Azerbaijan and Georgia has positively affected bilateral collaboration between two countries. Rector of International Black Sea University, Prof. Giuli Alasania noted the importance of development of bilateral relations in the education field, and underlined the existence of good conditions for their further development. The guest said that they are interested in getting acquainted with educational establishments of Azerbaijan, as well as in the development of relationships between universities. Director of Azerbaijan Culture Museum named after M. F. Akhundov in Tbilisi Leyla Aliyeva noted the assistance of Azerbaijan to the development of education in Georgia and highlighted the need of the Museum for new books in Azeri language. Education Minister underlined that government of Azerbaijan and Heydar Aliyev Foundation has always taken part in the provision of schools in Georgia with textbooks and extra learning materials. Moreover, he added that there will be taken relevant steps towards delivering necessary books to the Museum. The Minister also expressed the belief in the further development of bilateral ties in the education field. Furthermore, the guests will be pleasantly impressed with the education system of Azerbaijan.
08/07/2015 16:52
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