• Azərbaycan Xalq Cümhuriyyəti hökumətinin 1918-ci il 28 may tarixli qərarı ilə maarif və təhsil üzrə ilk nazirlik-Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyi yaradılıb. Nazirlər Şurasının 30 iyun 1918-ci il tarixli qərarı ilə Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyinin üç şöbədən (ümumi orta təhsil, ali və orta ixtisas təhsili, peşə məktəbləri) ibarət strukturu təsdiq olunub.

    Azərbaycan SSR Xalq Komissarları Sovetinin 28 aprel 1920-ci il tarixli qərarı ilə Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyinin adı dəyişdirilərək Xalq Maarifi Komissarlığı adı ilə yenidən təşkil edilib və ölkədəki bütün təhsil müəssisələri bu qurumun tabeliyinə verilib.

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Israeli Prime Minister visits Chabad Ohr Avner Jewish educational center in Baku

Prime Minister of the State of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu has visited Chabad Ohr Avner Jewish educational center in Baku. The 450-seat center for Jewish children was built by Ohr Avner Foundation under the Heydar Aliyev Foundation`s project in 2010. Speaking at a ceremony to welcome Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli ambassador in Baku Dan Stav said the Israeli Prime Minister`s meeting with Azerbaijani national leader Heydar Aliyev in 1997 played an exceptional role in strengthening relations between the two countries. He expressed his confidence that Benjamin Netanyahu`s visit will contribute to expanding Israel-Azerbaijan cooperation. The ambassador described Azerbaijan as an important partner of Israel. He also hailed tolerance in Azerbaijan, saying there have never been any cases of anti-Semitism in Azerbaijan. “Jews have always lived here in an environment of friendship and brotherhood.” Azerbaijani education minister Mikayil Jabbarov said Hebrew is taught at educational institutions in the country. He hailed the Heydar Aliyev Foundation`s role in building Jewish educational centers in Azerbaijan. Minister Jabbarov described Chabad Ohr Avner school as a vivid example of promotion of tolerance and respect for other religions and people. He praised Azerbaijan-Israel cooperation in a variety of areas, particularly in education. The minister highlighted the values of tolerance in Azerbaijan. He said 2016 was declared the year of multiculturalism in the country. Head of the Community of Azerbaijan’s Mountain Jews Milikh Yevdayev described Benjamin Netanyahu`s visit to Azerbaijan as a historic event. He said Jews have lived in peace in Azerbaijan for centuries. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hailed the attitude to Jews in Azerbaijan. He praised the Heydar Aliyev Foundation`s contribution to developing education for Jews. Benjamin Netanyahu also highlighted Israel-Azerbaijan cooperation in the field of education.   AZERTAC 

Minister of Education to receive citizens in the city of Imishli

For the information of residents of Sabirabad, Saatli, Imishli districts and the city of Shirvan! In accordance with December 2016 timetable of reception hours of government executives, Minister of Education Mikayil Jabbarov will receive residents of Sabirabad, Saatli, Imishli districts and the city of Shirvan at the Heydar Aliyev Center in the city of Imishli at 13.00 on December 15. IDPs with temporary residence in Sabirabad, Saatli, Imishli districts and the city of Shirvan can also attend the reception. The citizens who want to attend may contact the Call Center of the Ministry of Education (hotline – 146) or register at http://edu.gov.az/en/contacts/request on December 9, 12, 13, 14. Those registered are requested to present, upon their arrival, a written description of the issues they plan to raise during the reception.

2nd Forum of Azerbaijani Student Volunteers held

“Bir” Student-Volunteer Program of the Ministry of Education organized the second Forum of Azerbaijani Student Volunteers on December 9. The forum marked the International Volunteer Day. Participants in the event included minister of education Mikayil Jabbarov, minister of youth and sport Azad Rahimov, chairman of the State Agency for Public Services and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Inam Karimov, parliament members, rectors of higher education institutions, representatives of international organizations, student volunteers and media representatives. The forum started with the playing of the state anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The participants then watched a promotional video highlighting the previous forum and work done. The anthem of student volunteers was played. Minister of education Mikayil Jabbarov greeted the participants of the forum. He emphasized the significance of the event in terms of the development of volunteer movement and active involvement of students in public life. The minister said “our primary task is to bring up a generation that is ready for the global world, that is well-educated, innovative and protects national values”. Minister Mikayil Jabbarov said volunteer movement is a relatively new phenomenon for Azerbaijan. He said that the President of Azerbaijan puts special emphasis on the activities of volunteers. The minister highlighted the contributions of volunteers to the organization of numerous high-profile events in Azerbaijan in the past years. “The activity of student volunteers should not be confined to involvement in important events as it may include several permanent projects. Volunteers may come up with their own initiatives in different areas such as studying and re-discovering our historical legacy and monuments, protecting environment and encouraging healthy lifestyle.” The minister of education thanked the organizations supporting and cooperating with “Bir” Student-Volunteer Program, and wished student volunteers success. Minister of youth and sport Azad Rahimov, Deputy Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Programme Alessandro Fracassetti hailed active involvement of student volunteers in the internationally important events held in Azerbaijan.   The event then featured a ceremony to present partnership certificates to the organizations cooperating with “Bir” Student-Volunteer Program. After the awarding ceremony, student volunteers performed famous “Talaba” (“Student”) song. An initiative of the Ministry of Education, “Bir” is a long-term student-volunteer program aimed at encouraging students to engage in cultural and public life of the country. Over 7,000 volunteers of “Bir” Student-Volunteer Program representing 17 educational institutions in 6 districts of the country have contributed to 63 events so far. Formula One Grand Prix of Europe in Baku involved 1147 student volunteers.

Another TOPs project starts

The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan State Physical Culture and Sport Academy and British Council signed a protocol of intent on cooperation on December 6. Participants in the event included Deputy Minister of Education Firudin Qurbanov, rector of the academy Fuad Hajiyev, British Council Azerbaijan Director Elizabeth White, chairman of Sport for Development Public Union Mehman Karimov, and representatives of several non- governmental organizations. The event featured the screening of a short movie on assessment of TOPs program for creation of modern educational technology in physical education. Deputy Minister of Education Firudin Qurbanov said key priorities in modern education include protection of physical and psychological health conditions of schoolchildren, improving training achievements through physical culture and sports. He said the project is implemented under the “State Strategy for Development of Education in the Republic of Azerbaijan”. The deputy minister noted that the scope of TOPs program is broadening every year.  “More than 320 physical education teachers as well as more than 100,000 schoolchildren representing 72 secondary schools will benefit from the project in the 2016-2017 academic year,” said Firudin Qurbanov. Rector of Azerbaijan State Physical Culture and Sport Academy Fuad Hajiyev said although the program now involves only graduates we plan to include TOPs methodology in the academy`s curriculum in the years ahead. British Council Azerbaijan Director Elizabeth White highlighted the organization`s cooperation with the Ministry of Education. She said that launched in 2014, TOPs program was of special importance among joint projects.  The ceremony then featured the awarding of certificates and gifts to winners in “The best open class” and “The best sport festival” nominations. State officials and guests then toured the academy, and viewed volunteer registration camp of the 4th Islamic Solidarity Games here.

2nd Forum of Azerbaijani Student Volunteers will be held

“Bir” Student-Volunteer Program of the Ministry of Education will organize the second Forum of Azerbaijani Student Volunteers on December 9. The forum will mark the International Volunteer Day. The event will look at the results of the 1st Forum, which was held last year, review work done since the last gathering and discuss future goals. It will bring together state officials, representatives of international organizations and student volunteers to exchange views on the ways of developing volunteer movement and stimulating students` involvement in public life.  An initiative of the Ministry of Education, “Bir” is a long-term student-volunteer program, which contributes to the country`s overall development. It works to encourage students to engage in volunteering activities, effectively organize their leisure time, help them make friends, ensure their individual development. Over 7,000 volunteers of “Bir” Student-Volunteer Program representing 17 educational institutions in 6 districts of the country have contributed to 63 events so far.

Minister of Education met with chairman of World Organization of the Scout Movement

Minister of Education Mikayil Jabbarov met with chairman of the World Organization of the Scout Movement João Armando Gonçalves on December 2. They discussed the issues of cooperation between the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the World Organization of the Scout Movement in a number of areas.

Minister of Education receives ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the State of Qatar to the Republic of Azerbaijan

Minister of Education Mikayil Jabbarov received newly appointed ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the State of Qatar to the Republic of Azerbaijan Yusif bin Hasan Yusif al-Sai on December 2. They discussed Azerbaijan-Qatar relations in the field of education and prospects for cooperation in accordance with the tasks set by the “State Strategy for Development of Education in the Republic of Azerbaijan”.

International conference highlights role of accreditation in quality assurance in education

The Department of Accreditation and Nostrification of the Ministry of Education organized an international conference on “The role of accreditation in quality assurance in education” on December 2. Participants in the event included Minister of Education Mikayil Jabbarov, members of parliament, heads of higher education institutions, local and international education experts, as well as representatives of foreign accreditation organizations. The conference aimed to discuss a wide range of issues, including quality management, challenges in the field of accreditation, best practices and future cooperation prospects. Minister of Education Mikayil Jabbarov underlined the importance of innovative approaches in quality assurance in education. Mikayil Jabbarov highlighted the establishment of the Department of Accreditation and Nostrification of the Ministry of Education. “In parallel, we also began work on regulatory documents. New accreditation rules are based on the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area.”  The minister said: “Our main expectations from the conference are to discuss prospects for future cooperation between the Department of Accreditation and Nostrification of the Ministry of Education and international accreditation organizations and agencies and also to bring best practices in improving quality in education to Azerbaijan.” Vice president of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Isa Habibbayli, acting head of the Department of Accreditation and Nostrification of the Ministry of Education Samir Valiyev, president of Kazakhstan`s Quality Assurance Agency Sholpan Kalanova, director of the Georgian National Center for Improvement of Quality Education Tamar Sanikidze, director of the Russian Agency of Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Career Development Erika Soboleva and head of the Higher Education Department of Finland`s Education Assessment Center Helka Kekalaynen highlighted the establishment of the system of education quality assurance and shared their experience. The conference then continued its work in panel sessions that heard reports from representatives of the European University Association, leading Latvian, British, German, Georgian and Finnish accreditation agencies, Khazar University and Azerbaijan University of Languages.

Agreement on ICT cooperation signed

The ministries of education and agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of information and communication technologies with China International Center for Economic and Technical Exchanges at the Ministry of Education on December 1. Under the agreement, the government of the People`s Republic of China will provide technical assistance in delivering the ICT equipment to be used in the teaching process to educational institutions in Azerbaijan.

Russian education and science minister meets with school principals

Russian Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva has met with principals of several general education institutions in Baku to familiarize herself with the teaching of Russian language in the country. She then visited Heydar Aliyev Center.


Müstəqillik Günü Azərbaycan xalqının tarixində ən şanlı və parlaq səhifələrdən biridir. ?????? #ElmVəTəhsilNazirliyi #28may #MüstəqillikGünü #MüstəqilAzərbaycan


Azyaşlı uşaqlara iqlim dəyişmələri və dayanıqlılıqla bağlı biliklərin aşılanmasını nəzərdə tutan “Yaşıl bağça” layihəsinə start verilib.


Mayın 27-də elm və təhsil naziri Emin Əmrullayev İordaniya Haşimilər Krallığının Azərbaycan Respublikasındakı fövqəladə və səlahiyyətli səfiri Ömər Bərəkət əl-Naharla görüşüb. #ElmVəTəhsilNazirliyi #EduAz Ətraflı: https://bit.ly/4dUiEDH
