• Azərbaycan Xalq Cümhuriyyəti hökumətinin 1918-ci il 28 may tarixli qərarı ilə maarif və təhsil üzrə ilk nazirlik-Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyi yaradılıb. Nazirlər Şurasının 30 iyun 1918-ci il tarixli qərarı ilə Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyinin üç şöbədən (ümumi orta təhsil, ali və orta ixtisas təhsili, peşə məktəbləri) ibarət strukturu təsdiq olunub.

    Azərbaycan SSR Xalq Komissarları Sovetinin 28 aprel 1920-ci il tarixli qərarı ilə Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyinin adı dəyişdirilərək Xalq Maarifi Komissarlığı adı ilə yenidən təşkil edilib və ölkədəki bütün təhsil müəssisələri bu qurumun tabeliyinə verilib.

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On June 30 at the Ministry of Education took place a press- conference devoted to the IV Congress of the Turkic World Mathematical Society.

The event was also attended by the Director of Applied Mathematics Scientific – Research Institute of Baku State University, academician Fikrat Aliyev.  Education Minister Misir Mardanoy greeted the participants and informed that the IV Congress of the Turkic World Mathematical Society will be held in Baku on 1-3 July, 2011. He noted that the Congress is organized by the Ministry of Education, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and Applied Mathematics Scientific – Research Institute of Baku State University. According to him, mathematicians from more than 20 countries, including Turkey, Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Iran, the USA, France, Malaysia, Ukraine, Georgia and other countries, will take part in the congress. Noting more than 700 participants have registered with the website of the congress, the minister stressed that about 300 participants from foreign countries will participate in the event. The Minister informed that the Turkic World Mathematical Society (TWMS) was established as an international organization in Elazig, Turkey, in 1999. Mathematicians from Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, as well as Russia, China, the USA, France, Sweden and other countries are members of the organization. The main goal of the organization is to achieve the integration of the world’s scientists of Turkish origin, help them to establish and strengthen the cooperation with the renowned scientific centers. Moreover, it is aiming to redirect new scientific achievements to the economic development of our countries, as well as help scientists of Turkish origin to become a world famous. According to the Minister, three congresses of the TWMS have been held since 1999. Noting the positive results of works done for the development of fundamental sciences in Azerbaijan over the last years, the minister stressed the importance of holding the IV Congress of the Society in Baku. He noted that the programme and theses of the Congress were published in English and expressed his confidence that the event will open new opportunities for scientists from Azerbaijan to expand the international cooperation.   At the end Mr. Mardanov took questions from the representatives of the media. 

On June 30 at ”Buta” palace for the first time took place an event entitled “Graduate - 2011” jointly organized by Baku city Education Department and Azerbaijan Republican Committee of Independent Trade Unions of Educators

On June 30 at ”Buta” palace for the first time took place an event entitled “Graduate - 2011”, jointly organized by Baku city Education Department and Azerbaijan Republican Committee of Independent Trade Unions of Educators The event was attended by 650 exemplary graduates of 11th classes of secondary schools of Baku, who have become winners of different competitions and contests.  Before the event began, the national anthem of Azerbaijan was played. Speaking at the opening event Director of Baku city Education Department Naila Rzaguliyeva congratulated graduates, who have completed their 11 years of schooling and taken first steps towards an independent life. Having noted the future of the country depends on youth, she reminded that nationwide leader Heydar Aliyev has always been proud of Azerbaijani youth and given them a special care. She added that this policy is successfully continued by the President Ilham Aliyev, and talked about the attention paid by the President to the education, as well as the educator’ s assigned duties to nurture educated youth as a citizens able to assess and protect national and intellectual values. According to N. Rzaguliyeva, the acceptance rate for pupils of Baku to universities has increased compared to results for the last 4 years. She also emphasized the attention and care paid by Goodwill ambassador of UNESCO and ISESCO, the president of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, MP Mehriban Aliyeva to the education and noted that works done by her to encourage educators to achieve greater success,   Speaking at the event, Education Minister Misir Mardanov congratulated graduates, who have taken first steps towards an independent life, and wished them success. Further, video materials about the attention and care of the national leader Heydar Aliyev and President Ilham Aliyev for youth were demonstrated. Moreover, letter of congratulations from Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva to graduates was read at the event.  After, talented children and youth performed an interesting concert programme. At the event, 29 exemplary graduates of secondary schools of Baku were awarded gold and silver medals. Chairwoman of State Student Admission Commission Maleyke Abbaszade, chairman of Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation, MP Sattar Mehbaliyev congratulated graduates and wished them every success.  At the end, graduates thanked the organizers and noted that they will justify their expectations.

On July 1, the IV Congress of the Turkic World Mathematical Society has started its work in the recreation centre Aqua Park in Novkhani.

Speaking at the opening event, Education Minister Misir Mardanov noted that mathematicians from overall 20 countries, including, Turkey, Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Iran, the USA, France, Malaysia, Ukraine and Georgia, took part in the congress. The Minister informed that the Turkic World Mathematical Society (TWMS) is an international organization, which was founded in Elazig, Turkey, in 1999. The congress has held three congresses since 1999. At the last Congress was made a decision on holding the IV Congress in Baku. Having noted that he was selected a chairman of the Organizing Committee of the congress, the Minister added Science and Education Minister of Kazakhstan Bakytzhan Zhumagulov, MP of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Prof. Kilishbay Bisenov, President of National Academy of Science of Kazakhstan Murat Jurinov, representative of the Royal Spanish Mathematical Society Pedro A. Guil and others are among more than 300 participants. The Minister underscored contributions made by the chairman of the Turkic World Mathematical Society, Science and Education Minister of Kazakhstan B. Zhumagulov to the Society and noted that Kazakhstan is representing in the Congress by the largest delegation consisting of about 100 members. Education Minister Misir Mardanov underlined the organization of the IV Congress in Baku proofs that the image of Azerbaijan has improved before the international community. Speaking at the Congress, the chairman of the Turkic World Mathematical Society, Science and Education Minister of Kazakhstan B. Zhumagulov gave information on the organization. He estimated integration of scientists from different countries as a success, and noted that the problems existing in the contemporary world can only be solved by a joint effort of scientists from many countries. He underlined the need to create efficient environment for scientific activities, and to implement wide range of initiatives. At the end, he thanked for the organization and conduction of the congress in a high level, as well as put forward some proposals.  Honorary president of TWMS Hilmi Hacisalihoglu, Director of Institute of Mathematics and Information Technologies of Uzbekistan Shavkat Ayupov, Rector of Firat University of Turkey Feyzi Bingol, Rector of Liepaja University of Janis Rimsans and others wished success to the congress. At the congress, which will be held until July 3, will be given presentations on actual mathematical problems on 8 categories. 

The IV Congress of the Turkic World Mathematical Society held in Baku has finished.

The IV Congress of the Turkic World Mathematical Society (TWMS) held in Baku has finished. The Congress organized by the Ministry of Education, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and Applied Mathematics Scientific – Research Institute of  Baku State University was attended by mathematicians from 20 countries of the world, including, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, France, USA, Russia, Great Britain and other countries, AzerTac reports. Speakers highlighted the President Ilham Aliyev attaches great importance to the development of science and education, and talked about the importance of these fields in the contemporary world, as well as about the activity of TWMS. At the section meetings of the congress was given and discussed 314 presentations devoted to the theoretical and applied problems of mathematics, and to the teaching method of this science. Moreover, members of the Board of the TWMS were elected at the congress. The Minister of Education of Azerbaijan Misir Mardanov has been elected a president, academician Fikrat Aliyev (Azerbaijan), Prof. Etibar Panahov (Turkey), academician Amanbeck Jaynakov (Kyrgyzstan), and Prof. Nargozu Danayev (Kazakhstan) vice- president of TWMS for the next three years. The former president of TWMS, Science and Education Minister of Kazakhstan, academician Bakytzhan Zhumagulov has been elected an Honorary President of the Society. Moreover, the fund of the TWMS was established and academician Fikrat Aliyev was elected its president.  The Turkic World Mathematical Society was established in 1999. Mathematicians from Azerbaijan, Turkey, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, China, USA, Mongolia and European countries are members of the organization. The first Congress of the Society was held at Firat University (Elazig, Turkey) in 1999. The second Congress was held at Sakarya University (Adapazari, Turkey) in 2007, and the third Congress at Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi (Kazakhstan, Almati) in 2009.   The main goal of the organization is to achieve the integration of the world’s scientists of Turkish origin, help them to establish and strengthen the cooperation with the renowned scientific centers. Moreover, it is aiming to redirect new scientific achievements to the economic development of Turkic-speaking countries, as well as help scientists of Turkish origin to become a world famous.

Hotline Service of the Ministry of Education (telephones: 496-34-82; 496-37-61; fax: 496-37-61; e-mail address: qaynar-xett@edu.gov.az) received 4781 calls in June 2011.

4097 calls were received by phone, 684 by e-mail. A majority of them is inquiries. More than 4000 queries were about the organization and conduction of final exams at IX and XI classes, distribution  of an exam pass list at schools, exam results, granting documents on general secondary and complete secondary education (certificate and diploma), as well as appeals against results of the exam. Other enquires were about reception of teachers for vacant positions through competition, norms for teaching load of teachers for the next academic year, their age limit, results of Olympiads conducted among talented children and benefits granted to the winners of International Olympiads. Moreover, there were received queries concerning issues such as study abroad, recognition of educational documents received in foreign countries, calculation of salaries of school teachers, reception of education documents, and rules for granting medals to graduates for their achievements in a study. All queries were recorded and responded by the Service. Problems existing at pre-school, general education, vocational, secondary special and higher education establishments were reflected on some enquire. 84 of them were investigated and taken relevant measures to eliminate problems. Last month, the Service received calls from Baku (15), Ganja (4), Sumgayit (1), Absheron (5), Jalilabad (3), and Yardimli, Bilasuvar, Gubadli, Dashkesen, Salyan and Agjabedy (one call from each of them). They were about annual assessment of pupils, shortcomings in the document granting process, as well as school managements and, etc. The Service received 3 calls from vocational education establishments (school # 3, 7, 15 of Baku and #3 of Ganja). They were about shortcomings existing at professional lyceums, and delay in granting educational documents and scholarships. The calls received by the Service have been investigated and taken relevant measures. In June, the Service received 11 calls from pre-school education establishments. They were from Baku (8), Ganja (2) and Shabran (1). The queries were connected with the admission of children to kindergartens, the quality of food given to children, refurbish of kindergartens, and other serious problems. One issue concerning with an admission of 3 year old child of blind parents has found its positive solution. Moreover, there were taken relevant measures to increase the quality of food given to kindergartens and callers were informed on preparation of the relevant programme for refurbishing of kindergartens that needs to be repaired.  Inquires received from higher and secondary special education establishments were operatively considered within the execution of the Order 856 of the Education Minister on Organization and conduction of a summer exam session of 2010/2011 academic year at higher and secondary special education establishments, of May 19, 2011. This helped to provide the transparent and objective assessment of students’ knowledge, eliminate shortcomings that could be occurred and implement other relevant measures. The Service received 46 calls from higher and secondary special education establishments (19 from state, 9 from private, 3 from overseas universities and 14 from secondary special education establishments) during the summer exam session of 2010/2011 academic year.  They were about the application of Bologna system at universities, conduction of term exams by using a test method, study for a Master’s degree, admittance of students to the term and state exams, rules for the payment of scholarships, delay of scholarships, and, etc. Students of Zagatala, Sheki, Guba and Ganja branches of Azerbaijan Teachers Institute, Azerbaijan State Economic University, Ganja State University, Baku State University, Azerbaijan Technological University, Azerbaijan Tourism University, Sumgayit State University and others at their inquire complaining about their assessment and asking for increasing their exam marks via appeal procedure.  Regarding these inquiries, employees of the relevant departments of the Ministry have conducted an investigation in collaboration with representatives of mentioned universities and NGO's. The objective assessment of students was provided based on knowledge demonstrated by them during the exam. The Hotline Service received calls from private universities as well (Tafakkur University (2), Odlar Yurdu University (2), Qafqaz University (1), Social – Political University (1), University of Eurasia (1) and Azerbaijan International University, which activity has been stopped). The refusal of entry to an exam, demanding to pay a fee to retake the exam, violations of exam’s rules and problems with diploma granting were reflected on them. Moreover, the Service received calls from secondary special education establishments, such as Azerbaijan State Pedagogical College, Sheky Pedagogical College, Baku Food Industry College, Baku Humanities College, Shusha Humanities College, Baku Medical College No.2, Baku State Social Economic College, Gazakh State Social Economic College and Ganja Music College. Inquires reflected information on delay of scholarships of students, dissatisfaction with the exam assessment, and delay in granting diplomas. All inquires were investigated and authors were informed on the results.

On July 8 Education Minister Misir Mardanov met with a delegation led by member of EU Economic and Social Committee Marius Oprah.

A meeting was also attended by Head of the EU Economic and Social Committee office for Single Market, production and consumption, Bryan Cassidy, an independent policy analyst for the European Policy Centre in Brussels and Coordinator of the “European Neighborhood Forum” Amanda Paul Akchakocha, and researcher at the Committee Fund for the role of youth and women in the society and socio-economic development, Felicia Skoartsa. Education Minister Misir Mardanov warmly welcomed the guests and expressed his pleasure on their visit to Azerbaijan. He informed guests on ongoing reforms in the country and in the education field, as well as on implemented projects, and adapted programs to develop the education. The Minister also spoke about the use of ICT in education, training of teachers and collaboration with NGOs, provision of teachers with work, and projects jointly implemented with the World Bank to develop the education. Member of EU Economic and Social Committee Marius Oprah thanked the Minister for a warm welcome. He noted that tenders for changing professions of people in the EU and Teacher Training Centers subordinated to the ministries of EU countries within the School Twinning project and Eastern Partnership programme were announced. According to him, Azerbaijan can take advantage of the tendering opportunities as well. He stressed the importance to improve computer knowledge of pupils in order to help them create a program. Moreover, Marius Oprah noted the importance of organizing various educational exhibitions and activities in the EU countries to inform its members on education, culture, and history of Azerbaijan.  During the meeting, the parties discussed a wide range of issues. They talked about an active participation of Azerbaijan in the programs such as Tempus, Erasmus Mundus, and, etc. implemented by the EU within the cooperation with universities and conduction of joint scientific researches at universities. Moreover, the sides touched on issues such as the development of vocational education, situation of schools in rural areas of Azerbaijan, involvement of teachers in these schools, and put forward their views and suggestions on this matter.

On July 12 Education Minister Misir Mardanov met with British Council Regional Director Michael Bird, Country Director Paul Clementson and Programme Manager Gulshan Huseynova.

Education Minister Misir Mardanov expressed a warm welcome to the guests and his pleasure at seeing them at the Ministry. Talking about numerous projects that are being implemented by the British Council in the country, the Minister underlined results achieved within these projects. He noted the importance of English language training course for teachers carried out at 7 pilot schools of Baku and underscored that this initiative will run at 20 schools for the next academic year. Having underlined a great interest in learning English language in Azerbaijan, the Minister added that the British Council is one of the international organizations with whom the Ministry has close relations. Moreover, Mr Mardanov gave information on the Executive Order of the President Ilham Aliyev to prepare National Education Development Strategy of Azerbaijan in 2011-2021, and noted that according to the Order a new education development strategy will be prepared within a short period of time. He noted the advisability of the use of capacity of international organizations operating in the country, particularly British Council, to prepare this document. The Minister also talked about steps taken in the field of education of Azerbaijan in recent years and implemented innovations. Furthermore, Mr. Mardanov has talked about expansion of ties between the Ministry of Education and British Council. He put forward ideas to establish a school in Azerbaijan, where a study will be conducted only in English or in both languages, monitor the situation concerning teaching of English language, and prepare jointly English language textbooks and teaching materials for general-education  schools.     British Council Regional Director Michael Bird thanked the Minister for the warm welcome and given information. He expressed their satisfaction with the effective cooperation existed between the Ministry of Education and British Council. Mr. Bird noted he is a British Council Regional Director for 16 countries and Azerbaijan has a special place among these countries. Having underlined the importance results of joint projects, the guest expressed readiness for further development of this cooperation. The guest also asked about priority areas of the education system of Azerbaijan. According to Mr. Mardanov, the educational priority areas of Azerbaijan include the increase of the authority of teachers and development of qualifications for them, management of education, preparation of textbooks, curriculum and, etc. At the meeting, the sides have exchanged views on expansion of ties between British and Azerbaijani universities, establishment of cooperation in the secondary and vocational education field, study of Azerbaijani students in the UK, learning English at schools and organization of exchange of teachers and students. 

On July 14 at the Ministry of Education took place a meeting of Accreditation Council

An award of accreditation to the Science and Education Centre University of Tafakkur, Baku Technical College and Sumgayit College of Music were discussed at the meeting. Speaking at the opening event, Education Minister Misir Mardanov talked about works implemented in the field of accreditation of higher and secondary education institutions. He highlighted the accreditation serves for a further development of education and gave his recommendations to members of the Council.     After, the meeting attendees took a decision on the award of accreditation to the University of Tafakkur based on a presentation given by Accreditation Council at the previous meeting and works done to eliminate shortcomings for a past period. Chairman of Accreditation Committee for Baku Technical College, associate professor of Azerbaijan Technical University Hamidulla Mammadov gave information on the preparation of relevant report on accreditation of Baku Technical College and its submission to the Ministry of Education. He said that there was established an Accreditation Committee, which comprises employees of the Ministry of Education and experts from disciplines, to inspect the report and submit for consideration of Accreditation Committee. According to H. Mammadov, the organization of training at college was inspected, and experts checked the knowledge of graduating students to learn their level of professional training. Moreover, he gave information on the results of inspection, as well as on students, personnel training, number and age of teachers, as well as on the Committee's conclusion.  Chairperson of Accreditation Committee for Sumgayit College of Music, senior teacher of Azerbaijan National Conservatory Hijran Hajiyeva informed participants on the relevant inspection held at the College, and talked about the situation regarding training on disciplines. She also spoke about educational conditions of the college, its logistical base and personnel. According to her, the Committee has used test tasks to check the knowledge of graduating students on 7 disciplines submitted for accreditation, and informed on achievement and quality indicators of students. Moreover, she gave information on Agjabedy branch of college, which was established in 2006.   Later, questions and answers were taken, as well as participants expressed their opinions and offers. Minister Mardanov offered to make some additions and amendments to the current accreditation criteria of higher and secondary education institutions.  At the end, Accreditation Committee took the decision on the award of accreditation to the Baku Technical College. An ultimate decision on the award of accreditation to the Sumgayit College of Music will be taken after problems existing in the logistical base of the college will be solved. The meeting was also attended by the member of Accreditation Council, Head of Apparatus of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism Firudin Gurbanov.

On July 14 at the Ministry of Education took place a meeting devoted to the results of visits recently made by the Education Minister Misir Mardanov and delegations comprised employees of education system to some foreign countries.

On July 14, at the Ministry of Education took place a meeting devoted to the results of visits recently made by Education Minister Misir Mardanov and employees of the education system to some foreign countries. The meeting, in which was given a presentation on three trips, was attended by the management, head of departments of the Ministry, directors of lyceums and gymnasiums directly subordinated to the Ministry of Education. Speaking at the opening event Education Minister Misir Mardanov welcomed attendees and gave information on a training trip made by the delegation led by him to the Kingdom of Sweden and Finland from June 20-29. First, he gave a presentation on a trip made to Sweden. Noting the Kingdom of Sweden is one of the most democratic and developed countries of the world, the Minister gave information on some statistical numbers and on the education system of this country.   It was noted that the first stage of the Swedish education system is preschool education. This stage of education is encompassed 1-5 year olds and lasts four years. There 20,732 kindergartens in Sweden and more than 800,000 children are involved in preschool education. At the country operates one-year preschool preparation classes for 6 year olds. There are 3,843 preschool preparation classes throughout the country. 95 percent of 1-6-year-old children are involved in education in Sweden. What is more, in spite of kindergartens, there are operating Day Care and leisure centres as well.  The next stage after preschool education is the nine-year comprehensive school for children between the ages of seven and sixteen. 960,000 children are study at the comprehensive schools of the country. The upper secondary education for children between the ages of 16-19 lasts 3 years. The vast majorities of Swedish students are continuing their studies into upper secondary education. The Minister noted that there two types of gymnasiums in Sweden (upper secondary education and vocational education). According to him, the upper secondary schools are operated separately and, currently, there are 1015 gymnasiums in the country. The upper secondary education level consists of 17 national programs, in which 13 is vocational education (program with special assignment), and 4 is the higher-education training programme. 390 pupils are studying, and 38,500 teachers are working at gymnasiums. The teacher-pupil ratio of 1:10. Annual spending per pupil is 9-10 thousand euros. The Minister also gave information on the higher-education system of Sweden noting that it includes three-year Bachelor, two-year Master and 4 year PhD degree levels. He also gave information on the number of personnel of HEI and students. It was noted that the education in Sweden is free. 17 state and 3 private universities, 11 state and 8 private university colleges, 5 state and 2 private art colleges are operated in the country. 433,000 students are studying at universities. 17,200 people study at the doctoral level. Approximately, 37-40 thousand of international students are currently studying at universities of Sweden, and 24-25 thousand Swede are studying abroad. The Minister underlined these numbers are very high compare to our country, although the number of population of Sweden is equal to ours. Furthermore, the Minister gave information on management of Swedish education system, National Education Agency, specialties, work admission programmes, the situation concerning the acceptance for work, and comparisons with the education system of Azerbaijan. Next, the Minister talked about the trip to Finland. He noted that the education system and structure of Finland nearly the same as Sweden. The higher executive body over education policy is Ministry of Culture and Education of Finland. The profession of teacher is the most respectful profession in the country. The big contest for admission to universities held in teacher specialties. The salary received by newly employed teachers is 2000 Euros. This indicator is increasing up to 4000 – 4500 Euros along with the rise of degrees. 100 percent of children are involved in pre-school education. Noting they are visited two schools and one nursery during their trip to Finland, the Minister highlighted the existence of high logistical base at these establishments, as well as the provision of children by hot food three times a day. The Minister underlined that both countries are interested in the cooperation with us. He also noted that the pre-school preparation classes are free in Finland, average density at schools is 13 people and about 600, 000 pupils are studying at schools of the country. Moreover, there was given information on the vocational education and higher-education systems of Finland. It was noted that at Finland, where the population approximately two times less than in Azerbaijan, 146 thousand children (10 times more than in Azerbaijan) are studying at vocational education establishments.  At the end, the Minister noted the existence of cooperation with both countries in the education field.   ***   The next presentation was given by Deputy Education Minister, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Prof. Irada Huseynova. She gave information on the trip to the UK. According to her, from 19 to 21 June of 2011 at Oxford University (UK) was held European Summit of Leaders, where she represented Azerbaijan. She noted the importance of the summit for our country in terms of opportunity to demonstrate the prestige, especially intellectual and scientific potential of Azerbaijan to the world. According to her, the programme of the summit was interesting and various. Moreover, the summit was attended by the Lady Mayor of Oxford Elise Benjamin, Member of European Parliament Derek Clark, director general of Europe Business Assembly John Netting, President of the Club of the Rectors of Europe Will Goodhair, President of International Club of Leaders Paul Briggs, Mayor of Samsun (Turkey) Yusuf Zif Yılmaz, diplomatic missions of the countries participated in the summit to the Great Britain, as well as scientific and business representatives of 37 countries of the world. Noting at the meeting of the Rectors of Europe a first speech was made by her, Deputy Minister said that she gave a presentation on problems regarding implementation of innovations in the fields of science and education, and development of these areas in Azerbaijan. Head of British Immigration Service Kevan Jones, rectors of colleges of Oxford Andy Thomson and Sally Dicketts, as well as Cyprus, Nigeria and Macedonia universities and others made a speech as well. The programme of the summit included a meeting with the Lady Mayor of Oxford Elise Benjamin. At the meeting were discussed issues concerning strategy of science and higher education. I. Huseynova noted that 48th awarding ceremony of International Socrates Award of 2011 was held at the summit. Having said she was awarded this prestigious award for the contribution made by her to the intellectual development of modern society, Deputy Minister emphasized the award is an appreciation of not just her merits, as well as science and education of Azerbaijan. Next, there was demonstrated a short video of the award ceremony.  Education Minister Misir Mardanov and meeting attendees have congratulated I. Huseynova on awarding with this esteemed prize. At the presentation was talked about meetings made within the summit.   ***   At the meeting was given a presentation of Gultekin Huseynova, Director of Department for Science of the Ministry, and head of educational delegation, which visited the USA to participate in the Intel ISEF International Contest from 9 to 13 May of 2011. G.Huseynova gave information on the contest. She said that, Intel ISEF (Intel International Science and Engineerıng Fair) is a scientific – research project competition of pupils held once every year in the USA. Noting the prestigious of competition held over 60 years, G. Huseynova underlined that more than 20 winners of the contest have become a laureate of Nobel Prise, and three winners were awarded Fields Prizes in mathematics. She said that, the next 62nd competition was held in Los-Angeles, California, from 9 to 13 May of this year. More than 1500 pupils who have won 443 selection competition held in 65 countries took part in the final. She noted that in spite of finalists, Intel’s employees, and scientists from different countries, 7 Nobel Prize laureates have participated in the contest as well. Next, G. Huseynova gave information on Open Door Day held at the Los Angeles Convention Centre on May 12 within the contest programme. She noted that the estimation of projects was held in 17 categories, and about 1000 scientists over the world were involved in this process as a judge. She also gave information on conditions and prizes of the competition. Next, G. Huseynova talked on Intel Training Academy operating during the contest each year. She noted that countries, which first time participated in the contest, were acquainted on preparation and conduction of national competitions. And based on these recommendations, there was prepared an action plan for Azerbaijan. She informed attendees with some articles of this plan.

On 22-29 July, in Pattaya city of Thailand was held the 23rd International Olympiad in Informatics of pupils.

The member of Azerbaijani team Azad Salahli has won a bronze medal in the Olympiad.  The first International Olympiad in Informatics was held in 1989. It has played an important role in the development of education and innovative education technologies of the world countries. Azerbaijan was invited to take part in the Olympiad in 1993. However, it has participated in it every year since 1994. In 1996, 1997, and 2004 Azerbaijani pupils have won bronze, and in 2003, silver medals. 304 pupils from 77 countries took part in the XXIII International Olympiad in Informatics. The number of countries participated in the Olympiad could be compared just with the Mathematics Olympiad. Currently, along with the Olympiad in Informatics, under the aegis of UNESCO, there are held 12 International Olympiads of pupils in the scientific field.  According to the rules of International Olympiad in Informatics, each team should comprise 4 pupils. As previous years, this year the results of Republican Olympiads, Programming Olympiad among students, Online International Olympiads, as well as ages of pupils were taken into account in the composition of the team. The main point of the last one is a preference among two pupils having the same results is given to pupil, who studied at the junior class. In Thailand Olympiad, Azerbaijan was represented by team comprised of pupils of VIII – XI classes.  The training of Azerbaijani pupils was held at Olympiad Centre established in the Centre for Education and Innovation of Institute for Information Technologies of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. The preparation for Olympiad was conducted by scientists and experts of Institute for Information Technologies, Baku State University and other higher - education institutions with scientific – methodical and organizational support of Presidential Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Education Ministry, Information Technologies Institute of ANAS, “Infomas” Public Unity, and financial support of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technologies. The team members have been attended lectures and training courses on Combinatorial Analysis, Probability Theory, Graph Theory, and other fields of mathematics. The training courses held from 1 June to 7 July was conducted by the head of Azerbaijani team in International Olympiad in Informatics, associate professor of Baku State University Ramin Mahmudzade. At present, countries, which will host the next olympiads in informatics until 2015 are announced, including the XXIV International Olympiad, which will be held on 22-29 September of 2012 in Italy. The participation of our country in the International Olympiad in Informatics is included to the Olympiad actions system of the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan. The selection of talented children under the direction of Ramin Mahmudzade will be begun in September, and the preparation of these pupils will be begun in October.


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