• Azərbaycan Xalq Cümhuriyyəti hökumətinin 1918-ci il 28 may tarixli qərarı ilə maarif və təhsil üzrə ilk nazirlik-Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyi yaradılıb. Nazirlər Şurasının 30 iyun 1918-ci il tarixli qərarı ilə Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyinin üç şöbədən (ümumi orta təhsil, ali və orta ixtisas təhsili, peşə məktəbləri) ibarət strukturu təsdiq olunub.

    Azərbaycan SSR Xalq Komissarları Sovetinin 28 aprel 1920-ci il tarixli qərarı ilə Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyinin adı dəyişdirilərək Xalq Maarifi Komissarlığı adı ilə yenidən təşkil edilib və ölkədəki bütün təhsil müəssisələri bu qurumun tabeliyinə verilib.

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On February 5, at the Ministry of Education took place the presentation ceremony of the School Efficiency Project.

The School Efficiency Project conducted by the Contemporary Learning and Education Assistance Centre (CLEAC) funded by the World Bank. The two-year project runs from November 2010. Two schools of Baku, and 9 from other parts of the country are participated in the project. Speaking at the ceremony, Education Minister Misir Mardanov welcomed participants, and became acquainted with school’s representatives.  Elmina Kazimzadeh, director of the Contemporary Learning and Education Assistance Centre, gave detailed information on the project. She noted the project aims to create learning environment at schools and build them as a learning organization. According to her, learning environment encompasses both school children and teachers. It also aims to increase pupils’ achievements and develop the teachers. Moreover, the creation of distributed leadership, improvement of ICT skills of teachers and strengthen library as a learning centre serves to the main goals as well. E. Kazimzadeh underlined the importance of teacher quality in promoting student learning. According to her, leading schools of the country were selected to execute works within the project as an experiment. Further, E. Kazimzadeh gave a presentation of the project on the theme of “First diagnostic stage results.” Ulviyya Mikayilova, executive director of the Centre, Yuliya Karimova, program manager, and Aygun Aziziova, ICT expert, gave information on the concept and components of the project, as well as its website. Education Minister Misir Mardanov expressed hope that the pilot project will define the constant development directions of school, and inspire the formation of the good model for school. The minister noted his proposals for the activity of school’s libraries, and underlined the importance of this issue. At the end, there were held discussions on the first stage of the project, made relevant offers on future responsibilities and replied to questions of participants.

On February 5, at the Ministry of Education took place an event to discuss works done within the E- Learning Systems Project for school children in need of special care.

Representatives of the Ministry of Education and Baku city Education Department, project executor “Nobel –T” Ltd, pupils and teachers of home-school Nr. 219 took part in the event.   Education Minister Misir Mardanov noted that the E- Learning Systems Project was prepared within the State program on the education system informatization in the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2008-2012 to develop the distance learning in the country, as well as involve school children in need of special care in this process. According to the Minister, there were held several events to be acquaintance with works done on the project. He underlined that the project aims to develop the distance learning, increase opportunity of school children in need of special care for education, and improve their ability in the use of computer and e- resources, as well as their access to the Internet. The Minister also gave information on works that will be implemented within the project. First, 30 pupils and seven teachers of home-school will be awarded laptops. He said that study rooms for teachers will be provided with the Internet and intranet connections, will be trained 16 instructor teachers and organized distance learning courses. Noting the assistance gave by Heydar Aliyev Foundation to the project the Minister thanked everyone for a contribution that was made to these works. Further, the Minister awarded laptops and certificates to 30 pupils and teachers of the home-school Nr. 219 of Baku city, and wish them every success. Director of the home-school Nr. 219, Sadagat Mammadova noted the importance of the project, and has thanked Heydar Aliyev Foundation, Ministry of Education, Baku city Education Department, Nobel-T Ltd for their care to school.

Vocational Education and Training Reform Strategy and Pilot Implementation in a selected region in Azerbaijan Project Final Conference was held at Hyatt Regency Hotel on the 8th February.

The event was attended by Education Minister, Misir Mardanov, deputy ministers, representatives of the state bodies, international and non-governmental organizations, entrepreneurs, heads of relevant department and units of the Ministry, and directors of the educational institutions.  Education Minister, Misir Mardanov welcomed attendees and underlined the importance of this event for Azerbaijani education. He informed due to project realization, there were achieved a success in the preparation of new programs for initial vocational education (IVE).  Education Minister on his presentation entitled “Current situation, problems and prospects of the initial vocational education” gave information about situation in the student admission’s field, its funding and problems existing at vocational education establishments. He underlined the great deal of attention was paid to this area after President Ilham Aliyev signed the decree on State Program for the development of vocational education in the Azerbaijan Republic in 2007-2012. He also touched upon projects implemented within the cooperation between initial vocational education institutions and entrepreneurs, as well as talked on works that will be executed for the development of vocational education. Roland Kobia, Head of Delegation of the European Union to Azerbaijan, talked about works done by the EU to develop the initial vocational education system of Azerbaijan. Mrs Ann Castis, Head of Vocational Education and Training Reform Strategy and Pilot Implementation in a selected region in Azerbaijan Project, international experts David Hardy and Alexander Siboni gave detailed information on procedures used to develop the VET system.     Further, Nizami Alekberov, Chief Executive of Ismayilli District, Vugar Alekberov, vice-president of Improtex Group, Sevgim Rahimov, Merchants and Manufacturers' Union Chairman, Mammad Musayev, President of the National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers') Organizations of Azerbaijan Republic gave a presentation on newly established Ismayilli Vocational Education Centre. There were underlined the main priority of the newly prepared National Strategy is the creation of close cooperation between state bodies and entrepreneurs. At the end, Minister expressed confidence that Vocational Education and Training Reform Strategy and Pilot Implementation in a selected region in Azerbaijan Project will contribute to the development of the initial vocational education system in Azerbaijan.

On February 9 Education Minister Misir Mardanov met with professor of Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences, Initial Vocational Education for Agricultural Development Project manager Herbert Strobel, project adviser Rudiger Heining and project assistant Marian Strobel.

Education Minister Misir Mardanov warmly welcomed the guests and underlined the importance of ongoing projects for the development of vocational education in Azerbaijan. He highly appreciated Initial Vocational Education for Agricultural Development Project and noted the Ministry will provide the necessary support in the realization of the project. Noting the completion of Vocational Education and Training Reform Strategy and Pilot Implementation in a selected region in Azerbaijan Project, funded by the European Union, the Minister expressed belief in the positive contribution of the project to the development of staff training in the agricultural field. He noted the relevant enterprise should be selected to implement the project. Moreover, the selected enterprise should be provided with the necessary equipments to implement the planned works. Mr. Mardanov suggested conducting the relevant work in this direction at some initial vocational schools of the country. Furthermore, there were discussed suggestions on the definition of essence of a contract, as well as noted that the contract project is intended to be singed until July. Herbert Strobel, Initial Vocational Education for Agricultural Development Project manager, has thanked the Minister for the warm reception. He highly appreciated the Vocational Education and Training Reform Strategy and Pilot Implementation in a selected region in Azerbaijan Project Final Conference that was held the day before. The guest talked about works intended to be implement with responsible establishments on the Initial Vocational Education for Agricultural Development Project. According to him, preparation of the document on the staff training development, realization of teacher training courses, and study of labor market demands are among the main measures that should be implemented within the project. He also noted the conduction of the relevant training courses in the Ganja. Further, there were noted that the contract document for the project, which is composed of four sub-components, is planning to be prepared until March 15. At the meeting, the sides exchanged views on other issues for the organization of visits to Germany to get acquainted with the vocational education system of this country, as well as successful implementation of the project.

On February 9 Ilham Aliyev attended the opening of a new school building in Birinci Shykhly village of the Gazakh region

Based on the Order of the President of Azerbaijan on “Additional measures for restoration of secondary schools fallen into desuetude”, dated December 4, 2009, the construction of the building had started in January of 2010 and was completed in January of the current year. It was noted that though a number of schools had been constructed during the Soviet times in the Birinci Shykhly village, they had been unable to meet the demands of the time. The buildings, constructed in the areas prone to landslides, plus, the low quality, had been collapsing before even being fully utilized. This building, utilized since 1987, had been facing the same problems. Before starting the construction works, the mistakes of the past have been studied thoroughly and the foundation of the building was covered with full massive concrete. Every condition has been created for successful and high-quality conduct of education and trainings at the 640-seat school, which attracts attention with its modern design. The school features 49 rooms, as well as 27 classrooms and a fully equipped sports hall. The school has been provided with a heating system. Special attention was paid to the access of students to information-communication technologies and every necessary condition was created in the technical laboratories. President Ilham Aliyev cut the ribbon symbolizing the opening of the new building and toured the classrooms and the sport hall.

On February 10, at the Republican Olympic Centre took place a ceremony to open athletic competition devoted to the memory of Azerbaijani National Hero Mubariz Ibrahimov.

Speaking at the opening Education Minister Misir Mardanov welcomed guests, youth and athletes and noted the events to mark the birthday of Azerbaijani National Hero Mubariz Ibrahimov are being held in different part of the country. He underlined our people have always honored the sacred memory of his heroes, who gave their life in defense of Azerbaijan. The Minister highly appreciated the conduction of athletic competition devoted to the memory of Azerbaijani National Hero Mubariz Ibrahimov whose personal courage had strengthened the spirit of patriotism of Azerbaijani youth. The event was attended by vice-president of the National Olympic Committee, Chingiz Huseynzadeh, Chief of Interior Troops Headquarters, Major General Shirin Khalilov, and chairman of Voluntary Military Patriotism Technical Sport Society, Major General Novruzali Orujov. Speaking at the event they underlined their pride for the heroism of Mubariz Ibrahimov, one of the great sons of Azerbaijan. Further, Agakerim Ibrahimov, father of National Hero, has wished a success to the competition participants and thanked the organizers. The memory of the National Hero was remembered with one minute's silence. Further, the National Anthem of Azerbaijan was sounded. At the end there was demonstrated the composition devoted to Mubariz Ibrahimov and started the three-day athletic competition.

On February 11 at the educational complex No. 132 -134 of Baku took place an event devoted to the results of courses organized for university teachers of Fundamentals of Education subject.

It was reported that, according to the project implemented by Education Ministry in collaboration with the World Bank Fundamentals of Education subject was taught as a pilot project at three universities - Azerbaijan Teachers' Institute, Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University and Ganja State Pedagogical University. Further teachers made presentations on the three-week course. It should be noted that, 30 teachers of these universities attended the courses organized at the educational complex No. 132-134. Noting the importance of teaching the Fundamentals of Education subject at three universities as a pilot project, Education Minister Misir Mardanov stressed successful implementation of this work. According to him, they prepared appropriate learning materials and subject curriculum by using the practice of foreign countries. Minister underlined the importance of conducting such courses at other secondary schools as well. Moreover, he was pleased with the presentations gave by the teachers. Further, discussions were held about the future courses for teachers of Fundamentals of Education subject, and made relevant proposals. At the end, certificates of the Ministry were presented to the course attendees.

On February 12 at the Ministry of Education took place an event devoted to the 40th anniversary of the Pre-school and Primary Education Magazine.

The ceremony was attended by Deputy Ministers of Education, heads of the relevant departments of the Ministry, representatives of Baku city Education Department, Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, Baku Skill Improvement and Retraining Institute of Pedagogical Cadres and educational establishments.  Speaking at the opening Education Minister Misir Mardanov welcomed the guests and highlighted the significant role of the Media, magazines and newspapers for delivering the essence of educational reforms founded by the nationwide leader Heydar Aliyev and successfully continued by the President Ilham Aliyev to the public. In its speech he estimated the pre-school and primary education as a basis of education. The Minister congratulated the Magazine’s staff and wished them every success.  Pre-school and Primary Education Magazine was founded in 1970 and has been headed by Yahya Karimov since then. According to the Minister over the past period 180 copies of the magazine were circulated. At the end of his speech he gave recommendations for the more effective organization of magazine’s work, and awarded its staff with honorary diploma. Moreover, the Minister informed that the Ministry will awarded with cash prizes. Further, chief editor of the Magazine, Prof. Yahya Karimov gave information on history of the Magazine. He underlined the important role of Nagi Guneshli, Ajdar Agayev and Muhammad Baharli in its establishment. He also talked about the role of the Magazine in the development of education and improvement of teacher’s knowledge. Moreover, he noted upcoming issues and thanked the Minister for care to the Magazine. Later, chairman of the Education Council, Prof. Ajdar Agayev, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Hussein Akhmedov, teacher of school No. 2 of Khudat, Nazaket Kerimova, assistant professor of Pedagogy Department of Azerbaijan University of Languages, Vidadi Bashirov, director of Department of Social Researches of Institute of Educational Problems Limunat Amrahli, chief editor of Azerbaijani School Magazine, Najaf Najafov, and pro-rector for scientific works of Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, Vilayat Aliyev in their speeches highlighted the role of the magazine in the development of Azerbaijani education and wished to the staff every success in their editorial work.

On February 14, at the Ministry of Education took place a meeting with teachers gained a right to participate in the next level of Best Teacher Competition.

Having welcomed attendees Education Minister congratulated 28 teachers (10 primary school, 10 math, and eight Azerbaijani language and literature teachers) on passing to the next level of the competition, and wished every success to them.  The Minister underlined the Best General Secondary School and Best Teacher competitions, which conducted in accordance with the presidential order signed in 2007, have been held for four years demonstrate the attention and care of the Azerbaijani government to the education and educators. He informed that in the current year 425 teachers have participated in the competition and 217 of them passed to the next level. The majority of teachers are primary school (57 people) and English language (35) teachers.    According to the Minister in comparison with past years, this year there was established just one Commission per subject. He estimated this as a very useful method for objective chose of teachers, and expressed assurance that Expert Commission will be impartial in its estimation and will assess participants in accordance with the results of collective discussion.      Further, the Minister noted the relevant timetable for attending the teacher’s classes was prepared, and participants will be invited to the Ministry the day before of test lessons to become acquainted with conditions of schools where the test lessons will be organized. He also gave information on the procedure for the definition of the theme of lessons. Furthermore, he noted the lessons will be assessed on 12 criterions, and one teacher will be allowed taking part in the lesson of other. The Minister added that all lessons will be filmed, and the commission’s decision will announce after analysis of the lesson. According to the Minister, participants who will dissatisfy with the commission’s decision may address a written request to the Ministry within three days.   The Minister noted that after this level will complete each teacher will give a 10 minute presentation at the Ministry about the main directions of its activity, success, educational problems its offers. The final score of the teachers will be defined by adding total scores gained by them in each level. At the end there were answered to questions of teachers and was held a discussion on other issues connected with the competition.

On February 14, was held a meeting with the experts who will estimate lessons of the Best Teacher Competition participants.

On February 14, was held a meeting with the experts who will estimate lessons of the Best Teacher Competition participants. Speaking at the opening of the meeting, Education Minister Misir Mardanov said that the successful completion of the Best Teacher competition will depend on the activity of Commissions consist of experts. Therefore, they should demonstrate a high responsibility and objectiveness. Noting there will be acted just one Commission per subject, the Minister informed that the representative of the Ministry will be presented at the commission as an observer, and they will solve organizational issues. The Minister informed that the timetable of test lessons of the teachers was prepared and schools that will conduct the lessons defined. He noted lessons of 57 primary school teachers will be attended in six levels, 35 English teacher lessons - 4 and 25 Azerbaijani language and literature teachers – three levels from February 15. Moreover, lessons of other subject teachers will be attended until April 21.   Further, the Minister noted 425 teachers took part in the competition and according to the results of examination 217 of them have passed to the next level. The test lessons will be conducted at the Heydar Aliyev Lyceum subordinated to the Ministry of Education, Taraggi Lyceum, Elitar Gymnasium, at the educational complex No. 132-134, at schools of Baku No. 1, 7, 8, 20, 23, 27, 36, 45, 46, 47, 56, 160, 164, 176, 177, 189, 190, 258, 291 and Kindergarten-School-Lyceum Complex. The Minister gave relevant tasks to the directors of the mentioned schools to implement the appropriate organizational works. He also noted there no changes were made in the assessment criterions, and each criterion will be assessed by maximum 10 scores.   At the end he gave his tasks and advices to the experts and noted the importance for keeping the impartiality and equitableness during the estimation. 


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