• Azərbaycan Xalq Cümhuriyyəti hökumətinin 1918-ci il 28 may tarixli qərarı ilə maarif və təhsil üzrə ilk nazirlik-Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyi yaradılıb. Nazirlər Şurasının 30 iyun 1918-ci il tarixli qərarı ilə Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyinin üç şöbədən (ümumi orta təhsil, ali və orta ixtisas təhsili, peşə məktəbləri) ibarət strukturu təsdiq olunub.

    Azərbaycan SSR Xalq Komissarları Sovetinin 28 aprel 1920-ci il tarixli qərarı ilə Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyinin adı dəyişdirilərək Xalq Maarifi Komissarlığı adı ilə yenidən təşkil edilib və ölkədəki bütün təhsil müəssisələri bu qurumun tabeliyinə verilib.

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On January 7, reports on works done by the Department of deinstitutionalization and child protection, and Department of textbook and publication in 2010 were presented at the Ministry of Education.

Malahat Hajiyeva, Director of Department of deinstitutionalization and child protection, made a report on works done within the implementation of State Program for transferring children from public orphanages to families (deinstitutionalization) and alternative care in the Republic of Azerbaijan (2006-2015). She spoke about responsibilities and structure of the newly established Department. She also gave information on the goal of projects implemented in order to provide and protect the right of children to live in the family, as well as on Memorandum of understanding signed with the relevant state bodies. Moreover, she noted there was established the Coordinating Committee to provide the fruitful execution of projects for Creation of a mechanism for transferring of children to families and surround them with the alternative care, and “Development of the Foster Care Co-operative model and family type’s services between local authorities and nongovernmental organizations.”  M. Hajiyeva, said that the 9-month retraining courses were organized at the Baku Skill improvement and Retraining Institute of Pedagogical Cadres in 2010-2011 academic year to prepare social employees working with families and children. Moreover, 22 workers of state child institutions were involved in these courses. She also noted that there were created Rehabilitation – Development and Day Care Centers, and talked about works done in these fields, as well as measures implemented with several state bodies to prevent child abandonment. After, she gave broad information on collaboration with international organizations, and activity of Child Hotline Service. Furthermore, M. Hajiyeva talked about responsibilities for 2011. Further, Faig Shahbazli, Director of Department of textbook and publication, made the report on works done by the Department headed by him. He informed on workers of the department, their responsibilities and works, done in accordance with the work’s plan. Moreover, he talked about the provision of schools with textbooks and learning materials, establishment of Working Group on disciplines to prepare publication and edition of textbooks, preparation of purchasing agreement on publication and distribution of textbooks, and organization of their execution, as well as other issues in this direction.  He noted that according to the Textbook policy, General Education Concept (National Curriculum) in the Azerbaijan Republic, and Procedures for publication, printing and distribution of textbooks, textbooks and learning materials for I, III, VI and VIII –XI grades were discussed and their list was defined by taken into account the number of pupils studied in the country's schools, as well as in the schools with Azerbaijani language teaching located in Georgia and Dagestan, and Sunday schools in the foreign countries. He also noted that in accordance with the executive order of the Ministry on Improving the work for publication of textbooks, the Working Group consisting of 133 practical teachers of different disciplines was established; the views and suggestions of school teachers for textbooks were discussed with the participation of department employees, authors, scientific editors and publishing editors. Additionally there were done fundamental works to improve the textbooks.   F. Shahbazli underlined 127 textbooks and learning materials for teachers in 4637720 copies were published and distributed to the regions. He also talked about applications and letters received by the department during the last year, as well as have talked about other issues. At the end he noted responsibilities of the department for 2011. There were answered to questions and heard suggestions of participants connected with the report at the meeting. At the end, Education Minister, Misir Mardanov, gave its recommendations for future responsibilities.

On January 8, reports on works done by the Department of Higher and Secondary Special Education and Department of International Relations in 2010 were presented at the Ministry of Education.

Ilham Mustafayev, Director of Department of Higher and Secondary Special Education talked about the key directions of the department’s activity, and works done in 2010. He gave information on the allocation of responsibilities of employees of the Department, and works implemented by them in accordance with their work schedule. He also paid attention to the issues discussed at the Board of the Ministry, and results on measures executed during the last year. According to him, symposiums, conferences, seminars and training courses were held in connection with the credit system usage by the staff of the Department in 2010. Moreover, there were prepared the project on the student admission plan to the higher and secondary special institutions, and some steps were taken in connection with the new funding mechanisms in the higher education. In addition, there were organized exam sessions of 2009-2010 academic year, as well as was held the monitoring. He talked about preparation of method for defining a ranking of universities, holding monitoring and courses in connection with the apply of Basis for Education subject, and work done within the application of the Accounting Law of the Azerbaijan Republic. He also informed that the project on reform of higher education was prepared at the expense of grant obtained from the government of Japan through the World Bank. In addition, he spoke about measures implemented within the State Program for reforms in the education system of the Azerbaijan Republic (2009-2013), and Measure Program for reforms on the secondary special education system in the Republic of Azerbaijan (2010-2013).   In conclusion, director of the department gave information on queries received by the department in 2010, and listed the works that will be implemented in 2011, as well as answered to questions. Gulu Novruzov, Director of Department of International Relations, talked about works done by the department headed by him in 2010, as well as allocation of responsibilities of workers of the Department. He gave information on steps taken by the Department in the international cooperation field, and noted fruitful relations with Council of Europe, European Union, UNESCO, ISESCO, KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency), DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) and other organizations that have been continued during the last year.   Moreover, he spoke about the high level mutual visits of delegations, bilateral agreements and protocols signed with foreign countries in the education field, and events held in Baku and abroad. In addition, employees of the Ministry participated in the conferences and seminars held within the different projects and programs implemented in partnership with the international organizations. G. Novruzov also talked about works implemented within the execution of State Program for study of youth of Azerbaijan in foreign countries in 2007-2015, and gave statistic data on the study of international students in Azerbaijan, as well as Azeri students studying abroad via the state line.  Gulu Novruzov, Director of Department of International Relations, gave information on inquiries received by the Department last year, talked about the future responsibilities and answered to questions. At the end, Education Minister, MIsir Mardanov, expressed his views on works done by the departments in 2010, and gave its recommendations and assignments on some issues.

On January 10, reports on works done by the Department of Education Management Information Systems and Department of Science in 2010 were presented at the Ministry of Education.

Ismayil Sadigov, Director of the Department of Education Management Information Systems, noted that the main goal for the establishment of the Department is the effective management of the education, and as a result, improvement of the education’s quality. Talking about the subsystems, levels, appropriate structure and General Education schools subsystem, I. Sadigov, noted information about staff of schools, pupils, and workers of educational departments were entered to the database. Moreover, the database consists of information on persons received education document, division of pupils into classes, preparation and number of complete sets for I-IV grades, school’s libraries, pupils’ attendance, and, etc. He also talked about relations established with other departments of the Ministry, as well as on works done within the implementation of People’s computer project. Noting works that will be implemented in 2011 the director of the department underlined that they are planning to connect the secondary special and After-School Institutions to the Internet.     Further, Gultekin Huseynova, director of Department of Science made the report on activity of the Department for 2010. She talked about the structure, responsibilities, and activity of the Department. She underlined that the National Strategy on the development of science in the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2009-2015, and State Program on implementation of the National Strategy approved by the presidential decree have stimulated the development of science at schools. In addition, she noted works implemented in this direction and reached successes. She also talked about scientific researches conducted at universities, preparation of scientific and pedagogical staff, as well as holding republican and international conferences. Moreover, there were implemented measures for improvement of scientific research works of students, and libraries. She also informed on requires received by the department, as well as talked about future obligations. At the end, the Minister, Misir Mardanov gave assignments and recommendations for the future obligations.

On January 11, Department of Monitoring and Assessment and Department of Economy of the Ministry of Education presented reports on works done in 2010.

Tarana Hajiyeva, Director of Department of Monitoring and Assessment, gave information on the creation history, goals, structure, and activity directions of the department, as well as its normative and legal documents. She also gave information about international assessment, application of assessment’s results, national assessment and its results, intra-school assessment and its results, and preparation of test banks for test and final exams. Further, she spoke on results of total assessment of IX – XI grades, and autumn exams in the IX grades, participation of parents in the exams, as well as assessment tools used in the exams, analysis of pupils achievements, and quality indicators. Moreover, she gave information on exams conducted in 2009-2010 study year in seven regions, changing the quantity of exam questions, and works done in the field of preparation exam lists. In addition, she informed on participation of department’s staff in the international projects and seminars, on queries received by the department and their execution, as well as talked about future challenges. Further, Shahrza Aliyev, director of Department of Science presented the report on works done in 2010. Having talked about the legal base of implemented works, structure of the department, its activity directions, allocation of responsibilities of staff, and issues discussed at the Board, Sh. Aliyev noted the relevant work carried out for the funding of  educational institutions. He also gave information about spending on government programs and activities of special significance, forecast expenditure for the coming year, adoption of statistical records, and works done in the fields of automation of financial accountancy and reporting.  Sh. Aliyev touched upon salaries and other social issues, such as funding mechanism in higher education, revision and audits. He also noted documents received by the department in 2011, as well as works, which are planning to be executed in 2011. Questions on reports were asked, as well as suggestions were made at the end. Education Minister, Misir Mardanov, expressed his views on issues for the coming year.

On January 12, Department of Education and extra-school institutions and Accreditation department of the Ministry presented reports on works done in 2010.

Agababa Ibrahimov, Director of Department of education and extra-school institutions, gave information on responsibilities of the department headed by him, allocation of staff duties, and relations with state bodies and non-government organizations. He also talked on works done to implement the orders of the President for conducting anniversaries of famous composers, poets and writers of Azerbaijan. Moreover, there were implemented works to promote the rights of children, fight against drug addiction and human trafficking. What is more, Student - Youth Organizations' Union was established, and Education and career exhibition was held last year. Head of the department also informed on the organization of works in the environmental field, and steps taken for development of sport and chess. According to him, there were built new chess school buildings. Furthermore, our chess players have achieved successes in the European and the World championships. He informed that last year our chess players won 15 medals and 10 out of them were gold. Moreover, according to the middle ranking indicators for the beginning of the year Azerbaijan is ranking fifth among top ten countries. In conclusion, A. Ibrahimov noted organization of tourism events, military-sport games, the first Republican competition “What do I know about Azerbaijan” and artistic - creative fete of students, as well as talked on future obligations.  Habib Zarbaliyev, director of Accreditation department, informed that the department headed by him was established one year ago according to the reforms implemented within the sub component of Development of education system management, and Paragraph 16 of Education Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Having talked about rights and responsibilities of the department, H. Zarbaliyev, underlined works done for accreditation and licensing of educational institutions. He noted that 8 out of 15 accredited educational institutions were higher, 5 - secondary special, and 2 - initial vocational institutions. Head of the department talked about queries accepted by the department in connection with the licensing, as well as noted the participation of department’s staff in seminars and international conferences. He also gave information on institutions that will be accredited, as well as noted the term for licensing will be prolonged in 2011. Suggestions for holding the accreditation were made at the meeting. Minister of Education, Misir Mardanov, gave its recommendations for both departments, and noted the importance to add the relevant issues to the 2011 work plan of Accreditation department.

On 12 January, Education Minister Misir Mardanov met with a delegation led by Lee Ji-ha, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Korea to Azerbaijan, Kim Yong Song, counselor at the Embassy, and Jeong Jae Moon, project manager for Human Resources Development Service of Korea.

Having warmly welcomed the guests, Education Minister, Misir Mardanov talked about ties established between Korea and Azerbaijan in recent years. He underlined the ties have developed more on the base of friendly relationship existing between presidents of two countries. Noting the effective cooperation existing in the education field, the Minister underlined that currently, more than 25 students from Azerbaijan are studying at universities of the Republic of Korea within the State Program for study of Azeri youth in the foreign countries in 2007-2015. Moreover, there are conducting some works on learning the Korean language in Azerbaijan. Further, Mr. Mardanov talked about works that will be implemented to establish the Vocational Education Center, and expressed assurance about the positive solution of the issue. Lee Ji-ha, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Korea to Azerbaijan, thanked the Minister for the warm reception. He talked about the development of cooperation between two countries, fruitful ties existing in the education field, and the interest of Korea in Azerbaijan. He underlined the establishment of Vocational Education Centre will positively affect this relationship. Moreover, the Ambassador noted that the Korean delegation will conduct the research works in the relevant direction until the end of this month, and stressed the importance of participation of representatives of the relevant state bodies in the presentation that planning to be given at the Ministry of Education at the end. In addition, he noted that they are planning to establish the Vocational Education Centre in June. Misir Mardanov wished every success to the delegation’s work on creating the centre and underlined the relevant departments of the Ministry will provide them with the necessary assistance. Jeong Jae Moon, project manager for Korean Human Resources Development Service informed about the project and works planning to be done. Further, were discussed the relevant works that will be implemented within the above mentioned centre.

On January 13 Department for general education on rural areas and Department for vocational education presented reports on works done in 2010.

Aydin Ahmadov, Director of Department for general education on rural areas gave information on the main activities of the department, as well as allocation of staff duties. He also gave detailed information on preparation of legal documents within the Education Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan, organizational works, researches and studies within the sub- component of Continuation of a curriculum reform and Supporting Implementation of Curriculum. Moreover, there was held the Republican qualifying round of talented pupils within the execution of State programme for development of creative potential of children (youth) with special talent (2006-2010). In addition, he underlined works done within the establishment of Small Academies for the V grades' pupils with special talent of schools defined in the eight regions of the country. A. Ahmadov gave information on works implemented within the competitions of “The best general education school” and “The best teacher”, essay contest devoted to the 87th anniversary of nation-wide leader Heydar Aliyev among VII-XI grades of general education schools and initial vocational institutions, and the 44th International Mendeleev Olympiad of pupils. He also informed on preparation of curriculums and programs, attending of conferences and seminars; queries received from citizens, as well as works will be done in 2011. Namig Mammadov, Director of the Vocational department, gave information about works done by the department in last year, and allocation of duties and activities of the department. He talked about contingent of teachers and pupils, given the use the electronic vocational education website, and fields that alumni were provided with. According to him, for the first time, there were published electronic textbooks on nine copies for the last 20 years. Noting the important works done within the studying of demand for specialities, and labour market, he paid attention to measures implemented in the framework of projects for Development of vocational schools, and Improvement of vocational training. He also noted the international practice in the relevant field have been studied, and informed on projects for “Staff preparation on green technology” and “Development of the initial vocational education in the agriculture.” Education Minister, Misir Mardanov, has charged both departments with future assignments, and to prepare the relevant documents.

On January 15, reports on works done in 2010 by the General Department and Self-financing Department for capital construction were presented at the Ministry.

Hicran Mammadova, Deputy Director of General Department, gave information on the main activities of the department, its structure and allocation of staff duties. She noted that the Ministry of Education had received 51552 documents in 2010. According to her, 23600 of them are requests and complaints, and 27952 are letters. She underlined that requests and complaints were allocated among organizations, distributed to structures, and also informed on the entrance indicators on cities and regions, and control letters executed in 2010.   Moreover, Hijran Mammadova noted that 7251 people were accepted, and 4758 requires were answered in 2010. According to her, the requires mainly were connected with granting diplomas, as well as with job provision, transfer from and restitution to universities, transfer of pupils from schools, granting reference to students studied abroad to present it to the military registration, confirmation of diplomas, and, etc. Deputy Director noted other issues for the future. Allahverdi Damirov, director of Self-financing Department for capital construction gave information on works done in 2010. He noted that the main responsibilities of the department are to held monitoring at the educational institutions, build the new schools and extra buildings, prepare offers on the definition of establishments with the need for the reconstruction and capital mend and presented them to the relevant bodies. Moreover, the department implements the technical control over the construction works to conduct them in accordance with the project- estimation documents and ensure the cost of constructional works. A. Damirov informed that last year the department built and gave to use 27 new schools, extra building for 840 pupils at one school. Furthermore, seven institutions were reconstructed and capitally repaired.       He noted that 20.65 million AZN were allocated for mend and reconstruction of schools and kindergartens. Moreover, 388 facilities, including 356 schools and 22 kindergartens were repaired. Furthermore, he emphasized the works on the construction of 24 new schools and extra building for 560 pupils at one of the schools are being successfully continued and will be given to use in 2011. He also gave information on the provision of schools with learning equipments, renewal of pre-school education, works done within the state programs for the development of chess and technical-vocational education, as well as on works that will be done in 2011. There were held discussions on reports, and all questions of the participants were answered.

On January 17 Apparatus of the Ministry of Education presented its report.

Ilham Pirmammedov, Director of the Apparatus, gave information on the main activities of the Apparatus, its structure and allocations of staff duties. He noted in the last year, there were implemented works to establish the cooperation between departments of the Ministry, and prepare, discuss and conclude documents of the Ministry and order’s projects. Moreover, the relevant works were done to implement the control over the execution of the unified state education policy and education legislations at private universities. Furthermore, illegal educational institutions were identified and closed down in the last year. According to him there were prepared about 40 legal documents in accordance with the Education Law, and they were discussed and executed after being agreed with the relevant ministries. According to information given by him, in 2010, there were held six meetings of the board, and prepared the relevant order within the execution of the board’ decisions and distributed to the appropriate bodies. I. Pirmammadov also informed on the current situation existing at general and pre-school educational institutions, and talked about students, teachers and pedagogical staff. He also spoke about the execution of the plan for admission of students to universities, detecting fake educational documents and their abolishment in the prescribed manner. Moreover, he talked about learning the demand for the state educational documents of educational institutions, their generalizations and organization of their order. In addition he noted writing of the “History of the education” book, works done within the execution of the project on “Coryphaeus of the Azerbaijan national education.” Further, he gave a presentation on works done by the departments for Recognition of educational documents, Pre-school education, Law, as well as Special Department in 2010. He gave information on activities of the Department for recognition of educational documents and noted that documents received by the department have been considered by the Expert Group. According to him, there was prepared the special computer program on recognition of educational documents. He also gave information about works that had been done in the field of mutual recognition of diplomas, responsibilities and functions of the pre-school education department, newly built and reconstructed kindergartens. Talking about distribution of 39 learning materials published by the order of the Ministry to pre-school educational institutions, execution of the appropriate program and projects, as well as planning works, I. Pirmammadov underlined measures implemented by the Special Department and Department for Law to execute the documents, and relevant issues. Questions on the report were answered at the end.

On January 18, Public Relations Department and Baku city Education Department presented reports on works done in 2010.

Bayram Huseynzadeh, Director of the Public Relations Department, informed about tasks, activities, and structure of department, as well as allocation of staff duties. He also noted works done within the measures implemented in 2010. Having emphasized works executed by the Department in the last year, B. Huseynzadeh noted that participation of media representatives in approximately 200 events was secured, and conferences were held.  Moreover, over 30 employees of the Ministry, famous educators and international consultants had participated in various television and radio broadcasts, were organized about 450 interviews with them, as well as official information, press releases and presentations were given to media. He gave detailed information on the Round Table entitled “Educational institutions and Media: bilateral relations” organized jointly with the Press Council, the State Media Support Fund under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Baku city Education Department at school #60. According to him, the Round Table was held in accordance with the Action Plan signed in 2010 by the Ministry of Education and Press Council to improve cooperation with the media. Moreover, he talked about the regional conference on the theme of “Education and media” jointly organized in Horadiz, Fizuli, by the Ministry of Education, State Media Support Fund under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Press Council, and underlined that the heads of leading media, as well as directors of the Education Departments of Fizuli, Agdam, Agjabedi, Beylagan, Khojavand, Bilasuvar, Jabrail, Barda and Lachin districts attended the event. B. Huseynzadeh noted that there was conducted the essay contest devoted to the 135th anniversary of the newspaper “Azerbaijan muallimi” among journalists on the theme of  “Education and Media: support for increased professionalism.” According to the results of the contest one person took the first, two the second and three the third places, and 10 journalists were awarded with incentive prizes. In addition, B. Huseynzadeh noted works done within the Public awareness sub-component of the Second Education Sector Development Project, as well as the content, usability and richness of the database of the official website of the Ministry of Education. He also noted a high interest in the website of the Ministry. Moreover, he stressed that the website of the Ministry of Education became the winner of the “Milli-Net-2010” competition Referring to significant changes in design, form and content of the Azerbaijan muallimi newspaper, Head of Department informed that the newspaper is printed in A3 format and consists of 16, 24 and 32 pages. He stressed that a new website of the newspaper was given to use last year, as well as spoke about future responsibilities. Naila Rzaguliyeva, Director of Baku city Education Department, spoke about the structure, areas of activity of Department, as well as works done to improve the education management, and gave statistical indicators of the number of teachers, schools and students. According to her, the average teaching load of teachers working at schools should amount to at least 18 hours, and it is a major demand for schools hiring teachers through the contest. She talked about pre-school and general educational institutions subordinated to the Department, as well as indicators of construction works, the provision ratio of one computer for 21 students studying in XI-V classes of secondary schools in Baku. N. Rzaguliyeva said that 264 schools subordinated to the Department are connected to the Internet, and a number of educational institutions to the project “Electronic School.” Touching upon the work done towards the use of audio-visual learning aids, N. Rzaguliyeva reported that in most schools of Baku biology, physics, chemistry and history subjects has been taught on the base of the electronic textbook. She stressed that compared to previous years in 2010-2011 school year 44.83% of graduates of Baku schools became students. According to her, this figure reached 48% along with the students studied abroad. Noting there were conducted various knowledge competitions, subject Olympiads, essay contests, exhibitions and sports tournaments in 2010; N. Rzaguliyeva emphasized successes that have been reached. She said that last year, 5,867 teachers were involved in training courses, 2014 teachers in various topical courses, 1,681 teachers, who will teach in I-III grades, in curriculum based courses. Further, Head of Department informed on works done to improve the methodology, workload of teachers, the steps taken for the transition to a single school uniform. She reported on applications and appeals received by the Department, enumerated indicators for acceptance of citizen, and offers made by them in order to successfully completed assignments. At the end, Education Minister, Misir Mardanov expressed his opinion on reports and gave advice and instructions on several issues.


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