• Azərbaycan Xalq Cümhuriyyəti hökumətinin 1918-ci il 28 may tarixli qərarı ilə maarif və təhsil üzrə ilk nazirlik-Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyi yaradılıb. Nazirlər Şurasının 30 iyun 1918-ci il tarixli qərarı ilə Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyinin üç şöbədən (ümumi orta təhsil, ali və orta ixtisas təhsili, peşə məktəbləri) ibarət strukturu təsdiq olunub.

    Azərbaycan SSR Xalq Komissarları Sovetinin 28 aprel 1920-ci il tarixli qərarı ilə Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyinin adı dəyişdirilərək Xalq Maarifi Komissarlığı adı ilə yenidən təşkil edilib və ölkədəki bütün təhsil müəssisələri bu qurumun tabeliyinə verilib.

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On September 6 at Hyatt Regency Hotel was held a traditional September Conference of education workers of Baku.

At first, conference attendees visited the Alley of Honours to pay a tribute to the memory and lay a wreath at the tomb of national leader Heydar Aliyev. They also put flowers at the grave of the prominent ophthalmologist, academician Zarifa Aliyeva. The conference was attended by Education Minister Misir Mardanov, deputy chairman of Free Trade Union Committee of Education Workers of Azerbaijan Shaig Asgerov, head of Binagady district Executive Power Ali Gojayev, MPs, representatives of different state and non-government organizations, famous scientists and teachers of the Republic, heads of comprehensive schools, preschool and out-of school establishments, and teachers.  Having congratulated conference attendees on the start of a new academic year, Director of Baku city Education Department Naila Rzagulyeva gave a presentation on the theme of “Results of 2010/2011 academic year and upcoming responsibilities for the new academic year.” Noting the government is providing each citizen with qualitative and continuing education, N. Rzaguliyeva said that there were created comprehensive conditions to improve the quality of education. According to her, due to the care and attention of President Ilham Aliyev, as well as support of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation there were implemented radical reforms in the education field. She noted that an important phase of these reforms has come, and processes of renewal are implemented in the requirements for the content and organization of education. Director of Baku city Education Department have also gave detail information on achievements gained over the past academic year, upcoming responsibilities and gave extensive analysis of shortcomings and problems.  Next, director of school No. 279 of Baku Ogtay Samadov, deputy director of school – lyceum No. 83 Yashar Hamidov, teacher of nursery – kindergarten No. 169 Tabiat Valiyeva, chairperson of Parent Commission of Kindergarten – School – Lyceum Complex Saida Ismayilova, English language teacher of school No. 87 Natavan Dashtiyeva, and Laman Mammadova, who has scored 700 points in the entrance exams, have delivered a speech talking on successive development of the country’s education, events held over the last year and gained achievements.    Speaking at the event Education Minister Misir Mardanov congratulated workers of education on the “Knowledge day.” He estimated as positive the activity of Baku city Education Department highlighting its successes, which are rising year by year. Education Minister noted that the great leader Heydar Aliyev has always been respectful to teachers and attached great importance to the education. He spoke in detail about the care and attention paid by the President Ilham Aliyev to the development of science and education fields of Azerbaijan, as well as events held by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation in this direction. The Minister noted that, today, the country has number of exemplary schools, competent and capable teachers, who teach creatively. He also touched upon other important problems that need to be solved, and gave his advices to education workers. At the end of the conference, there was demonstrated a film devoted to the works done in the education field, achieved successes and activity of Baku city Education Department.

Accreditation of comprehensive schools of the country will start from the new academic year

Initially, this process will cover 11 pilot schools based on the rules for accreditation, the compliance of activity of comprehensive schools with requirements of state educational standards and criteria defined its status. Currently, higher, secondary special and vocational education institutions operating in Azerbaijan are passing the accreditation process. Accreditation of these education institutions is implemented once every 5 years (every 3 years for educational institutions established by foreigners and/or persons without citizenship, foreign legal entities). The Ministry of Education is currently developing the rules for accreditation of preschool education establishments.

All 53 pupils awarded gold and silver medals in the past academic year (37 pupils were awarded gold, 16 silver medals) have shown a high result in the exams for entry to higher education institutions.

As its known, in 2010/2011 academic year for the first time graduates of complete secondary education level, who have gained special achievements during their studies, were awarded gold and silver medals. The award of graduates with gold and silver medals were conducted based on “Rules for awarding gold and silver medals of graduates, who have completed the general education with special achievements,” approved by the Cabinet of Ministries. Results of test and final exams held by the Ministry of Education and test exams held by State Student Admission Commission were considered in awarding gold and silver medals as well. All pupils awarded gold and silver medals have entered to the top universities of the country and the world with the highest scores. What is more, winners of subject Olympiads held in the country and pupils graduated from school with excellent grades have also shown good results in the entrance exams.  

Hotline Service of the Ministry of Education (telephones: 496-34-82; 496-37-61; e-mail address: qaynar-xett@edu.gov.az) received 4153 calls in July and 2479 in August 2011.

Calls received in July were mainly inquiries. They were about admission of teachers for vacant positions through competition, norms for teaching load of teachers for the next academic year, their age limit, appeals against results of the final exams at IX and XI classes, issuance of documents (certificate) on general- education and complete secondary education, external exams, and their results. Other queries reflected issues such as study abroad, recognition of educational documents issued by the universities of foreign countries, calculation of salaries of school teachers and, etc.   The queries on admission of teachers for vacant positions through competition (2590), study abroad (123), results of final exams held at IX and XI classes (310), early admission to the first class (112), issues concerning State Student Admission Commission (267), Azerbaijan International University, which activity has been stopped (36), recognition of educational documents issued by the universities of foreign countries (50), and calculation of salaries of school teachers (35) have been responded. Other calls reflected a desire to get information on different issues. The calls received by the Service in August were mainly inquiries as well. They were connected with pre-school education establishments (35), comprehensive schools (255 calls concerning transfer from one school to another, school uniform, beginning of the new academic year and, etc.), early admission of schools to the first class (328), issues concerning the admission of teachers to work (837), admission of students to the higher and secondary special education institutions (175), study abroad (263), study at sub-bachelor, bachelor and master levels (66). Other queries were reflected different subjects.     All queries were recorded and responded by the Hotline Service assistants.

On September 20, at Buta Palace took place an international conference entitled “From isolation towards integration” within a joint project of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, Azerbaijani Government and UNICEF.

The conference was attended by representatives of 20 countries, including from Germany, Russia, Georgia, Turkmenistan, as well as state and government officials, MPs, and representatives of international organizations. The issues, such as implementation of inclusion for disabled children, support for reforms carried out in this field and etc. were discussed at the conference.  Speaking at an event, Deputy Prime Minister Elchin Afandiyev noted that, Azerbaijan, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary of independence, has achieved historical successes, which were reached by many countries during the decades, over a short period of time, and obtained great progress in the provision of social protection of population. Due to far-sighted policy of national leader Heydar Aliyev, Azerbaijan reached the path of socio-economic development and described itself as an independent subject of international law.   It was noted that, currently, there are 419,598 disabled children, including 59, 207 children with physical disabilities up to the age of 18 years in Azerbaijan. Today, successive measures are taken in the fields of their medical – social rehabilitation and integration into the society. Each year, more than eight thousand people receive help at the rehabilitation centers. On October 2008, our country ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of Disabled People and Facultative Protocol and in 2009 they came into force. Moreover, our country established an active cooperation with the Committee for Social Cohesion of the Council of Europe. This is demonstrating the willingness of Azerbaijan to learn the latest international practice in this field and benefit from it. The Deputy Prime Minister highly praised the work of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation in rendering attention and care to talented disabled people, supporting their creativity and providing their participation in mass cultural events. Next, Executive Director of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Anar Alekberov delivered a message from President of the Foundation, First Lady of Azerbaijan, UNESCO and UNESCO goodwill ambassador, MP Mehriban Aliyeva. According to the message there are many reasons for exclusion of disabled people from society. The restriction of contact with people, creativity and sport deprivation, inability to use their skills, to receive a quality education and health care are major obstacles to their integration into the society. It is not enough to approach to the problems of disabled people just from a medical point of view. The problems faced by them today should be considered as a social factor. Because of the health and physical development of these people specifies their development as an individual, and their future social position. The First Lady of Azerbaijan underlined that we should help disabled people to integrate into the society, to feel themselves as valued and equal citizens of the country and able to benefit from all areas of the life. From this point of view, Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva highly praised the conduction of this conference, which made possible to discuss problems, exchange successes, views and experiences on the protection of disabled people.  Next, there was demonstrated a film of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation devoted to the activity of disabled children. Speaking at the event, representative for the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in Azerbaijan Mark Hereward highlighted important works done by the government of Azerbaijan and the Heydar Aliyev Foundation to ensure the rights of disabled people. He noted that the other structures of the UN have analyzed works done by the Government of Azerbaijan and the Heydar Aliyev Foundation in this field. The document, which will be developed after this analyze, could be the basis for the future cooperation. However, there are still plenty of works to be done in this area. According to him, they are cooperating with Government of Azerbaijan and the Heydar Aliyev Foundation to no child left behind. Next, a video message of Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra conductor Sir Simon Rattle was presented to the attendees. Minister of Labour and Social Protection of Population Fuzuli Alekberov gave a presentation entitled “The rights of disabled people: effort of the Azerbaijani government to fulfill international commitments.” According to him, President Ilham Aliyev successfully continues the policy for the strengthening of social protection of population launched by great leader Heydar Aliyev. By the support of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation a number of boarding schools were overhauled and refurbished. Moreover, important steps were taken to develop the abilities of disabled children.    Speaking at the conference UNICEF Senior Adviser on Children with Disabilities Rosangela Berman-Bieler highlighted that it is the duty of every citizen to assist disabled people. She highly praised works done to integrate disabled people into the society in Azerbaijan. Education Minister Misir Mardanov gave a presentation entitled “Inclusive education in Azerbaijan and policy of deinstitutionalization.” According to him, one of the main priorities of the education policy of Azerbaijan is to create equal opportunities for disabled people to receive a quality education. Noting the Ministry is implemented State Programme for organization of inclusive education for disabled children in Azerbaijan he underlined purposeful works done by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation to organize the education of children with disabilities, orphans, as well as children deprived of parental care. Delivering a speech on the theme of “Situation of disabled people in Azerbaijan: basic information and advice received within the latest study” UNICEF expert on disability issues Chantelle McCabe highlighted the importance of avoiding discrimination against disabled people in any society. She also highly praised the attention and care provided by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation for disabled children. Speaking on the rights of disabled children in Azerbaijan chairperson of State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs Hijran Huseynova noted the great attention provided in the country for this area. According to her, along with the state policy, special contributions of First Lady of Azerbaijan, President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, UNESCO and ISESCO goodwill ambassador, MP Mehriban Aliyeva were made to this field as well. Noting conduction of the number of major events for disabled children within the Year of the Child 2009 proclaimed by the order of the President Ilham Aliyev, she highlighted the study of new child system and experience of developed countries to adopt standards in this field. She noted that the Committee is planning to hold II Child Forum on November of the current year. Next, the conference is continued its work at sessions on different themes. The first session was chaired by the Deputy Chairperson of Milli Majlis (Parliament) Bahar Muradova. Talking about disability issues B. Muradova noted that the parliament will continue its cooperation with international organizations in this direction. Expert of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Ilgar Mustafayev in its presentation entitled “Activity of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation on the development of an infrastructure for disabled people” noted that the Foundation from the first day of its establishment implements humanitarian projects, and takes major steps to promote our cultural heritage and provides the care for disabled children. Moreover, the Foundation has established data centers for blind and visually impaired children to use the internet resources.  Mr. I. Mustafayev noted that the President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva has made exceptional contributions to establish high principles of humanism in the society. Her humanitarian mission on disadvantaged groups encompasses disabled children as well. Moreover, at the conference were made presentations on the themes of “The role of organizations working in the field of disability in accepting of people with disabilities in the society,” “Facts about discrimination and stigma of disabled persons constitute a violation of human rights,” “Inclusive education through an inclusive society,” “Early detection and prevention of disability: international standards and effective experience,” “Support for the participation of youth with disabilities in the social life,” “UN Convention on the Rights of Disabled People and its impact on persons with mental retardation,” and, etc.

On September 21, at the building of Presidium of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) took place a scientific – practical conference on the theme of “Historical path of independent Azerbaijan over the past 20 years.”

The conference was attended by the management of Ministry of Education and ANAS, employees of the Ministry, university rectors and intellectuals. At first, attendees of the conference organized by ANAS and Ministry of Education became acquainted with the exhibition entitled “Historical path of independent Azerbaijan over the past 20 years.” Education Minister Misir Mardanov gave a presentation at the conference on the theme of “Forming and developing a new education system in the Independent Azerbaijan Republic.” Expressing his pleasure to meet famous intellectuals of Azerbaijan, the Minister welcomed attendees on behalf of thousands of educators. Noting the conference is held in accordance with the order of the President Ilham Aliyev on “20th anniversary of the restoration of state independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan,” Mr. Mardanov underlined achievements gained in the development of education system over the years of independence.  Noting conditions for implementation of reforms in the education field were established after the national leader Heydar Aliyev returned to the power on people demand in 1993, the Minister talked on the role of great leader in the strengthening of our statehood, including its unexampled activity in the building of national education. Having underlined the state care provided for the education field over the past 20 years, Mr. Mardanov stressed the signing of 16 state programmes for the first time in the history of education of Azerbaijan and, all planned measures within these programmes are successfully being implemented. Moreover, due to the implementation of these programmes developed based on the analysis of the current situation on the development of separate fields of education were built the educational infrastructure in compliance with the latest demands. He also brought to the attention significant achievements gained in the fields of renovation of educational content, implementation of new textbook policy, pre-school, vocational and higher education, study abroad, development of gifted children, deinstitualization and, etc.    There were also given presentations by Prime Vice President of ANAS Arif Hashimov entitled “Natural sciences in Azerbaijan for the past 20 years: existing scientific potential and development prospects,” Vice President of ANAS Naila Valikhanli - “Social and human sciences in Azerbaijan over the years of independence,” Vice Rector of Baku State University Irada Aliyeva - “Development of scientific researches at higher education institutions of Azerbaijan over the years of independence,” and chairman of Nakhchivan Department of ANAS Ismayil Hajiyev - “Development of academic science in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic over the years of independence.” At the end, there was demonstrated a film “Temple of science over the years of independence.”

On September 23, Education Minister Misir Mardanov met with a delegation led by Professor of University of Applied Sciences of Weihenstephan - Troisdorf of Germany, manager of German side for the Initial Vocational Training Development Project in the field of agriculture, Herbert Strobel.

Education Minister Misir Mardanov welcomed the guests and talked about the importance of ongoing projects implemented to develop vocational education in Azerbaijan. Noting this work is well under way, he is highly praised the Initial Vocational Training Development Project, and underlined the readiness of the Ministry to provide relevant support in its implementation. Expressing his hope for the successful implementation of the project, which will be financed by the European Union and Government of Azerbaijan, the Minister, stressed that joint efforts will contribute to the improvement of personnel training in the field of agriculture of Azerbaijan. He underlined the importance to choose the appropriate establishment and create relevant conditions there for implementation works planned on this project. Mr. Herbert Strobel thanked the Minister of Education for the warm welcome and gave information on planned works that will be jointly implemented within the project. According to him, the key provisions of the project are to improve staff training system in the field of agriculture, provide the training of teachers and study labor market demands. Mr. Strobel also talked about the selection of relevant establishment to carry out the project, and works planned to be implemented at this establishment. In addition, he put forward his ideas on the creation of positive working environment for experts, who will work within the project, and other issues.   At the meeting, the sides discussed issues concerning the organization of trips to Germany to become familiar with the situation in the vocational education, and other planned issues on the successful implementation of the project.

On 23 September, Education Minister Misir Mardanov met with an international expert in Quality Assurance in Higher Education María Jose Lemaitre, representatives of the World Bank Sachiko Kataoka and Meskerem Mulatu.

Noting activities to assure the quality of higher education, Misir Mardanov underlined the cooperation between the World Bank and Ministry of Education has given its positive results, and projects signed up to this day are successfully implemented. Moreover, the Minister touched upon necessary steps that need to be taken to develop ties. According to him, there was created the relevant expert group to implement joint activities at a high level, and international experts positively evaluated the innovations occurring in the education field of Azerbaijan. Moreover, the Minister of Education talked on results of reforms implemented in the education field over recent years and, from this viewpoint, stressed the positive aspects of cooperation with the World Bank. According to him, a progress has been made at all levels of education due to the cooperation with the World Bank. An international expert in Quality Assurance in Higher Education María Jose Lemaitre thanked the Minister for the warm welcome and for information on works done in the education area. The guest noted the existence of fruitful relationship between the World Bank and Ministry of Education. Moreover, she put forward her ideas about the quality assurance in higher education, licensing and accreditation of education institutions, as well as the experience of Azerbaijan in this direction. Next, there were held discussions on further cooperation between the World Bank and Ministry of Education, quality assurance in higher education, on global experience in licensing and accreditation of education institutions and, etc.

On September 26, Education Minister Misir Mardanov met with Joel McConnell, Financial Aid Officer at Instituto de Empresa Business School of the Kingdom of Spain, and Liudmila Ishchenko, Associate Director for Central Europe and CIS International Development Department.

Having warmly greeted the guests, Education Minister Misir Mardanov, talked about relationship between Azerbaijan and Spain and highlighted the importance to the further development of the educational ties. He gave information on ongoing reforms implemented in the country in recent years, and state care provided for the education field. Moreover, the Minister stressed the signing by the President an Executive Order on ‘National Education Development Strategy of Azerbaijan in 2011-2021.’ Mr. Mardanov highlighted Instituto de Empresa Business School being one of the best higher education institutions in the world. According to him, currently, Azerbaijan has two students studying Business Management Programme at IE Business School to gain a Masters level degree, and two students have graduated from this school within the ‘State Program on the education of Azerbaijani youth abroad in the years 2007-2015.’ The Minister emphasized the role of the School in training business professionals worldwide and stressed that he considers establishing ties with IT Business School is important.  Having thanked the Minister for the warm reception Joel McConnell, Financial Aid Officer at IE Business School, gave information on this education institution. Noting the IT Business School is ranked among top 10 Business Schools in the world, the guest underlined, currently, students from more than 80 countries studying there. According to him, the main goal of the meeting is to provide the education for Azerbaijani youth on different programmes of IT Business School within the ‘State Program on the education of Azerbaijani youth abroad in the years 2007-2015,’ as well as scholarships offered by the IT Business School. Therefore, they intend to hold meetings at higher education institutions of Azerbaijan, and with other government agencies. The Minister praised the proposal put forward by guest and expressed readiness to render any help to develop the cooperation.  At the meeting, guests were offered to visit Azerbaijan State Economic University, State Oil Academy and Qafqaz University.

On September 27, at the Azerbaijan State Economic University took place a solemn ceremony devoted to the 80th anniversary of the university.

The event was attended by state and governmental officials, MPs, ambassadors of foreign countries to Azerbaijan, university rectors from Russia, Turkey, Northern Cyprus, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and other countries, heads of leading universities, scientific centres of the country and representatives of society. Before the ceremony, there was held an opening of memorial plaque dedicated to the national leader Heydar Aliyev, who had studied at this building at the main body of the university from 1952 to 1957. Next, attendees visited the memorial to the great leader at the foyer of the university and put flowers on it. Speaking at the opening of the event Education Minister Misir Mardanov said that on September 26, 2011 President Ilham Aliyev has signed an order on awarding a Shohrat Order (Order of Glory), Tereggy (Progress) medal and Honored Teacher title to some employees of the Azerbaijan State Economic University. He has read these orders to attendees, and congratulated awardees. The Minister estimated the conduction of 80th anniversary of the university and award of its staff as a specific example of care and attention provided by the President for the education field and educators. And thanked the President Ilham Aliyev on behalf of educators.   Noting the 80th anniversary of the university is one of the major events at the education history of Azerbaijan, the Minister thanked all guests, representatives of the state bodies most of whom are the university graduates and MPs for their acceptance of invitation to attend the event. He highly praised the fact that the most famous scientists, particularly, three winners of the Nobel economics prize, as well as a great-grandchild of Nobel had participated in the event and described this as an attention paid to the comprehensive reforms implemented in Azerbaijan.   Misir Mardanov also noted that a historical building of the university, in which a great leader Heydar Aliyev had studied, was refurbished over the last year by the order of the President and there were created good conditions for students. In his speech, he also touched  upon the measures implemented to develop the higher education of the country, and emphasized due to the care and attention provided by the President the logistical base at almost all universities was renovated. According to him, today, more than 7 thousand of foreigners are studying at universities of Azerbaijan. Considering that fact as an indicator of respect for the education of Azerbaijan in the world Mr. Mardanov stressed that more than 10 thousand of Azerbaijani citizens are continuing their education at prestigious universities of foreign countries. At the end of its speech the Minister congratulated the staff of University on 80th anniversary on behalf of all educators and wished them every success in the development of economics in the country. Rector of ASEU, MP Shamsaddin Hajiyev gave a detailed presentation on the 80-year development history of the university, on contributions made ​​by the university to economics and education of the country, reforms undertaken at the university over recent years. Next, winners of the Nobel Prize for Economics Eric Maskin, Finn E. Kydland, and Christopher Pissarides, chairman of the Central Bank of Azerbaijan Elman Rustamov, Rector of Azerbaijan Medical University Ahliman Amiraslanov, Rector of Baku State University Abel Maharramov, vice-chairman of New Azerbaijan Party Ali Akhmedov, chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation Sattar Mehbali, chairmen of parliamentary committees Rabiyyat Aslanov, Ziyad Samadzade, first vice-president of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Arif Hashimov, Rector of Azerbaijan State Agricultural University Mirdamad Sadigov, rector of Azerbaijan University of Languages ​​Samad Seyidov congratulated the staff of ASEU on its anniversary, and spoke about the important role of University in the economic growth of the country.


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11 Fevral – Qadınlar və Qızlar Elmdə Beynəlxalq Günüdür. Bu günün qeyd olunmasında məqsəd qadın və qızların elm və texnologiyadakı rolunun vacibliyini göstərməkdir. #ElmVəTəhsilNazirliyi #11Fevral #QadınlarvəQızlarElmdə


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