• Azərbaycan Xalq Cümhuriyyəti hökumətinin 1918-ci il 28 may tarixli qərarı ilə maarif və təhsil üzrə ilk nazirlik-Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyi yaradılıb. Nazirlər Şurasının 30 iyun 1918-ci il tarixli qərarı ilə Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyinin üç şöbədən (ümumi orta təhsil, ali və orta ixtisas təhsili, peşə məktəbləri) ibarət strukturu təsdiq olunub.

    Azərbaycan SSR Xalq Komissarları Sovetinin 28 aprel 1920-ci il tarixli qərarı ilə Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyinin adı dəyişdirilərək Xalq Maarifi Komissarlığı adı ilə yenidən təşkil edilib və ölkədəki bütün təhsil müəssisələri bu qurumun tabeliyinə verilib.

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The third round of the Best Secondary School competition 2010/2011 has finished; the Best Teacher competition is continued.

The third round of the Best Secondary School competition 2010/2011, held according to the Order of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan of September 4, 2007, on the launch of Best Secondary School and Best Teacher awards, has finished; the Best Teacher competition is continued.
This year, 425 teachers have submitted documents to take part in the Best Teacher competition. Documents of 10 teachers were rejected for the inadequacy in the requirements. Documents of 415 were analysed.
156 (37.5 per cent) teachers submitted documents for the competition are from Baku, 42 (10 per cent) teachers from school subordinated to the Ministry of Education, 39 (9.3 %) teachers from Sumgayit and 178 from other cities and districts. This year, teachers of Naftalan city, Agdam, Gobustan, Dashkesen, Yardimli, Kelbejer, Neftchala, Gedebey, Lachin, Tartar, Saatli, Sabirabad, Khocavend, and Khojali districts have not submitted the documents for the competition.
According to the results' analysis for teachers, whose documents were accepted to the Best Teacher competition, 217 out of 415 (52.2 per cent) teachers have collected 1.3-3.8 scores, and deserved the right to participate in the second round of the competition. From 217 teachers 57 are primary teachers, 35 English teachers, 25 Azerbaijani language and literature teachers, 23 History, 20 Mathematics, 12 Geography, 11 Biology, 9 Physics, 6 French, 5 Chemistry, 4 Information Science, 2 German, 2 Russian (Russian sector), 1 physical training, 1 military training, 1 Russian (Azerbaijani sector) and 1 Fine Art teachers.
Presentations given by 55 teachers were estimated by the relevant commission. The presentations of others will be estimated until the end of the next month.
The best 95 presentations will be announced the winner of the competition. As usual, 5 winners of the Best Teacher competition will be chosen among teachers of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.
This year, 145 schools representing different regions of the country have addressed to the Organizing Committee to take part in the Best Secondary School competition. According to the report, it is 22 schools more compared to the last year. 63 (43 per cent) of them are representing Baku, 82 (57 per cent) other cities and districts.
The indicators of schools that submitted documents to participate in the competition will be estimated by the ten-point system. According to the results' analysis, 108 out of 145 (74 per cent) schools have collected 2.3-7.8 scores and gained a right to participate in the contest. Directors of four schools did not take part in the third level of the contest for the reasonable excuse. According to the rules, 104 schools will be defined based on the quality percent of pupils of IX and Xi classes that they will demonstrate on subject exams. The results of all three rounds of the contest will be estimated, and 47 winner schools will be defined by Jury. Three winners of the Best Secondary School will be selected among schools of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic as in past years.

08.07.2015 - 16:52