• Azərbaycan Xalq Cümhuriyyəti hökumətinin 1918-ci il 28 may tarixli qərarı ilə maarif və təhsil üzrə ilk nazirlik-Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyi yaradılıb. Nazirlər Şurasının 30 iyun 1918-ci il tarixli qərarı ilə Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyinin üç şöbədən (ümumi orta təhsil, ali və orta ixtisas təhsili, peşə məktəbləri) ibarət strukturu təsdiq olunub.

    Azərbaycan SSR Xalq Komissarları Sovetinin 28 aprel 1920-ci il tarixli qərarı ilə Xalq Maarifi Nazirliyinin adı dəyişdirilərək Xalq Maarifi Komissarlığı adı ilə yenidən təşkil edilib və ölkədəki bütün təhsil müəssisələri bu qurumun tabeliyinə verilib.

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On March 10 at the Ministry of Education was held a meeting on the theme of “Current situation connected with the application of new funding mechanisms in the higher education, initial results and proposals.”

The meeting was attended by Education Minister Misir Mardanov, Finance Minister Samir Sharifov, and Deputy Head of the Cabinet of Ministers Department Gurban Amirov, as well as heads of higher educational institutions.
Education Minister Misir Mardanov welcomed the attendees and gave a presentation on the theme of “Current situation connected with the application of new funding mechanisms in the higher education, initial results and proposals.” According to the Minister within the President Ilham Aliyev’s order on “Application of New Funding Mechanisms at Higher Educational Institutions” issued on February 10, 2010, since 2010-2011 school year, the funding of higher educational institutions at the expense of the state budget has been implemented based on per capita funding. He informed that workers of the Ministries of Education, Finance, and Economic Development are holding regular meetings to discuss the application of new funding mechanisms in higher education. Moreover, normative documents were prepared within the application of new funding mechanisms. He also gave information on the acceptance plan approved according to the State order for the bachelor and master’s levels. 
According to the Minister funds allocated to the Ministry of Education to fund staff training were distributed to the account of 33 universities. The Minister said that regardless of the form of property and their subordination, equal conditions were created for all higher educational establishments due to the application of new funding mechanisms, as well as a wide range of options for entrants and students to choose from. Mr. Mardanov underlined the assistance of the Ministries of Education and Finance to universities within new funding mechanisms and noted there were prepared the proper documents on paying off tuition fee of the refugee students at the expense of state budget.
The Minister noted that the number of students admitted to universities in accordance with the state order has decreased due to the new funding mechanism. However, the number of students admitted on the paid education base has increased. According to him the funds allocated to staff salaries from the extra-budgetary expenditures will be increased. Furthermore, he gave information on the initial results of the application of new funding mechanisms, expressed its ideas on staff training issues, and made some proposals.
Finance Minister Samir Sharifov noted the importance of holding regular meetings at the Ministry of Education connected with the application of the new funding mechanism. According to him, extra-budgetary expenditures for universities and spending for the staff training should be organized more efficiently. From this viewpoint, he reminded the seminar/meeting of chief accountants of universities that was held with the participation of officials of the Ministries of Education and Finance, and underlined that the Ministry of Finance will further provide any assistance to support the development of universities. 
At the end the attendees exchanged views around of the discussed issue.

08.07.2015 - 16:52