• Azərbaycan Xalq Cümhuriyyəti hökumətinin 1918-ci il 28 may tarixli qərarı ilə maarif və təhsil üzrə ilk nazirlik-Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyi yaradılıb. Nazirlər Şurasının 30 iyun 1918-ci il tarixli qərarı ilə Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyinin üç şöbədən (ümumi orta təhsil, ali və orta ixtisas təhsili, peşə məktəbləri) ibarət strukturu təsdiq olunub.

    Azərbaycan SSR Xalq Komissarları Sovetinin 28 aprel 1920-ci il tarixli qərarı ilə Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyinin adı dəyişdirilərək Xalq Maarifi Komissarlığı adı ilə yenidən təşkil edilib və ölkədəki bütün təhsil müəssisələri bu qurumun tabeliyinə verilib.

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"Famous teachers of Karabakh" - Suleyman Rahimov

The next historical figure of the "Famous Teachers of Karabakh" project of the Ministry of Education is Suleyman Rahimov. Suleyman Rahimov was born on March 22, 1900 in Ayin village of Zangazur province (present Gubadli region). He got primary education in a two-grade Russian school. Then he graduated from technical school and higher education institution. He started working as a teacher at the newly opened school in Khanlig village in 1921. After studying at a pedagogical course in Shusha, he worked as a teacher for a long time in different regions of Zangazur province. He came to Baku in the autumn of 1928 and studied at the history department of Azerbaijan State University and at the same time taught adult workers in a two-shift literacy course in Garashahar. It is worth mentioning that the "Famous Teachers of Karabakh" project provides information about famous people born in Karabakh and formerly engaged in pedagogical activities. The aim of the project is to commemorate the famous teachers of Karabakh these days when we are happy with the news of the victory of the triumphal Azerbaijani Army.

Our students who became the victims of enemy aggression

Today two more of our schoolchildren have become the victims of the Armenian aggression: Ismayilzade Orkhan and Mayakov Artur. Orkhan, student of the 10th grade of Khoruzlu school at Tartar district, was killed as a result of the artillery shelling by the armed forces of Armenia early in the morning of October 24. Another student Artur was heavily injured as a result of the missile attack launched to Ganja on October 17. Today Artur closed his eyes forever in the hospital after a week-long intensive treatment. Artur was the 7th grade student at the school number 29 in Ganja. I am deeply saddened by the loss of their lives and sincerely express my condolences to their families and relatives.

"Famous teachers of Karabakh" - Suleyman Sani Akhundov

The next historical figure of the "Famous Teachers of Karabakh" project of the Ministry of Education is Suleyman Sani Akhundov. Suleyman Sani Akhundov was one of the persons playing an exceptional role in the cultural development of the people of Azerbaijan at the beginning of the last century, a prominent writer, prosaist and enlighter. He was born on October 3, 1875 in Shusha. He studied at Gori Teachers' Seminary in 1885-1894. After graduation, he was appointed as a teacher at the III degree Russian-Tatar school. He was engaged in pedagogical activity till the end of his life. Suleyman Sani Akhundov participated in the First Congress of Azerbaijani Teachers in 1906 too. In 1920-1921 he was the head of the education department of the Karabakh province, in 1922-1930 he was the headmaster of a school in Baku. It is worth mentioning that the "Famous Teachers of Karabakh" project provides information about famous people born in Karabakh and formerly engaged in pedagogical activities. The aim of the project is to commemorate the famous teachers of Karabakh these days when we are happy with the news of the victory of the triumphal Azerbaijani Army. 

The Minister of Education made a speech on Armenian aggression at the extraordinary session of the UNESCO Global Education Meeting

On October 22, Minister of Education Emin Amrullayev participated in a virtual extraordinary session of the Global Education Meeting organized by UNESCO. Director-General of UNESCO Audrey Azoulay, Secretary-General of UN Antonio Guterres, heads of states and governments, ministers of education attended session dedicated to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on education. During the event, Emin Amrullayev informed the participants about the measures taken to ensure the sustainability of education in our country during the pandemic. At the same time, it was noted that starting from the new school year in Azerbaijan, the educational process is organized in a hybrid – face-to-face and online form, and the necessary steps have been taken to protect the health of students. The Minister of Education informed the participants of the event about recent missile strikes of Armenia on civilians in different cities and regions of Azerbaijan as a result of which 6 students were killed, 17 students were injured and about 40 educational buildings were damaged.

Minister of Education meets with the Ambassador of Japan to Azerbaijan

On October 21, the Minister of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan Emin Amrullayev met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to the Republic of Azerbaijan Wada Junichi in online format. The current state of relations between the Republic of Azerbaijan and Japan in the field of education and prospects for future cooperation were discussed at the meeting. The sides exchanged views on student-teacher exchange between Azerbaijan and Japan, cooperation in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and start-up directions in education. Satisfaction was expressed with the functioning of the Japanese Center and the teaching of the Japanese language at the Azerbaijan University of Languages ​​and Baku State University. The importance of developing inter-university cooperation was stressed. The Minister of Education informed the ambassador that 6 schoolchildren were killed, 17 students were injured and about 40 educational institutions in different cities and regions of Azerbaijan were damaged as a result of Armenian missile strikes on civilians. The ambassador, in his turn, expressed concern over the loss of life.

Victims of Ganja terror - two children of one family

On the night of October 17, two more schoolchildren were killed in a terrorist attack launched again by Armenia on Ganja. Orkhan and Maryam were siblings. Orkhan studied in the 6th grade of a full secondary school No.29 named after K.D. Ushinsky in Ganja, and Maryam studied in the 1st grade of that school. Their bodies together with the body of their mother were pulled out from the rubble yesterday. As a result of the enemy's aggression, 6 of our schoolchildren have already been killed.     May God bless these kids and those who died in the Ganja massacre!

Schoolgirl among victims of Ganja terror

A 15-years old Nigar Asgarova would celebrate her birthday tomorrow, if she was not killed as a result of the rocket attack to Ganja city by the Armenian military forces that hit her home at the middle of the night on October 17. Nigar was a 10th grade school girl at the school number 29 in Ganja city, located far away from the military operations in Karabakh. By this criminal action, the number of school children killed by Armenian aggression reached to four.    We are deeply saddened by the death of all our citizens, including our school children. We wish quick recovery to all the wounded civilians.

Yet another school destroyed as a result of the Armenian attack

As a result of yet another missile attack by the Armenian Armed Forces on Ganja on October 17 at around 01:00, great destructions and losses of human lives were recorded. As a result of the attack, the full secondary school No. 29 named after K.D. Ushinsky in Ganja was severely damaged as well. No one was injured at the school as the incident took place at night. It should be noted that 1,006 students study at the school, which consists of a 3-storey main building and 2 additional building blocks.

Minister of Education meets with the Hungarian Ambassador to Azerbaijan

On October 14, the Minister of Education Emin Amrullayev met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Hungary to the Republic of Azerbaijan Viktor Szederkenyi. The sides expressed satisfaction with the current state of relations between Azerbaijan and Hungary in the field of education and discussed prospects for future cooperation.

Azerbaijani students under enemy attack



Müstəqillik Günü Azərbaycan xalqının tarixində ən şanlı və parlaq səhifələrdən biridir. ?????? #ElmVəTəhsilNazirliyi #28may #MüstəqillikGünü #MüstəqilAzərbaycan


Azyaşlı uşaqlara iqlim dəyişmələri və dayanıqlılıqla bağlı biliklərin aşılanmasını nəzərdə tutan “Yaşıl bağça” layihəsinə start verilib.


Mayın 27-də elm və təhsil naziri Emin Əmrullayev İordaniya Haşimilər Krallığının Azərbaycan Respublikasındakı fövqəladə və səlahiyyətli səfiri Ömər Bərəkət əl-Naharla görüşüb. #ElmVəTəhsilNazirliyi #EduAz Ətraflı: https://bit.ly/4dUiEDH
