Education is the future of the nation!
Public Higher Education Institutions/ Under Other State Organizations
1. Azerbaijan State Agricultural University |
Ganja, Ataturk ave,450 |
2. The Academy of Public Administration Under The President of The Republic of Azerbaijan |
Lermontov st, 74 |
3. Azerbaijan Tourism and Management University |
K.Rahimov st, 822/23 |
4. Azerbaijan State Marine Academy |
Zarifa Aliyeva st,18 |
5. “ADA” University |
A. Aghaoghlu st, 11 |
6. National Aviation Academy |
Mardakan ave,30 |
7. Baku Higher Oil School |
Khocalı ave,30 |
8. Azerbaijan State Academy of Physical Education and Sport |
Fatali khan Khoyiski ave,98 |
9. Azerbaijan Medical University |
Samad Vurghun st, 165 |
10. Baku Choreography Academy |
Rashid Behbudov st,75 |
11. Azerbaijan Institute of Theology |
Ahmad Jamil st, 41a |
12. Moscow State University named after M. Lomonosov (Baku branch) |
Khocasan district, University st,1 |
13. 1st Moscow State Medical University named after IM Sechenov (Baku branch) |
Huseyn Javid st,131 |