• Azərbaycan Xalq Cümhuriyyəti hökumətinin 1918-ci il 28 may tarixli qərarı ilə maarif və təhsil üzrə ilk nazirlik-Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyi yaradılıb. Nazirlər Şurasının 30 iyun 1918-ci il tarixli qərarı ilə Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyinin üç şöbədən (ümumi orta təhsil, ali və orta ixtisas təhsili, peşə məktəbləri) ibarət strukturu təsdiq olunub.

    Azərbaycan SSR Xalq Komissarları Sovetinin 28 aprel 1920-ci il tarixli qərarı ilə Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyinin adı dəyişdirilərək Xalq Maarifi Komissarlığı adı ilə yenidən təşkil edilib və ölkədəki bütün təhsil müəssisələri bu qurumun tabeliyinə verilib.

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Winners of Countrywide Subject Olympiad awarded

A ceremony was held on May 17 to award the winners of the Countrywide Subject Olympiad. The event started with the playing of the state anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan. A video clip on the Countrywide Subject Olympiads was screened. Participants in the ceremony included Minister of Education Mikayil Jabbarov, parliamentarians, heads of government bodies, non-governmental organizations and educational institutions, intelligentsia, chairmen and members of the jury panel, winners of the Olympiad, and representatives of the education community. Minister of Education Mikayil Jabbarov said subject Olympiads were held every academic year with the aim of discovering talented pupils, developing their potential and conducting purposeful work with them. “Held in an atmosphere of objective, healthy and fair competition, these Olympiads contribute to increasing pupils` interest in relevant subjects.” The Minister said that the number of pupils participating in the first stage of the Countrywide Subject Olympiad increased this year to reach 27,500. Minister Mikayil Jabbarov hailed the fact that pupils from regions dominated those from the capital among the winners, adding that a total of 260 pupils became winners in the Olympiad. The Minister said success of Azerbaijani pupils at international Olympiads and competitions was indicative of effectiveness of the purposeful measures taken in this regard. Azerbaijani pupils have claimed five silver and 11 bronze medals at five international subject Olympiads in Korea, Albania, Russia and China this academic year. It`s no coincidence that the winners of a number of countrywide and international Olympiads study at leading universities across the world. The winners of the Moscow-hosted International Mendeleyev Olympiad were invited to Lomonosov Moscow State University, the pupils who won medals at Balkan Mathematical Olympiad were invited to Bilkent and Middle East Technical universities in Turkey. The Minister hailed the role of teachers at general education institutions in ensuring these accomplishments, and wished them success in preparing talented pupils. Minister Mikayil Jabbarov congratulated pupils, their teachers and parents, and underlined the importance of taking advantage of the existing opportunities in order to achieve better results. A total of 27,500 pupils participated in the first stage of the Countrywide Subject Olympiad, while the second stage involved 4,174 pupils. Some 694 pupils contested medals in the final stage of the Olympiad, with 128 winning in technical subjects (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and informatics), and 132 in humanities (Azerbaijani language and literature, history and geography). Other speakers highlighted what had been done to ensure Azerbaijani pupils` success at international Olympiads, and emphasized the significance of the activity of Olympiad centers in the country and subject Olympiads for junior pupils. The winning pupils said such events encourage them to master different subjects and build a healthy competition environment. The winners were awarded certificates and valuable prizes by the Ministry of Education. APA News Agency and 1news.az website provided information support for the event.

Minister of Education receives Russian delegation

On May 19, Minister of Education Mikayil Jabbarov received a delegation of the Russian Federation, including senior officials of the Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad, and International Humanitarian Cooperation, and the Ministry of Education and Science, who are on a two-day working visit in Azerbaijan. They discussed the state and prospects of relations between the two countries in the field of education, education of Azerbaijani students in the Russian Federation, and the teaching of Russian language in the Republic of Azerbaijan. The delegation also visited classical gymnasium No. 160, Baku State University and Baku branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University, and familiarized themselves with the teaching of Russian language and opportunities for education in Russian language in Azerbaijan, as well as the Azerbaijani government`s support for this sector.

TOPs program features another sports festival

Another sports festival was held at secondary school No. 23 named after T. Hasanov in Baku under TOPs (creation of modern educational technology in physical education) joint project of the Ministry of Education, British Council and Bakcell. The festival saw junior and senior pupils compete in different sports, and also featured their musical performance. A joint project of British Council, Ministry of Education, Sport for Development Public Union and Bakcell, TOPs aims to equip physical education teachers with new skills on modern educational technologies in physical education. The project involves more than 200 physical education teachers in 36 general education schools in Baku and Sumgayit. Open classes involving the physical education teachers, who attended special trainings, were held under the project with the aim of increasing quality of physical education. As a result of the project implementation, active teaching methodology was developed for the application of the subject program on physical education at general education schools, benefiting more than 35,000 pupils.

Regional quizzing school championship

The 2016 regional quizzing school championship was held as part of the Year of Multiculturalism. It involved a total of 58 teams from 12 zones, including the cities of Baku, Ganja, Sumgayit, Nakhchivan, Shamkir, Mingachevir, Shirvan, Imishli, Lankaran, Guba, Zagatala, and Goychay. Baku zonal tournament of the championship was held at secondary school No. 18 in Baku. The championship aims to stimulate development of intelligent and creative skills of youth, discover their talents, intellectual potential and knowledge of different areas, encourage pupils` involvement in intellectual activity, and ensure their effective leisure. Speaking to the opening ceremony, deputy Minister of Education Firudin Gurbanov provided an insight into successful multiculturalism policy carried out in Azerbaijan. He also wished the participants success. Director of Baku City Education Department Mahabbat Valiyeva highlighted the importance of the regional school championship. The championship then was declared open. The team of Baku Turkish Lyceum of the Turkish Religious Foundation won the championship, which featured intense competition. In regional championships, winners included Sumgayit city secondary school No. 11 and Ganja city secondary school No. 27, as well as the teams from Samukh, Lankaran, Zagatala, Absheron, Imishli, Barda, Zardab and Kurdamir regions.

Winners of national final of Microsoft Imagine Cup 2016 announced

The national final of Microsoft Imagine Cup 2016 student technology competition was held on May 17. The competition was organized by Microsoft Azerbaijan and Nar Mobile in partnership with the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Communications and High Technologies and High Tech Park. Participants in the awarding ceremony included deputy Minister of Education Jeyhun Bayramov, deputy Minister of Communications and High Technologies Elmir Valizade, Director General of Microsoft Azerbaijan Sarkhan Hashimov, Chief Executive Officer of Nar Mobile Kent McNeley, Director of High Tech Park Seymur Aghayev, university rectors and students. Microsoft Imagine Cup is the world's premier student technology competition, offering youth career development and stimulating new opportunities. The national final is aimed at discovering talented Azerbaijani students and contributing to their development as qualified specialists in compliance with labor market standards. The competition saw students of higher and vocational education institutions showcase their ideas in three categories (Innovation, World Citizenship and Games). TechSOS team of SABAH group students won World Citizenship category. Members of the team Aytaj Aghabayli, Gunay Abdullayeva, Naila Ismayilova and Sanan Guluzade introduced a fall detection system, which includes a smartphone app, cloud app and device. Resembling a pager, this device is attached to an old person`s belt. The system sends a message for help if a fall is detected. The whereabouts of the affected person are displayed in the message. The system is designed to ensure that the affected person receives immediate medical assistance. JavaSet team ranked first in Innovation category. Members of the team Nijat Javadov and Yesset Jusupov presented an emotion identification project based on a facial recognition system. The system allows teachers to organize classes in a more effective and quality manner. Through monitoring pupils` faces and showing their emotions the system helps teachers define whether they understand the topics of the lesson or not. The Corp team of ADA university ranked first in Games category. Students Ulviyya Mammadzade, Toghrul Rahimli, Ramazan Suleymanli and Ali Babayev presented an audio adventure game. Based on human-app dialogue, the game helps shape logic and special thinking. The winners in the three categories qualified for the international semi-final, which will be held through online voting. The successful teams will represent Azerbaijan in Microsoft Imagine Cup 2016 international final due to take place in July. The cash prize for the first place is $50,000. The ceremony featured group presentations by the winners. The winners of the national final of Microsoft Imagine Cup 2016 were awarded during the event.

“Friendship Cup-2016” football tournament held

“Friendship Cup-2016” mini football tournament has been held on the occasion of the 93rd anniversary of national leader Heydar Aliyev. The tournament involved the teams of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Icherisheher State Historical and Architectural Reserve under the Cabinet of Ministers, State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations (“ASAN service”) and Seaside Boulevard Office under the Cabinet of Ministers. Organized by trade union committees of the government bodies, the tournament aimed to encourage healthy lifestyle among employees and ensure their effective leisure. Matches were held at the stadium of Azerbaijan Tennis Academy. The team of the Ministry of Education ranked third at the tournament. The winners were awarded by the organizers.

Azerbaijani pupils claim historic success in USA

The Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF) was held in the city of Phoenix, the U.S. state of Arizona. Some 1,760 students from 77 countries participated in the fair. Azerbaijan was represented at the event by winners of “Scientists of tomorrow” fifth Countrywide Competition – 11th grade pupils of Baku European Lyceum Arzu Mammadova and Narmin Aydarova, 10th grade pupils of Academician Zarifa Aliyeva Lyceum Madat Sardarli, Ayshan Aliyeva and Ali Aliyev, and 11th grade pupil of the lyceum Nigar Sardarli. The Azerbaijani pupils claimed a historic success at the fair as Narmin Aydarova and Arzu Mammadova were ranked fourth by the jury in physics and materials science categories. Nigar and Madat Sardarlis won a special award of Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development. This is the first time Azerbaijani pupils win the special award of the fair since 2012. Winners also received cash awards and certificates. Each year approximately seven million students from around the world apply to participate in Intel ISEF, which was founded in 1997. Azerbaijan selects its participants through “Scientists of tomorrow” Countrywide Competition. This year`s competition saw 9th-11th grade pupils of secondary education institutions from 11 cities and regions submit a total of 129 scientific projects, including 87 team and 42 individual projects. The competition featured eight categories.

“Green Mountain” campaign held

Another “Green Mountain” social awareness campaign was held on May 14. The campaign is part of “Let’s exchange paper for a leaf” project initiated by IDEA Public Union, and  supported by the Ministry of Education and the State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations (“ASAN service”). Participants in the event included chairman of “Asan service” Inam Karimov, deputy Minister of Education Firudin Gurbanov, Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Huseyn Baghirov, chairman of the Supervisory Board of Azersun Holding Abdulbari Guzel and General Coordinator of IDEA Public Union Farid Jafarov. Chairman of the State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations Inam Karimov said “Green Mountain” social awareness campaign had taken place in the cities of Sumgayit, Sabirabad and Barda so far. Deputy Minister of Education Firudin Gurbanov said higher and secondary education institutions in Baku were actively involved in the campaign. He stressed the importance of the project in terms of protection of the environment and greenery.  Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Huseyn Baghirov, General Coordinator of IDEA Public Union Farid Jafarov and other speakers emphasized the significance of the campaign. They said the campaign aimed to increase environmental awareness, reduce paper wastage, save trees through encouraging recycling, ensure protection of nature and maintain ecological balance. The speakers noted that more than 5 million trees had been planted in the last five years. The event also featured performance by artists. Nearly 600 pine seedlings were distributed among the citizens who actively contributed to the campaign.

“Museum week” kicks off

“Museum week” was launched on May 13 by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in collaboration with Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and Icherisheher State Historical and Architectural Reserve under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan as part of the Year of Multiculturalism. Participants in the event included deputy Minister of Education Firudin Gurbanov, deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism Sevda Mammadaliyeva, representative of Icherisheher State Historical and Architectural Reserve under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan Anar Guliyev, Executive Director of the Science Development Foundation under the President Elchin Babayev, heads of general education institutions and museums, and pupils. Deputy Minister of Education Firudin Gurbanov said the program aims to familiarize pupils with scientific, cultural, historical, ecological, development concept and ethnographic aspects of collections of large museums in the country. Implemented by the Republican Ecological Education and Training Center of the Ministry of Education in partnership with the Republican Center of Young Tourists and Local Lore under “Museums and Multiculturalism” program, “Museum week” will be held in 25 museums in Baku and regions of the country from May 12 to 18. Last year the project saw 7,000 pupils visit 15 museums in Baku. The event featured the awarding of certificates to general education institutions and pupils who were actively involved in “Museum week” in 2015.

Classes launched under “Teach for Azerbaijan” educational program

A series of events are being held in the regions of the country under “Teach for Azerbaijan” education program implemented by the Ministry of Education in partnership with Kapital Bank. First academic classes and individual development trainings were conducted under the program in Lankaran, Guba regions, and the cities of Shaki and Ganja. More than 400 pupils from 17 schools participated in the classes and trainings. Academic classes saw English and Azerbaijani language teachers explain a number of topics and organize group games in order to discover pupils` knowledge and comprehension abilities. During the trainings, instructors provided an insight into the topics of specialty choice and interest in reading, and shared their relevant experience with pupils. Group games helped pupils have a deeper understanding of the topics.      “Teach for Azerbaijan” is an educational program aimed at ensuring equal education opportunities in secondary schools through supporting “The State Strategy for the Development of Education in the Republic of Azerbaijan”. Implemented by the Ministry of Education in partnership with Kapital Bank, the program is supported by “Istek” Lyceum, “London School” Language Education Center, “Headway Language and Development” company, AIESEC Azerbaijan, “Sharg – Garb” Publishing House. The goal of the program is to encourage public involvement in improving quality of education, increasing pupils` knowledge and shaping their world views through additional education opportunities under Corporate Social Responsibility concept.


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Mayın 27-də elm və təhsil naziri Emin Əmrullayev İordaniya Haşimilər Krallığının Azərbaycan Respublikasındakı fövqəladə və səlahiyyətli səfiri Ömər Bərəkət əl-Naharla görüşüb. #ElmVəTəhsilNazirliyi #EduAz Ətraflı: https://bit.ly/4dUiEDH
