• Azərbaycan Xalq Cümhuriyyəti hökumətinin 1918-ci il 28 may tarixli qərarı ilə maarif və təhsil üzrə ilk nazirlik-Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyi yaradılıb. Nazirlər Şurasının 30 iyun 1918-ci il tarixli qərarı ilə Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyinin üç şöbədən (ümumi orta təhsil, ali və orta ixtisas təhsili, peşə məktəbləri) ibarət strukturu təsdiq olunub.

    Azərbaycan SSR Xalq Komissarları Sovetinin 28 aprel 1920-ci il tarixli qərarı ilə Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyinin adı dəyişdirilərək Xalq Maarifi Komissarlığı adı ilə yenidən təşkil edilib və ölkədəki bütün təhsil müəssisələri bu qurumun tabeliyinə verilib.

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Schoolchildren received unsatisfactory scores on one or more subjects in the final examinations of the secondary school level retaking the exam from that subject (subjects) in the next school year.

Pupils, who did not attend the re-examination due to an unreasonable excuse or again have received the unsatisfactory score, are taking final exams from all subjects by the extern in the next school year. Individuals wishing to take final exams by the extern should address the request to the Education Departments of districts (cities) during the 1-20 April of each year, and take the first stage exams on subjects not entered to the final exams holding in the centralized order. As the decision on the entrance of these pupils to exams has been made, the relevant documents with the accompanied letter of the Education Departments of regions (cities) should be delivered to the Ministry until May 25.
Schoolchildren debarred from the final exams due to poor assessment, which they have received from one or more subjects in the previous school year, also could address the request to the school where they were originally studied until 1-20 April of each year, and at school defined by the Education Departments of districts (cities) take the first stage exam on the subject (subjects) from which they have received the unsatisfactory score. As the decision on the entrance of these pupils to exams has been made, the relevant documents with the accompanied letter of the Education Departments of regions (cities) should be delivered to the Ministry until May 25. 
Individuals that were unable to take part in exams due to their knowledge assessment absence and could not finish their general or comprehensive study level on time, as well as wish to receive the relevant scholastic document have the opportunity to retake exams by the extern as well. Individuals who wish to take the exam by the extern could address the request to the Education Departments of areas (cities) during 1-20 April of each year and take the exams on the subjects not entered to the final examinations holding in centralized order. As the decision on their entrance to exams has been made, the relevant documents with the accompanied letter of the Education Departments of regions (cities) should be delivered to the Ministry until 25 May.

08.07.2015 - 16:52